Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept. 11

“Empty sky, empty sky; I woke up this morning to an empty sky…”
Bruce Springsteen
We welcome new readers to St.A-Mail. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
September 16, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching: “LET’S GET ENGAGED.”
Music will include “How Great Is Our God,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Awesome Power,” “All Things Are Possible”
We’ll be invited to participate in Covenant Renewal:

As a member of St. Andrew’s, I will:
* support and further the mission of St. Andrew’s: to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
* pray for my church and fellow members regularly
*be present in worship and other church events on a regular basis.
* support my church with my spiritual and financial gifts.
* find an area of ministry through which I can serve Christ and others.

As your church family, we will:
*provide opportunities for you to live out your faith in service to others.
*provide faith-based opportunities for you to grow as a Christian.
*provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others.
*provide opportunities for lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
*be good stewards of your financial contributions to your church.
LES MISERABLES: THE SERMON was a remarkable experience for me, personally. We talk about using our strengths in the congregation. I find great satisfaction in using my musical/organizational strengths to edify the body of Christ. The kicker, of course, is that I myself can’t read a note of music, can’t carry a tune in a bucket, and only know three chords on piano and guitar. Therefore, I am wholly dependent on others to make my strengths count for anything. Being appointed to St. Andrew’s, having access to the kind of incredible musical talent you saw on Sunday, makes me wonder sometimes if I’ve died and gone to heaven.
Congratulations to Erik & Mary L. on the baptism of their daughter, Margaret.
I’ve been working on Trivia questions today, getting ready for Friday night. There’s still time for you to plug in, but it would be good if you let us know you are coming. Return e-mail is probably the best bet.
ST. ANDREW’S CHILDREN CHOIRS will be starting this Wednesday, Sept. 12th, from 5:30-5:55 p.m. The Music Makers (4 & 5 years old) will meet in LL5 with Sarah W. The Joyful Sounds (Kdg.-2nd grade) willl meet with Pastor Nancy in LL2. The Mighty Doves (3rd-5th grade) will meet with Pam F. in the music rehearsal room.
If you have any questions, please contact Pam F.
REMINDER: Blood drive this Sunday. 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. Sign up in the rotunda or walk-in this Sunday.
JEFF H. writes: If you are participating in the Corporate Cup, the Omaha Marathon or Half-Marathon, or Race for the Cure then can you e-mail Jeff H.? Jeff is running the Corporate Cup and the Omaha Half-Marathon and was interested if anyone else from St. Andrew’s was participating. Also, the Health Ministries Leadership Team is interested in developing a list of walkers and runners so that they can make you aware of other Health Ministries activities. jeffharris1us@msn.com
Speaking of Springsteen (see above): If you have 99 cents burning in your pocket, let me urge you to get on to I-Tunes and download his new single, “Radio Nowhere.” This is vintage rock-and-roll, garage band art at its finest.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of joy for Tracy H. and Ralph R., in their recent marriage. Prayers for Betty W., recovering from surgery (mother of David W.). Prayers for Joan M., who has been transferred to a respiratory hospital in St. Petersburg, Fl; pray that she regain her strength; pray, also, for the entire family (mother of Jim M.).
Matthew 4:18-19
“As Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”