Monday, June 05, 2006


A Report
Bruce Davis
June 4, 2006

One of the discussions we had in putting together the “Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives” capital campaign was whether to announce a goal. We decided to simply state the total debt, five million dollars, and let the proverbial chips fall where they would. That said,
I had a number in mind—a number I’ve been sharing for months with the campaign leadership and others who have asked: 2.6 million dollars.

How did I arrive at that number? Two factors (unless you count the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which would make it three): First, 2.6 fit in nicely with what had been committed in the original “Share To Build Campaign,” where 2.3 million was actually received. This is considered axiomatic: it’s much easier to raise money for a new building than for debt reduction. It was hard to know what to even hope for, this time around, but anything approaching the number committed in the 2002 building campaign would clearly be cause for great thanksgiving. Second, 2.6 million would put us on target to cut the five million dollar debt in half over the three years of this campaign.

I am therefore absolutely thrilled to announce that as of this morning, commitments to the “Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives” campaign stood at $2,582,397. This is gratifying testimony to the graciousness of God and the generosity of the people of St. Andrew’s .

As we’ve been saying, this is a very important step in reaching the larger goal of putting St. Andrew’s on solid financial footing. The next step starts right now with accountability. We’ve got the mechanics in place to ensure that your money gets where we’ve promised it will go. “Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives” donations will be passed on straight to the bank, applied directly to principle, with a corresponding decrease in interest payments. What you give one month, will decrease our interest cost the next. With interest payments decreasing as donations are received, there are obvious advantages to front-loading your giving—as in, the sooner the better.

I suppose this is obvious, too, but I’ll say it anyway. This capital campaign is a major achievement, but will do us little good if we don’t continue to be faithful in funding the annual budget, which includes programming, salaries, utilities, and yes interest payments. St. Andrew’s aspires to be an excellent church. There is no such thing as an excellent church without excellent stewardship. That’s the truth.

As thankful as I am for the funds committed, I’m perhaps even more thankful for this: One of the things that concerned me most, coming into St. Andrew’s last September, was the prospect of immediately going to work on a capital campaign. The line we used as early as our second Sunday here, that became part of our campaign prayer, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?” is
one I’ve dealt with very personally these past eight-plus months.

I can say without qualification that this campaign has been one of the most blessed experiences of my ministry. “Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives” has served as a genuine rallying point for this congregation of great and generous souls. That’s something to celebrate!

To all who have given leadership and service in this campaign, Nancy and I say, “Well done, good and faithful servants of the Lord.”

To all who have stepped up with commitments, the campaign leadership and I say, “Thank you” from the bottom of our hearts.

To any who may still be pondering your own participation, we invite you to pick up a "Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives" commitment card at the Information Desk in the Rotunda.

To any who have decided, “Not this time,” know that we love you and there will be other times.

To any newcomers, wondering what you’ve walked into this morning, we say, “We’re glad you’re here.” This is a young church, in the process of growing up, growing stronger, growing in the grace and favor of our Lord Jesus Christ--and we would love to have you join us!

To all of you, we ask your prayers as St. Andrew’s moves into what God has planned for us next. Together, we are Sharing, Growing & Changing Lives!