Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. Should you ever desire NOT to receive these mailings, just let us know.


Our newest members are

LEE ANN C., and the brother and sister team of DAVID & GENA F.


This Sunday

August 13, 2006

Bruce preaching:


Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 90


This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30, and if you’d like to be involved in conversation about moving toward membership in the congregation, please respond via return e-mail and we’ll set a place for you.


As announced last week in this space, we have hired a new youth director. I’ve been very confident about the search. Within twenty-four hours of the initial posting we had a great candidate—though not the one who was ultimately chosen. Bob (no relation) surfaced at about the two week mark. Bob brought some very exciting gifts to the conversation. First and foremost, he has lots of experience working with youth, specifically through and Lutheran Family Services. My experience in ministry has led me to put youth in two categories: kids at risk and kids at potential risk. The most “together” young person can fall apart so fast. The prospect of bringing someone on staff with a track record of working with “at risk” kids was very appealing to me. Checked out his references and heard glowing reports of how well Bob relates to young people. These are things that can’t be taught. Bob does not have experience working on a church staff; happily, that CAN be taught. operates as Chief of Staff around here, and she’ll be supervising Bob’s program of education, putting him in touch with veteran youth leaders and youth specialty training opportunities. It may not surprise you that Nancy and I have some definite ideas about youth ministry and the prospect of “teaching” Bob adds to our excitement. And Bob brings this as well: a genuine, heart-felt faith. He is married to a terrific woman, Tammy, who is herself on staff at Boys & Girls town, and is extremely supportive. They have two live-wire little girls. We are really going to enjoy these people.


The new pictorial directories are out. Many thanks to Judy W., who got the project started, and Pat M., who led the “finishing touches” stage. We’ve found some errors, omissions and such already. That’s the nature of putting such a book together, but also reflects issues with our data base and record keeping that became painfully evident during the capital campaign. This summer, Diana F. and I have been going through the computer rolls, name by name, to make sure our lists are accurate, with many corrections already made.


As part of STEPPING UP WEEKEND, on Friday, September 8, St. Andrew’s will host an evening of fun and fellowship: TRIVIA NIGHT. This is an event Bruce and Nancy have used in previous setting with great success. Here’s how it operates. We’ll have ten categories of ten questions each. People are seated at tables (you can bring a team of up to eight persons, or we’ll assign you a table/team when you get there). After each question, the table confers, coming up with a single answer, written on an answer sheet. After each category, the sheets are collected, with a tally kept. We’ll start at 7:00. There will be pop corn, sodas and such for refreshments. Child care, of course, will be provided. We’ll asks five dollars per person to help cover costs. To register, sign up in the Rotunda on Sunday morning or e-mail Pastor Bruce.


DENISE J. writes: The Benevolent Bus Transportation Ministry is a health ministry that was formed to aid those needing transportation to/from health related appointments and to give respite to family members. We are currently looking for a someone to serve on the committee as well as be a driver. We also are in desperate need for volunteer drivers. Please prayerfully consider this ministry as it truly is a blessing to those whom we help along with their family members. Here is an excerpt from a family member whom we have helped:

The Benevolent Bus Ministry means so much to us that it is hard to fully express what a wonderful blessing the folk are, who give of themselves in this way. There are times when, either because of an illness or work schedule, I am unable to get my family member to an important medical appointment. It is then that an SOS call goes out to a driver and, with grace and dignity, the appointment is kept. What a relief to us that we need not cancel at such times. What a blessing it is to not have to add to an already overcrowded and backed-up schedule! The wonderful way the drivers relate to us, is a witness to the love of God in our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and your church family, in this way.”

If you are interested in riding or being a driver, please contact Denise .


DIANA F. writes: Great News!!! The response has been so great that we have added a second Disciple I class on Sunday evenings. There is still space in the Wednesday evening class as well. Disciple III will be offered on Sunday afternoons. There will not be a Disciple II or Disciple IV class this year. If you are interested in Disciple I or III, and these times works for you, contact Diana at by Wednesday, Aug. 9th.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Mary Ann M.d, in her recent passing (grandmother of Heather P.; friend of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Amos N.n, in his recent passing, due to a motorcycle accident (nephew of Mary Ellen B). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Cande B., in her recent death (Mary Ellen B.’s co-worker’s mother). Prayers for Bob N., recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (brother of Dee H.). Prayers for Vernice J., hospitalized with pneumonia (mother of John J.). Prayers for Erik W., transferred to for AIT training (Stacy W.’s husband). Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for strength for our troops, serving in in extreme heat. Prayers for Susan B., recovering from surgery. Prayers for Ruth F., recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (mother of Dave and Gena F.).


Matthew 7:24-27

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.

The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!”
