Monday, January 08, 2007

Risk-Taking Mission

ELAINE C. is a retired teacher from the Omaha School District. She serves communion at the 8:00 service
MARK S. is the Executive Director of the American Diabetes Association. He will be trained to be a facilitator for DivorceCare.
PATRICK & JENNY P. Patrick is a Project Manager for AT&T with the West Corporation
Jenny is an Account Manager for the West Corporation. Patrick sings in the choir and serves on the Praise Team.
We had 850 people in our worship services on Sunday. Add in 181 kiddies, we get a total count of 1,031. I would add that Nancy and Bob reported 41 young people in Confirmation. 2007 is off to a strong start!
January 14, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching:
”THE MORALITY OF VEGETABLES: Confessions Of A Carnivore”
What WON’T You Do Because of Your Religion?
We’re anticipating a strong turnout for our Gala New Year’s PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS, this Sunday evening, January 14, 5:00-6:30. There’s still room for more. Register via return e-mail or sign up Sunday morning.
STEVE S. WRITES: If you have experience in web design, particularly Flash and Java development, your church website NEEDS YOU!!!! is the front door of St. Andrews in cyberspace. We need that front door to be as welcoming and as well done as possible. There are a great many things we can do with our web site, but not without your help. Please if you have just a few hours in a month consider helping make our churches electronic front door the bestlooking and most welcoming in Omaha. Please call me.
One of the concerns Nancy and I heard from St. Andrew’s, even before we got here in September of 2005, was the perception that the congregation was too “inward/self” oriented. Given the huge investment in the new building, this was perhaps to be expected. We’re taking very intentional steps now to raise the profile of our Matthew Ministries—the primary missions arms of St. Andrew’s—moving the congregation toward an “outward/others” orientation. A Town Hall Meeting in early November put some excellent ideas on the table. A leadership team, headed by Jim and Lynda A. and Penny F., has been processing those ideas and setting priorities. There are a hundred-and-one things we’d LIKE to do; what can we do most effectively? We were very encouraged by the terrific response to several missional opportunities in December, including the Together Inc. Christmas Giving Tree, the Casa Del Pueblo project and a hugely successful Food Challenge. Habitat For Humanity will receive renewed emphasis this spring. At the December meeting of the Administrative Council, we voted to enter a covenant with the community of San Andres (St. Andrew) in rural Nicaragua, through the Rainbow Network. You’ll be hearing a lot about St. Andrew’s, Nicaragua, in the weeks, months and years to come. The details of the project can be found on the web site: Once at the home page, go into the links and click on to The Rainbow Network. There is indeed a level of “risk” involved in this renewed mission emphasis. We don’t have money in the budget for most of this, so it will have to be raised, somehow. But, as I understand the gospel, the church that doesn’t take risks for love and service is hardly worth being called a church.
Contact DIANA F. for more information about any of the following.

LIVING THE QUESTIONS is a small-group study that will help adults discover the relevance of Christianity in the 21st century and consider what a meaningful faith can look like in today’s world. Living The Questions is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 10th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request.

In Living Beyond Yourself Beth Moore leads an in-depth study of the fruit of the Spirit – living proof that the Spirit of God dwells in us. This 11-week study will be offered on Thursday mornings beginning January 18th at 9 a.m. Julie T. will be facilitating this study. Workbooks will cost $15.

From Adam and Eve to Noah and Abraham, Genesis recounts God’s persistence in starting over with God’s people. This message is both timeless and timely – for God’s people still seek the assurance that God is always working to make right what went wrong in the beginning. Corey R. will facilitate this study on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7 p.m. starting January 17th.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

Come learn how real women meet the everyday challenges and temptations of modern life. This weekend away will offer small and large group gatherings, fellowship with Christian women, worship, fun and games. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to get better acquainted with the women of St. Andrew’s. Register today.
Romans 14: 1-4, Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not for the purpose of quarreling over opinions. Some believe in eating anything, while the weak eat only vegetables. Those who eat must not despise those who abstain, and those who abstain must not pass judgment on those who eat; for God has welcomed them. Who are you to pass judgment on servants of another? If is before their own lord that they will stand or fall. And they will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make them stand.