Friday, June 09, 2006

June 7, 2006

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
Our newest members are:
Julie M.
David and Carrie J.
Dustin and Kiersten D.
Gil, Nina, and Cassandra H.
Michelle J.

*I’m writing this from downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Nancy and I rolled in here mid-afternoon today. My brother landed us a couple of box seats to this evening’s Cardinals game. The new ballpark is everything I could have hoped for,with classic design and state-of-the-art features. It reminds me somewhat of the old, old Busch, at Grand and Dodier. Nancy and I were in Kansas City yesterday. It being the 6th day of the 6th month of 2006, Nancy wanted to see “The Omen.” Few scenes in contemporary cinema have freaked me out as much as “It’s all for you, Damien!”—though the lady in the remake wasn’t as creepy as her predecessor. There was lots of stuff about Catholics, of course. Have you ever noticed the anti-Christ is rarely identified as a United Methodist? Nancy just walked through and wants me to tell you we have a gorgeous view of the Arch—and the wind isn’t blowing.

*THIS SUNDAY June 11, 2006 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 Michael Patzloff preaching. We also offer a Saturday Evening worship, 5:00, in the Family LifeCenter.

*>From JIM M., regarding HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: I'd like to thank the 30-40people that participated this weekend in framing the house for Habitat. This year the framing was easier and yet at times more difficult than in years past. Our busiest time was during the morning, then we unfortunately ran into some delays in the afternoon as only our master framer Chuck could handle some work that needed to be done. No doubt that this house is different and more difficult than any other house we've done before. Its a five bedroom house with a garage and basement. We did however get an entire house framed (inside, outside, and the roof). That's quite an accomplishment that you should all be proud of for one day's work. This will be a great house for the couple with six children to move into later this summer. We should have our own show: "ST. ANDREW'S EXTREME HOME ADDITION".
HABITAT PANCAKE BREAKFAST, June 11th after Church: This weekend we will have a pancake breakfast to help contribute donations to pay for the “Habitat” house.Come to church hungry for breakfast and enjoys some good food.


*PASTOR CHARLOTT asks: Prayers for Barb W., having surgery on June 7th (Judy W.'s mother). Prayers for Inez P., experiencing serious health issues (Joanne C.’s mother). Prayers for Dorothy R. who has torn ligaments in her hip; pray, also, for wisdom for the doctors. Prayers for Carol B., preparing for tests for a stomach growth; great concern regarding the results(Susan B.’s mother). Prayers for Herb C., dying of cancer (brother of Ed C.). Prayers for Sally D., experiencing complications from surgery (Diane D.’s daughter’s mother-in-law). Prayers for Anna S., preparing for neuro-surgery on June 12th (daughter of Carolyn and Kevin S.). Prayers for a friend of Dee H. in Colorado, preparing for cancer surgery on June 13th.

*OPPORTUNITY FOR MINISTRY– We have a family in our church who has a special needs child – the parents wish to worship together at 9:15 on Sundays. If you have medical training and would be willing to be on a rotation list of people who will be with the child while the parents worship, please contact Netta P. or call the church. Thank you for your willingness to share in this wonderful opportunity for ministry in our midst.

Please check the MILITARY PRAYER LIST in the Prayer Booklet on the table. If you have a friend or loved one listed there, please contact Pastor Charlotte with any update that might be helpful. If you have a loved one serving in the military, whose name is not listed there and you want it to be, please contact Pastor Charlotte and it will be done. Thank you!

*Remotely Sent, BRD