Friday, June 23, 2006


June 25, 2006
Nancy Davis preaching
9:15: VBS Celebration

Greetings from Fiesta!

330 kids each day, 130 volunteers each day and 330 parents dropping off and picking up each day! The children in the streets of Omaha were “fired up about Jesus!” What a great week! Thanks to all to shared their time this week!

We want to share with you what we learned at the 9:15 service this Sunday. Join in the fun and experience Jesus love through the mouths and hearts of our children. A Mariachi band will be roaming the streets to serenade you as well! Hope to see you Sunday!

We will not have Sunday School at 10:45 as we will be celebrating our week with donuts/bagels after the 9:15 service.

In the Spirit of Children!

Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee met this week to decide on a plan for finding a replacement for Pastor Michael P. We are excited by the plan that evolved over the course of our meeting. Here is a summary of that plan.
1 -- We will seek a lay person to replace Michael (as opposed to an appointed ordained pastor). There are many reasons for this decision, and we are confident that this gives us the greatest opportunity for finding an outstanding guide for our youth.
2 -- We will appoint a task force to conduct our search. The task force will review applicants and resumes, and will send 3 or 4 top candidates to the SPRC for final selection. The task force will include 2 SPRC members, two parents, and two youth.
3 -- There is nothing we can really communicate about a time line, other than to say that we will work aggressively to fill the gap left by Michael's departure. That said, finding a great Youth Director is our first priority. Finding one quickly is our second priority. The SPRC, along with Bruce and Nancy, recognizes both the value of Michael's contributions over the past few years and the importance of this position for the future of St. Andrew's. I am confident that we will find a wonderful guide for our youth.
C. Todd CookChair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Karen, undergoing chemotherapy for cancer (niece of Carol O., cousin of Curtis O.).
PSALM 133: Oh, how good and pleasant it is, when brethren live together in unity! It is like fine oil upon the head that runs down upon the beard, on the beard of Aaron, and runs down upon the collar of his robe. It is like the dew of Hermon that falls upon the hills of . For there the LORD has ordained the blessing: life for evermore.

COMMENTARY: The Lord likes it when His people get along. I am very thankful for the spirit of unity that is so evident at St. Andrew’s this summer. I count it a blessing running down my beard!