Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome Bob Davis

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off this list, just let us know.
Speaking of welcome, some terrific new folks were joined to St. Andrew’s on Sunday, including KAYLA P. and NATE W. (who will be married here in September), KEN & CATHY D., MARTIN E., KARA K.E, JOSHUA & JESSICA R., and ROB & JANE W.
We are blessed.

The GREAT DAY OF MUSIC was clearly a big hit. Look for this to become an annual event. I hope the timing whetted some appetites toward getting involved in the St. Andrew’s music ministry. The St. Andrew’s Singers begin a new season of practice tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 7:15.
United Methodists are in shock at the passing of Bishop Rhymes Moncure. He was 61 years old. Bishop Moncure had recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor and there were surgery complications. Rhymes served as the Nebraska Area bishop from 2000-2004. Like Nancy and me, he was from Missouri. In fact, he had been our District Superintendent in St. Louis and was among the officiates (along with current Nebraska Bishop, Ann Sherer) at our wedding. Rhymes was one of the finest preachers I ever knew, with a gift for meeting people and making them feel valued.
Between Carrie T. and myself, we’re having a lot of fun with the web site, including weekly updates to the home page. One of our members said we need to make the St. Andrew’s web page a “destination.” I liked the sound of that.
It’s good to have Bob D. around this week, his first week on the job as Director of Youth Ministries. We invite you to come and meet him tomorrow night (Wednesday) at an Open House, here at the church, 6:30-8:30.
CRAIG B. writes: ARE YOU A RUNNER? Would you be interested in being a part of a St. Andrews running “team”? We are trying to put together a group of St. Andrews runners to participate in the upcoming Omaha Corporate Cup. It will be held September, 17th. You can either run 6.2 miles or walk 2 miles. Your choice! In order to put a team together, we will need to act quickly! The deadline for getting a team entered is September 1st. If you would be interested, please contact Craig B. no later than 8/28. The team fee is $230 and will be split between all who participate, so the more that run/walk the cheaper it is for all!
CHARLOTTE M. asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Herb C. in his recent passing (Ed C.’s brother). Prayers for Doug H., recovering from cancer surgery (Mickey V.’s son-in-law). Prayers for Brooke T.e, recovering from a broken foot, preparing for the arrival of a new baby on August 25th; pray, also, for her husband, Mark. Prayers for Shawna R., preparing for the arrival of a new baby on September 1st; pray, also, for her husband, Corey. Prayers of joy for Matthew and Tina K., in the recent birth of a son, Isaac Matthew (grandson of Darlene and Gregg G.). Prayers for Chad, who is fighting lymphoma (Orv and Darlene S.’s son’s friend). Prayers of sympathy for Bob and Betty D., in the recent passing of their son, Michael (friends of Orv and Darlene S.). Prayers for Debbie S., who is battling breast cancer (sister of Anne L.). Prayers for Gerald R., ill at home; pray for relief from pain and returning strength. Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Bishop Rhymes Moncure, in his recent passing (former Bishop of the Nebraska Area, serving as Bishop of the Dallas Area).
John 1:1-9
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.