Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Crossing the Delaware

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

First, let me welcome new readers to A-MAIL. We hope you enjoy these epistles. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
Our newest members are:



We love receiving new members and if you’re interested, please consider attending our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS, August 13, 5:00-6:30. You can sign up in the Rotunda this Sunday or by return e-mail.
On Sunday morning, July 23, I made the following announcements to the congregation: 1) The Capital Funds Campaign has passed the 2.6 million dollar mark in commitments. 2) We’ve already paid down almost $200,000 in principle. 3) This week, an auditing firm is conducting what is called a “Procedures Audit,” to ensure we have the proper accounting in place to be optimal stewards of your generous contributions.
I leave tomorrow for my annual history/baseball tour. This year’s planned stops include Gettysburg, Washington’s Crossing State Park outside Trenton New Jersey, Ford’s Theatre, the Smithsonian National History Museum, and ball games in D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore and Yankee Stadium.

Here’s what’s coming up at St. Andrew’s.

This Sunday, July 30, is PASTOR MICHAEL'S last SUNDAY. Michael, who has served as associate pastor at St. Andrew’s, with particular responsibility in youth ministry, is being appointed as Lead Pastor at Hanscom Park UMC, here in Omaha. Michael will be preaching each of the weekend services. At noon on Sunday, we will honor him with a luncheon/roast.

Nancy is in the pulpit on August 6, with a sermon on the B-I-B-L-E.

I’ve got the 13th: “GRASSLANDS”; my text will be Psalm 90.

On August 20, we’ll be sharing A GREAT MORNING OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC, featuring some of the massive musical talent at St. Andrew’s. On August 27, I’ve got a high-flying message planned: “SUPERMAN IS A METHODIST.”

Nancy brings the message on Labor Day weekend.
STEPPING UP SUNDAY is September 10. Stepping Up Sunday is always a big deal at St. Andrew’s, as we kick off the new season in the church school. Once again, we’ll have a drum corps to lead the children to their classes. The Sanctifications and I are working on “LIGHT MY FIRE.”
As part of Stepping Up Weekend, on Friday evening, September 8, we’ll be holding the FIRST ANNUAL ST. ANDREW’S TRIVIA NIGHT. This is something Nancy and I have done in other places, with good success. We’ll have ten categories of ten questions each. People are seated at tables (you can bring a team of up to eight persons, or we’ll assign you a table/team when you get there). After each question, the table confers, settling on a single answer, written on an answer sheet. After each category, the sheets are collected, with a tally kept. This is a low-key fun and fellowship event. We’ll start at 7:00. There will be pop corn, sodas and such for refreshments. Five bucks a head ought to cover costs.
I’m looking forward to another GUYS BIBLE STUDY. On the four Monday evenings in August, we’ll be covering the Gospel According to Mark. We’ll meet in the Prayer Chapel (Room 101), 6:30-7:45. All guys are welcome to attend. It’s a BYOB affair (Bring Your Own Bible.)
From Children’s Director, NETTA P.:
An exciting, new and different approach to Sunday School! We are currently taking applications for leaders in our classrooms. Please prayerfully consider teaching/leading bi-monthly with other team members. Contact Margie to get the class you prefer!
The first day at Casa del Pueblo was a great success! We shared the gospel through “Fiesta” with 22 children! Their eyes and hearts were filled with wonder as they received a new green shirt, a CD to take home, Bible Buddies and pouches to take home, Chadder (Bible Story) and much more! Thanks to those who took time out of their summer to help out. Some to mention: Steve G., Miss Pam, Judy F., Suzanne D. and sons, Kris S. and Austin, Mark M., Georgi and Ellie P., Ellie R., Sheila C. and T.J., Ellen T., Pastor Nancy and many more who have volunteered for Tuesday and Wednesday. If you would like to volunteer to help or come along to learn you are more than welcome.
Julie M. writes: BLT (Boomer's Laughing Together) PROGRESSIVE PICNIC- The BLT progressive picnic has been scheduled for Saturday, August 12th beginning at 5:00. If you would like to volunteer your home for one of the stops or to sign up to attend, please contact Julie M. at 498-9138 ( or Meg H. at 491-3196. There are also sign up sheets available on the BLT board in the narthex. If you're in the 40 - 55 age range, or a baby boomer, please join us for fun and fellowship.
THE 7th ANNUAL ST. ANDREW'S DINNER AUCTION has been scheduled for NOVEMBER 17, Champions Run Country Club. Stop by the table this Sunday in the Rotunda for information on you can help make this year's event another big success!
Disciple Bible Study
Disciple Bible Study provides daily Bible study and weekly small group gatherings, where participants work together to understand Scripture, and how the Bible impacts us in prayer, fellowship, and ministry. Pastor Nancy will be facilitating a Disciple I class on Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Diana will facilitate a class on Wednesdays from 6 – 8:30 p.m. Stop by the Welcome Table on Sunday and take a look at the curriculum, or contact Diana at Classes will begin the week of August 20th.
NINA H. writes: Here is a wonderful opportunity for you and your family or someone you may know. There are 2 students arriving in Omaha soon to begin their foreign exchange student experience in . They each need a new home family. There is a 17 year old girl from Columbia, and an 18 year old boy from . Both speak English. It is a great chance for you to teach about our American values, and learn about another culture. We had an exchange student last year from and had a wonderful experience. If you are interested please call or e-mail me for more information.Nina Head 964-9664 Or you can go directly to the program coordinator: Daniel Please pass this information on to anyone you think may be interested, and ask them to do the same. Thanks, Nina.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for John J., preparing for surgery on July 25th. Prayers for Inez P., experiencing serious health issues (Joanne C.’s mother). Prayers for Norma H., ill with pneumonia (Richard H.’s mother).
PSALM 23: The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. He revives my soul and guides me along right pathways for his Name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You spread a table before me in the presence of those who trouble me; you have anointed my head with oil, and my cup is running over. Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
COMMENTARY: I hope the beloved Psalm sounds as happy to you this morning as it sounds to me. It was right about a year ago now that Bishop Ann B. Sherer was calling Nancy in Springfield, Missouri (a Friday morning, if I remember correctly), asking if we’d ever considered living in Omaha. Huh. I am so thankful the Lord has brought us to the very green pasture of St. Andrew’s UMC. If the waters have not always been still since we arrived in mid-September, they have been ceaselessly interesting and very gratifying. There is much goodness and mercy to be celebrated. It’s a joy to share this ministry with you.