Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bon Jour

After a week of croissants, this Panera’s chocolate hazelnut bagel tastes pretty great.
We welcome new readers to A-MAIL, which has been off-line, due to the editor’s absence the past eight days.
January 28, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching:
We’ll have two video segments, including an interview with Lt. Colonel By D., a member of our congregation, recently returned from Iraq, and an ABC news clip that was to have aired at half-time of Super Bowl XXV. We’ll get into the Bible and visit Abraham, Chederlaomer, the tar pits of Siddim, with special attention to King Melchizedek. And, perhaps most important, we’ll pray to the High Priest who makes intercession before the throne. (NOTE: The By D. video will be shown early in the service, so don’t be tardy.)
Since we last corresponded, I’ve walked 186 steps down into the catacombs beneath Paris (that’ll show up in a sermon!); walked 226 steps up the Butte de Lion on the Waterloo battlefield, and have more or less climbed (fell up might be more descriptive) a sand dune on France’s Atlantic coast. This sand dune, I kid you not, was so big it dwarfed the forest below. I’ve eaten Flemish stew, been caught in a howling rainstorm outside Notre Dame, have watched the earth rotate via Foucault’s Pendulum. I’ve followed the trek of St. Denis, who was beheaded for preaching Christ in what the Romans called Lucretia, then picked up his head, walked north, pausing to wash the head, before finally stopping at what would be the site of the first Gothic cathedral.
There was a certain bitter-sweetness to this adventure. When I first scheduled the trip, I thought my daughter and her husband might be moving to the US later this year and I wanted to see their first marital home. I hadn’t reckoned on Mary being pregnant by the time I got there. It was an incredible experience, sharing Mary’s joy—just incredible. But leaving wasbittersweetknowing that she’s going to go through these next six months of pregnancy and have the baby before I see her again.
I’ve heard a lot of good things, already, about last Sunday’ service, including Nancy’s sermon, the only downside being that the foot of snow kept the crowd down.
Here’s the latest from JOYCE C. regarding one of my favorite groups in the church: The BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) Group is planning another fun year of fellowship activities for 2007. This is a great way to get to know others from St. Andrews and have some fun at the same time. If you would like to be included on our email list to receive information when we schedule activities/events --- or if you have questions regarding this fellowship group, please email Joyce C. -- we’d love to have you join us!!!
NETTA P. writes: We are in need of a teacher to finish out the year for our 3rd grade. The Hardings teach every other month so your time commitment would be February and April at 9:15. I would like to get someone immediately to watch the Hardings for a couple of weeks so you can learn the curriculum. You will have an excellent helper, Karen H., working along side with you. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to make a difference in these children’s lives! Contact Netta. Thanks!
From NANCY D.: REGISTRATION FOR WOMEN’S RETREAT IS DUE BY THIS SUNDAY! Hey, ladies – don’t wait till the very last minute (or after the very last minute) to register for the retreat being held on March 2-4 at Mahoney State Park. We’ll start on Friday evening at 7:00 and finish before noon on Sunday. You will have a lot of fun, good fellowship with other St. Andrews women, and blessings from study and sharing. Let Nancy or Diana know you want to register and we’ll get you signed up! Don’t miss it! (NOTE FROM BRUCE: Nancy’s retreats are so popular that women from her two most recent appointments, Ballwin UMC in St. Louis and Campbell UMC in Springfield, Missouri, are already signed up for this one.)
From the world of YOUTH MINISTRY, BOB D. writes: This Sunday is the last day to order Super Bowl Sub-Sandwiches. The profits will go to help fund this years Senior High Mission Trip. The cost is $6 per individual sandwich. Orders will be taken after each service at the youth table located in the Rotunda. Sandwiches will be made fresh on the morning of the Super Bowl February 4th and will be ready for pick up after each service. Thank you for your support of Youth Ministries.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Howard B., in his recent passing (brother of Bette O.; uncle of Megan H.). Prayers for healing and strength for Sue A. and family; Sue was recently diagnosed with cancer – beginning treatment (sister of Yvonne M.). Prayers for Micah H. (daughter of Patti and Chris). Prayers for Upwards Basketball children, coaches, referees, commissioners and families involved. Prayers for Chasidy, that she will carry her baby long enough that it can be strong enough live when it arrives; pray that God will calm them and comfort them during this uneasy time (friend of Heather D.). Prayers for Lisa B., diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (friend of Megan C.). Prayers for Bob B., diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (friend of Megan C.). Prayers for Margie W., preparing for surgery on January 31st. Prayers for Vernice J., moved to a nursing home recently (mother of John J.). Prayers for Pam F., experiencing complications from chemotherapy treatments (Mother of Lisa C.). Prayers for Jim E., who has suffered from a stroke and has recently had emergency brain surgery (Grandfather of Kelly R.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Deanna F., in her recent passing (Aunt of Harlan F.). Prayers for Harold C., who is very ill; pray, also, for his family (Lyle C.’s father). Prayers for Gary, who is having surgery January 24th (coworker and friend of Joyce C.). Prayers for Susan B., recovering from surgery.
Genesis 14:17-20
After (Abram’s) return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the King of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is the King’s Valley.) And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine: he was priest of God Most High. He blessed him and said, “Blessed be Abram by God most High, maker of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand! And Abram gave him one tenth of everything.