Friday, September 14, 2007


If you find yourself at loose ends this evening (Friday), consider joining us for TRIVIA NIGHT, which starts at 7:00. You’ve missed the early registration at $5, but it’s only $10 at the door; with door prizes, refreshments and other goodies, not to mention the fellowship, it’s still a pretty great deal.
September 16, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching: “LET’S GET ENGAGED.”
Music will include “How Great Is Our God,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Awesome Power,” “All Things Are Possible”
We’ll be invited to participate in Covenant Renewal:

As a member of St. Andrew’s, I will:
* support and further the mission of St. Andrew’s: to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
* pray for my church and fellow members regularly
*be present in worship and other church events on a regular basis.
* support my church with my spiritual and financial gifts.
* find an area of ministry through which I can serve Christ and others.

As your church family, we will:
*provide opportunities for you to live out your faith in service to others.
*provide faith-based opportunities for you to grow as a Christian.
*provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others.
*provide opportunities for lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
*be good stewards of your financial contributions to your church.
Today’s the second anniversary of a day I still have trouble characterizing. Two years ago, Nancy and I moved to Omaha from Springfield, Missouri. The night before, we’d been with my parents, who also lived in Springfield, to say our goodbyes. My dad had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. We knew his time was sort, and sometime in the night, he passed away. If I can ever get my head around the events of September 14, 2005, I’ll share it with you in a sermon, but I’m not there yet.
Dan Trombla tells me the Huskers have a genuine chance to win tomorrow night—and that’s good enough for me. My prediction: Huskers 31, USC 24.
Mark your calendars.
Tuesday October 9, will be the Fall Ladies Night out. We will be treated to a comedic DVD presentation and sub sandwiches.
Tuesday November 6, will be the Fall General Gathering. We will enjoy a variety of experiences, more information to come.
Both of these events prove to be a time of fun, excitement and learning for all who can attend.
Child care will be available.
Please look in the upcoming A-Mails and bulletins for information on these exciting up-coming fall events.
ATTENTION ALL SENIOR HIGH YOUTH! It is time to sign up for next year’s mission trip to Rosebud Reservation located in South Dakota. The trip date will be July 11-18, 2008. A sign up sheet is located in the Rotunda along with an information sheet for you to take. $100 deposit is due ASAP to secure your spot. The trip is filling up fast so sign up today! Any questions contact Bob D.
From JULIE T.: Are you looking for a new way to explore your faith in God? If so, please join us on Tuesday mornings at 11:30 for the Beth Moore study Believing God. You will experience a fresh explosion of faith that will enhance your relationship with God. If you would like to join us on this 11 week journey please contact Julie T. or Diana F. to sign up. Class starts Tuesday 25, 11:30 to 1:00. Bring your sack lunch, too!!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Stacy O., awaiting results of a biopsy (sister of Wade B.; sister-in-law of Christine B.). Prayers for Karen B.’s mother, recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma; pray that the doctors can locate the primary site and quickly contain it. Prayers for Sandy M., preparing for esophageal surgery on September 17th.