Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Uncle Harry

October 7, 2007
Nancy Davis preaching: THE THINGS WE SHARE

October 14, Bruce Davis preaching: FRIENDS.
On September 30, we were blessed to baptize AIDAN CARSON B., son of Brian & Laura B.
My Uncle Harry Benoist Davis passed away yesterday. Some of you have heard me say that I’m a third generation Methodist preacher. My grandfather, the Reverend D.R. Davis, and his wife Martha had six children who survived infancy. Two of them, Harry and my father, Richard, went into the Methodist ministry. Harry was the second-born of the family; my dad was the youngest. In the Beatitudes, Jesus extols the “pure of heart.” I haven’t known a lot of people who fit that category, but Harry was among them. He didn’t get married until he was forty, whereupon he and my Aunt Marvis starting bringing baby girls into the world, finally stopping at six. Harry was a great encourager of my decision to go into the ministry. He himself never served particularly large churches. I regret to say that purity of heart does not necessarily translate into organizational success, even in the church. But make no mistake about it: Harry Davis was a spiritual giant. Of the “pure of heart,” Jesus said, “they will see God.” Harry Davis was among the people through whom I have seen God.
Since St.A-Mail is sent via software on my computer, and my computer is going with me to France tomorrow, we’ll be off line for the next week.
Our Wild West Fall Fest Bible Study for Preschool-5th graders gets underway Wed. nights Oct. 3rd – 24th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. with the big Fall Festival Halloween Alternative taking place on Friday, Oct. 26 from 6:00-8:00. You will see pairs of boots on the tumbleweed by our corral in the Rotunda. Please take a pair of boots to purchase 10 plain, regular size Hershey candy bars for our s’mores we are making on Oct. 26th and return them to the office as soon as possible. There are also three pair of boots that ask for a donation of an old pair of real western boots for us to use in one of our games. Make sure they are old and some you don’t want back! We are still in need of volunteers for the games on Friday, Oct. 26th. Adults and older youth, please contact Margie to volunteer to run a game that night for the kids.
FROM MANDY B.: All young couples interested in making friends with other young couples please join us on Tuesday, October 16th at 7:00 in the hospitality room. This will be a chance to kick off a great new young couple’s group. If you did not get an e-mail invite, there will be childcare provided if you contact me. If you can not attend this event, but are interested please contact me!
There’s still ample time.
We’ll have hard copies available this Sunday.
You can take the survey on-line at
ALL ladies are invited to our annual UMW GIRL’s NIGHT OUT.
Tuesday 10-09-07
Sub sandwiches, drinks and cookies in the hospitality room at 6:30pm
Christian comedic video from Chonda Pierce in the sanctuary at 7:00pm.
An evening of fun and camaraderie with your fellow Methodist women for only $5.00 per person.
Please RSVP.
Child care available.
We’d love to see you there.
This is a wonderful opportunity to share an evening of Christian fun with fellow women.
Designed For People Moving Toward Membership At St. Andrew’s.
Sunday Evening, October 14, 5:00-6:30
Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda.
Many of you have asked about Pastor Charlotte, who was injured in a fall last week. She’s actually been in the office a couple of times this week and reports that all is progressing well.
Philippians 2:1-5, If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus…