Thursday, July 13, 2006

Plumb Line

Dear Saints Of Andrew:


July 16, 2006

8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Nancy preaches on an issue that has surely touched every family in this congregation, at one level or another:



With Pastor Michael away on the Youth Mission Trip this weekend, Rev. Charlotte will be preaching the 5:00 Saturday evening service. We’ve been very pleased with the response to the Saturday evening worship opportunity. As it was originally designed around Michael, we’ve decided to end the series at the end of July. This does not preclude the possibility of bringing it back next summer, or, for that matter, eventually making it a year round worship option at St. Andrew’s.


Does anyone in A-Mail land have a copy of “Napoleon Dynamite” that I could borrow through the 23rd of this month?


The All-Star game is always fun. I was in the Pittsburgh ball park two summers ago; it's one of my favorites. Particularly cool is the experience of walking from downtown Pittsburgh, across the bridge spanning the river, over to the stadium. It’s just a shame the Pirates are so crummy. My annual baseball/history trip commences two weeks from today, with stops in Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Trenton (I’m particularly interested in the place where Washington crossed the Delaware River), Yankee Stadium, Gettysburg and Baltimore .



Together, Inc., located on 16th and Cass, is in need of volunteers to help sign up clients for their back-to-school drive. If anyone is available to help on July 25th or 26th, anytime between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm, please contact Susan of Together, Inc. at 345-8048 ext. 203.


The Red Cross will be here taking blood this Sunday morning, July 16, 7:30 through noon. If you have a pint to give, it would be appreciated!



The Gospel According To Mark

Monday Evenings, August 7, 14, 21 & 28

6:30-7:45, Led By Pastor Bruce

There is no cost to this; the only book you need is a Bible, but we’ll appreciate knowing how many to plan for, so please RSVP via return e-mail.


RICHARD H. has been doing a lot of mural work for Faith-Westwood UMC. This editor has seen the murals with his own eyes, and they are very impressive. On Sunday, July 30, Faith-Westwood will be holding a religious arts celebration. Evening hours are 6:00-8:00. Richard’s murals will be featured, along with the work of other artists, and there will be a jazz band and such. If you have art you’d like to exhibit yourself, contact Richard at 490-7026.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Zach G., who has completed the high risk treatments; pray for healing of the ITP. Prayers for Dr. John and Wendy L., traveling to Germany on July 22nd, returning on August 8th; pray for traveling mercies and a good visit with his mother, who is ill.


We ask your prayers on our Youth Ministry Task Force: Deb H. and Nate U. from the Staff-Parish Committee, Youth Parents C. Roberts and Nancy B., and, from the youth group itself, Erin C. and Trevor T., as they endeavor to discern God’s will for what happens next with our Ministry To Youth. Your prayer might look something like this: “Lord, we ask you lift up the right person for this ministry, and to give us grace to recognize the person you have lifted up.”


Amos 7:7-9

This is what the Lord God showed me: the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. And the LORD said to me, "Amos, what do you see?" And I said, "A plumb line." Then the Lord said, "See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people ; I will never again pass them by; the high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword."

COMMENTARY: When I was serving First United Methodist in St. Joseph, Missouri, Dr. James A. Simpson and I had a weekly radio show we called “Plumb line,” per this verse from Amos. A plumb line is a measuring tool. Both the people and nation of were to be measured by the plumb line of the Lord’s righteousness. Amos was particularly concerned about the morality or lack thereof in a culture that practiced conspicuous consumption and devoted many energies to pleasure, while others were mired in hopeless poverty. It’s a fascinating book, not very long, inviting each reader to ask: "If the Lord were to measure me today, by the straight edge of the plumb line, how would I line up?"
