Friday, February 09, 2007

Be My Valentine

February 11, 2007
Nancy Davis preaching:
Following the 10:45 service, Nancy will be leading a short service of Reaffirmation of Wedding Vows. You don't need to sign up, just show up.
Due to a late cancellation, there is one opening for the Women's Retreat. The cost of the registration fee is $160. Please contact Diana ASAP if you want to attend. The first person who pays the registration fee will get to join us for the Retreat held March 2 - 4.
BLT: If you would like to have a lot of fun and laughs, come and join the BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) group for Laser Tag on Saturday, February 17th. We will be eating Chinese afterwards! The last chance to sign up will be this weekend. Look for the BLT sign-up board in the narthex.
Prayers for Amy and Shawn and their baby, Grace, who was born with problems; for their son Brandon (friend of Scott M.) and for Shawn's son, Christian who is struggling with some teen issues (friends of Trudy M.). Prayers for Blair, who has a respiratory virus and whose leukemia has returned; pray, also for her mother and family (Chris L.'s niece and sister). Prayers for Bernalda N., recovering from surgery (Kevin N.'s mother).
WANTED - someone to bring two of our members to church every other Sunday. They live just north of 90th and Dodge. If you would be willing to participate in this transportation ministry, please contact Pastor Charlotte. Thank you!