Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Pizza With the Pastors

November 11, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching: GLAD ALL OVER
Featuring The Return Of Jake & Elwood
Special Appearance by the Youth Praise Band at 9:15 & 10:45
Acclaimed Contemporary Christian Artist NATALIE GRANT and her band
Offer a free concert at St. Andrew’s UMC
Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis
Doors open at 6:30, Concert begins at 7:00
You may be interested in how this NATALIE GRANT concert came about. Two years ago, St. Andrew’s hosted Mark Schultz. The concert was very well received. We’ve been looking for other such opportunities, but music promotion is harder than it looks. While St. Andrew’s has a huge upside in terms of sound and facility, big name Christian acts may be looking for venues with more seats than we can offer. Natalie came to us this way: She has a show scheduled in Kansas City for Wednesday night and is scheduled for the Target Center in Minneapolis on Friday. A promoter contacted Craig Bence, who represented St. Andrew’s in the Mark Schultz concert. Would we be interested in hosting Natalie and her band on what would otherwise be a travel night? The only upfront cost to St. Andrew’s would be hotel rooms and a few other incidentals. Otherwise, it would be a “free” concert, with Natalie and her team passing the plate for a free-will offering. We assume she’ll see some CDs and other items—which is cool. This struck us as a win/win. The only concern I had was a short lead-time to get organized, but Craig put together a team that has done amazing work. We’ve had great volunteers step forward. This is going to be great!
Our final PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS of 2007 is scheduled for this Sunday, November 11, 5:00-6:30. This is an event designed for people interested in membership at St. Andrew's. Sign up via return e-mail or sign up in the ROTUNDA this Sunday.
My brother in Missouri sent this along and I thought it might lighten hearts around here: Four football fans go rock climbing one afternoon…a Nebraska fan, an Oklahoma fan, a Kansas fan, and a Mizzou fan. They had been arguing all the way up the mountain about who among them was the most die-hard supporter of their team. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the Nebraska fan proclaimed to the other three, “THIS IS FOR THE HUSKERS!” and promptly threw himself off the mountain as a form of sacrifice, screaming “ GO BIG RED!” Not to be outdone, the Oklahoma fan jumped up and shouted, “THIS IS FOR THE SOONERS!” and threw himself off the mountain to his death. Refusing to be bested by the Nebraska and Oklahoma fans, the Mizzou fan rose to his feet and yelled at the top of his lungs, “THIS IS FOR THE MISSOURI TIGERS!” and, without hesitation, pushed the Kansas fan off the mountain shouting, “FLY JAYHAWK FLY!!!” Of course, Nebraska fans (and I count myself among them) might have other reasons for jumping off the mountain just now.
The United Methodist Food Pantry (formerly Pearl Food Pantry) has asked if we could provide 50 roasting chickens for Thanksgiving dinner. These chickens would go to the elderly and small families that would not be able to use a turkey. If you are able to help our brothers and sisters in North Omaha please make your checks payable to St. Andrews with United Methodist Food Pantry in the memo line. If you have any questions please call Lynda or Jim.

It’s November and time to put these dates on your calendar!

Upward early registration deadline is November 19. After November 19, add $10.00. Registration closes on December 2. Please register A.S.A.P. so we can begin processing, laying out schedules and games. We are projecting large numbers this year!!

Upward Evaluations:

Kindergarten – 2nd grades (choose one of the dates)

Tuesday, November 27, between 6:00-7:00
Wednesday, November 28, between 6:00-7:00
Saturday, December 1, between 9:00-10:00

3rd-5th grades (choose one of the dates)

Tuesday, November 27, between 7:00-8:00
Wednesday, November 28, between 7:00-8:00
Saturday, December 1, between 10:00-11:00

You can find registration forms in both entrances. Questions? Call Margie or Netta at 431-8560 or e-mail [ mailto:mwulfkuhle@standrewsomaha.net ]mwulfkuhle@standrewsomaha.net.
Attention grades 6th-8th! Mark you calendars for November 10. We are going to play LASER TAG at ZZZAP LASER ADVENTERS. Parents need to drop their youth off at ZZZAP by 3pm and pick them up at 4:45pm. The address is 11108 Q Street Omaha 68137. The cost is $10 per youth. Please RSVP by Wednesday November 7. I will need a couple of parent chaperones for this event. This is going to be a fun event! You may bring a friend! Bob’s e-mail: [ mailto:bobdavis@standrewsomaha.net ]bobdavis@standrewsomaha.net
Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Moses speaking: “So now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees that I am commanding you today, for your own well-being.”