Tuesday, October 16, 2007

2.2 Mil

This Sunday
October 21, 2007
Nancy preaching: LEFT BEHIND—FOR A REASON.
Coming October 28, just in time for Halloween:
THE HARROWING OF HELL. A Bruce R. Davis sermon.
We have a new baby in the church – LANDON WILLIAM W., son of Kevin and Heather.
Many thanks to the people involved in last Sunday’s various worship service projects. The “friends” skit was put together by Richard Harrison and featured Dan Trombla, Greg Albertson, Mike Baber, and Craig Strong—with Karen Belair as Millie the waitress. Jake and Elwood—the Blues Brothers—are Greg Twist and Craig Bence. The band played themselves.
I sometimes tell people that leading a large congregation is a lot like coaching a football team or even heading up an athletic department. You have to keep the fan base happy and everyone involved has an opinion about something you ought to be doing different. One big difference, of course, is that if you get fired you don’t get 2.2 million dollars. J
KRIS S. writes: Just a reminder that Sunday, October 21 is the deadline for the Sunday school auction basket donations. We are putting together baskets with themes for each grade level. The themes this year are baby items, baby toys, cooking, Christmas gift wrap, kids crafts, age appropriate books for 4th/5th graders, and anything needed to create a cozy reading area, ice cream lovers and chocolate lovers, snow day activities & snacks, games, movie rental gift cards, puzzles, pizza gift cards, pampered pooch, car care items, dinner and/or movie gift cards. If you would be willing to donate any of these items please place them in the donation boxes around the church on Sunday mornings. If you would rather make a cash donation that can be put in an envelope with which class it should go to and placed in the donation basket also. We really appreciate the wonderful families that St. Andrews has. Any questions, email me at ksimerly@cox.net. Thank you very much!
We are thrilled and overwhelmed with the effort of the Journey to Bethlehem team in week 1. We’ve still got some people who haven’t reported in yet, but according to what we have now, we’ve already journeyed over 900 MILES! In other words, we’re nearly to Pittsburgh already. At the rate we’re going, we’ll make it to Bethlehem in about 7 weeks. Maybe we’ll just turn around and head home in time for Christmas Eve at St. Andrew’s. Keep up the great work, team!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE writes: THANK YOU is just not sufficient to express the depth of gratitude I feel to St. Andrew’s for the wonderful outpouring of Christian love I have received since my fall – so many are praying for me and my recovery – a number of beautiful cards – many telephone calls – Breaking Bread meals – Benevolent Bus help – and so many offers to help from members of the staff, as well as the congregation. You are all a wonderful blessing to me as I continue my healing journey. Truly, in the words of a hymn I have known – “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God” – and most particularly the St. Andrew’s family.
Pastor Charlotte also asks: Prayers for Dorothy P., who is hospitalized (mother of Roxanne B.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Cheryl M., in her recent passing (sister of Roxanne B.). Prayers for Stacy O., preparing for cancer surgery (sister of Wade B.; sister-in-law of Christine B.). Prayers for Maxine A., preparing for hip-replacement surgery (sister of Pastor Charlotte).
Psalms 46:1-7, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.”