Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Rev. Mrs. Davis Speaks

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

This Sunday
August 13, 2006
Bruce preaching:
Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 90
This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30. If you’d like to be involved in conversation about moving toward membership in the congregation, please respond via return e-mail and we’ll set a place for you.
The Breakfast Club, normally scheduled for the second Sunday of each month, will, in August, offer great wake up food on the third Sunday, instead. This Sunday, Adrian A. will tell us how the August 20 Breakfast Club will be the kick-off for what we’re calling, “Lighting Up St. Andrew’s.”

St. Andrew’s has a new Youth Director. His name is BOB D. and he will officially start on August 21. We will have an open house reception to give everyone a chance to meet him on August 23 from 6:30-8:30 in the church rotunda. Bruce and I are both very excited about having Bob join the staff. He brings with him extensive experience in working with youth and family situations.

Bruce and I want to thank the task force, chaired by Deb H., for their work in finding a new Youth Director for us. They met several times to interview applicants and discuss the needs of St. Andrew’s youth and families. Members of the task force were: Trevor T., Erin C., Cathi R., Nancy B., and Nate U.

I know that our youth families have lots of questions about how we are going to proceed in the immediate future with youth ministry. Bob and I are working to get several things in order to help make that process move smoothly. First of all, for those of you who are parents of kids who will be part of the 2007 CONFIRMATION CLASS (eighth graders) there will be one immediate change in scheduling. I have been teaching confirmation for almost 25 years and my preferred way to do this is to hold a 15-16 week class beginning in January. So our 2007 class will begin on January 7 and will meet during the 10:45 worship hour on Sunday mornings. Several of you have already registered your kids for confirmation and I will just hold onto those registrations as we prepare for January. Any of you who have eighth graders are encouraged to go ahead and register as well, so we will have your kids’ names and information as we plan for January. If you have questions about this, please call me. Some of you may also want to know about the PAINT-A-THON that Michael scheduled as a required activity for confirmation students. This will not be a requirement this year but since it has been scheduled I am hoping that many of you will still participate. You can find out about this by calling Bill P. This event is scheduled for August 19.

I am also going to be forming two councils to aid Bob in his work. One will be a PARENTS’ ADVISORY COUNCIL. This group of twelve will meet monthly with Bob to give feedback and ideas for ministry. This group will also be asked at various times to help enlist volunteers and chaperones for events. If you are a parent of a youth (6th grade through 12th) and would like to serve on this group, please call me right away, as I want to get this council together as soon as possible (only one parent per family, please). I would like to have a good mixture of parents from both middle and senior high classes.

The second council I will form will be a YOUTH COUNCIL, made up of representatives from each of the classes in the youth group. This group will also work with Bob on developing programs, as well as developing policies for handling problems that might arise within the group. If you are a member of our youth group and would like to serve on this council, will you please call me (one youth per family, please). I am hopeful that we can get these two councils started as soon as possible so call me right away..

As to other programs for youth, please keep an eye on A-mails, Sunday bulletins, and newsletters. We will let you know about these things as soon as they are put together. If you have questions or concerns about the program, please call or e-mail me so we can discuss them.

Grace and Peace,
THIS IS BRUCE AGAIN. I’M REPEATING THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE, WHICH APPEARED ON MONDAY, BECAUSE THERE WERE APPARENTLY SOME ERRORS IN TRANSMISSION: As announced last week in this space, we have hired a new youth director. I’ve been very confident about the search. Within twenty-four hours of the initial posting we had a great candidate—though not the one who was ultimately chosen. Bob (no relation) D. surfaced at about the two week mark. Bob brought some very exciting gifts to the conversation. First and foremost, he has lots of experience working with youth, specifically through Boys & Girls Town and Lutheran Family Services. My experience in ministry has led me to put youth in two categories: kids at risk and kids at potential risk. The most “together” young person can fall apart so fast. The prospect of bringing someone on staff with a track record of working with “at risk” kids was very appealing to me. Nancy checked out his references and heard glowing reports of how well Bob relates to young people. These are things that can’t be taught. Bob does not have experience working on a church staff; happily, that CAN be taught. Nancy operates as Chief of Staff around here, and she will be supervising Bob’s program of education, putting him in touch with veteran youth leaders and youth specialty training opportunities. It may not surprise you that Nancy and I have some definite ideas about youth ministry and the prospect of “teaching” Bob adds to our excitement. And Bob brings this as well: a genuine, heart-felt faith. He is married to a terrific woman, Tammy, who is herself on staff at Boys & Girls town, and is extremely supportive. They have two live-wire little girls. We are really going to enjoy these people. BRD
St Andrew's Presents the 7th Annual Dinner Auction:
"A Night at the Oscars"
November 17th, 2006, Champions Run Country Club
Buy tickets now through September & be eligible for a special drawing!
We are looking for donations, including: sporting events/memorabilia, entertainment, house wares, holiday, children's items, jewelry. We would greatly welcome frequent flier miles & Hotel points! Please call if you want to volunteer & can help with any above items: Kevin & Stacey F., Greg & Pam T.
NETTA P. writes: VBS decorations came home today from being on tour in surrounding areas. Since they left St. Andrew's after Fiesta, here are the churches and children that were blessed with their presence: (I know I lost track of them at some points but this is what I know!) New Life Baptist Church, Thanksgiving Lutheran Church, Covenant Presb. Church, Grace UMC/La Casa del Pueblo, and 16th & Castelar Presb. Church. WOW! From my best guess, they visited about 794 kids! Thanks Wendy L. and her great team who made this happen! What a great outreach!
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Denise J.’s Aunt Carol, whose cancer has appeared in five places; she is on chemotherapy.
Psalm 90: 1-6, Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You turn us back to dust, and say, ‘Turn back, you mortals.’ For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night. You sweep them away; they are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning; in the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers…