Sunday, October 21, 2007

Auctioning Diapers

This Sunday
October 21, 2007
Nancy preaching: LEFT BEHIND—FOR A REASON.
Coming October 28, just in time for Halloween:
THE HARROWING OF HELL. A Bruce R. Davis sermon.
EACH DAY brings us closer to the annual Dinner/Dance/Auction, scheduled for the evening of November 16 at the Champion’s Club. As you heard on Sunday, we have some high end items up for bid, including a Porsche and a Hawaii Vacation. On the lower end, I plan on spending some time this afternoon looking in Used Book Stores to complete my set of TEN INDISPENSIBLE BOOKS. And this is neat: one of our newer members gave me a diaper wedding cake, in honor of my granddaughter’s birth. I was unable to take it to France, so with the member’s permission, it will go into the auction. Being a low end buyer myself, I am always fascinated by the neat stuff there is to bid on. What can you donate for auction? Be creative. Of course, we’ll have an Auction table up this Sunday. The good people there will be delighted to hear your idea.
We’ve had a concert opportunity fall into our lap. I appears that Christian Artist NATALIE GRANT will be at St. Andrew’s for a free concert on Thursday evening, November 8. This is not entirely finalized, but it appears it’s going to happen and we wanted to give you the date. Details will be forthcoming. You might check out her web page. I think this will be a lot of fun.
Official Tabulator ALAN B. reports we’ve had over 450 responses to the Worship Survey. We’ll do an overview of the survey results at CHARGE CONFERENCE, our annual all-church business meeting, scheduled for Tuesday evening, November 13, at 7:00. All are invited.
PAM F. writes: Christmas is about to be in the air! The Christmas Intergenerational
Choir, involving all interested adults, youth plus the Sunday School
rooms (Pre-Kdg.-5th grade) will present the annual St. Andrew's
Christmas program on Sunday, December 9th . If you are interested in
singing and being apart of this tradition, please join us for rehearsal
on Wednesday evenings, starting this Wednesday, October 24th, from
6:30-7:00. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the music
department but with a short-term commitment. This choir and rehearsal
is for all youth (grades 6-12) and adults. Children, Pre-Kindergarten
through 5th grade, will rehearse in their Sunday School rooms. If you
have questions, please contact Pam F.
Youth Pastor BOB DAVIS asks us to announce the following:
• No Sunday youth group this Sunday October 21.
• Come carve pumpkins with me and the residents at the Parson’s House this Saturday. We meet at the church at 12:50pm and will be back by 2:30pm.
• Senior High outing this Saturday, Spaghetti Works and a Haunted House. Meet at the church at 4:30pm we will be back by 9pm. E-mail Bob ASAP to sign up.
• Senior High retreat November 2nd (6:30pm) to November 3rd (1:30pm) at Camp Fontanelle e-mail Bob to sign up.

Bob is doing so many interesting things with his ministry these days. The editorial staff has urged him to keep our readers abreast of his adventures in youth land and so he submits the following:

I had the opportunity to speak at Kiewit Middle School last Monday in front of a group of eighth graders. Patrick L., a member of our youth group, asked me if I would share information about my job as Youth Director at St Andrews during his career class. The letter I received stated "We are anxious for you to visit our class and share information about your career with us". I have to be honest I was feeling a little anxious myself about the whole thing, until I entered the classroom. I had prayed in the car on the way to the school that God would be with me and help guide me through this as not to embarrass Patrick. My presentation went very well! I even had a few kids ask "Now where is your church at" as inquiring they might want to show up for an event. On my way back to the church I felt an extreme closeness to God. I had felt as if I was an instrument used by God to share with young people that God is ever so real! Praise God!
BILL & TERESA K.’S son, JACKSON is scheduled for some surgery at Children’s Hospital on Tuesday. Please keep this great family in your prayers.
I Kings 2:1-3, When David’s time to die drew near, he charged his son Solomon, saying, "I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, be courageous, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies, as it is written in all the law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn."