Thursday, November 29, 2007


THIS SUNDAY, December 2, is The First Sunday In Advent
Nancy preaching: SPAM FOR CHRISTMAS
Featuring a skit from the Reckless Abandon Players
December 9
8:00, Steve S. preaching: MY JOURNEY
Steve is an active member of our congregation and is currently in the process of candidacy for ministry in the United Methodist Church.
9:15 & 10:45:
I was up here last night, listening to the Adult/Youth component practice. Wow.
This is going to be a service to remember and you won’t want to miss it.

December 16
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
The Praise Band will be offering “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24” and the Chancel Choir will be debuting a new song.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho and lots of wonderful music in all three services.
Bruce preaching: NUTS!
December 30, Bruce ends the year with:
Yes, Oklahoma handed Missouri its one loss of the season, but that game was played in Norman, Missouri’s top running back was out with an injury, and the Tigers had the lead in the fourth quarter. I really like my alma mater’s chances.
It's here! The night you have been waiting for!
It's Lady's Nite Out - "Holiday Magic".
You're Invited
Come and join us on Tuesday evening 12-04-07 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
We'll have three sessions you'll want to join in on for holiday fun. A Cooking Demonstration Class, a Holiday Card Craft Class and a Massage Session. Each session lasts 20 minutes and you'll want to attend all three. Bring your friends, sign up so we'll know who to expect, the sign up sheets are located by the information table in the rotunda. Refreshments will be served by Hope Circle.
Child care will be available, call the church to make arrangements.
Suggested donation for the evening of fun is $3.00 per person or two people for $5.00.
Y-COSA (Young Couples of St. Andrews) Please join us for game night on Saturday December 15th at 6:00. Game night will be at Tyler and Molly S.’ house. Bring a game and appetizer to share. Childcare will be available if needed. RSVP to Mandy B. Also, save this date… On December 23rd Y-COSA will be throwing a Christmas Party for the Karen Kids (refugees from Burma). There are about 100 children so we will need lots of help! More information will be coming about this, but if you are interested in helping organize it let me know! Our children are welcome to join us for this service project.
We would call your attention to the VIGIL OF HOPE, scheduled for Sunday, December 2. According to the literature, “Omahans are invited to stand together against the violence that has plagued our community. Be listening to STAR 104.5 for more information.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE ASKS: Prayers for Calvin B., hospitalized (Renae G.’s father.) Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dottie L., in her recent passing (step-mother of Tom L.). Prayers for Cheryl N., preparing for surgery on November 29th. Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Dr. Alva C., in his recent passing (retired minister of the Nebraska Annual Conference). Prayers for Holly and Will R., preparing for surgery on December 6th (son and daughter of Shawna and Corey R.). Prayers for the family and friends of Bob A., in his recent passing (friend of Chris L.).
We close this addition of ST.A-Mail with a Proverb appropriate to the Survey process and the results announced in yesterday’s mailing. 461 people gave counsel through the survey itself, of course, with a couple of dozen, including staff and Board Members, involved in the actual interpretation and decision making. And this is the Proverb, 15:22, “Without counsel, plans go wrong, but with many advisers they succeed.” I hope so. I am absolutely confident of this: The decisions have the right motive behind them: that of growing St. Andrew’s and Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bringing us then to a paraphrase of Proverbs 16:1, “The plans belong to humans, but the answer is from the Lord.” Thy will be done.