Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We were blessed to baptized MAJOR SPENCER M. on Sunday, son of Mitch and Samantha M.
THIS SUNDAY, December 2, is The First Sunday In Advent
Nancy preaching: SPAM FOR CHRISTMAS
Nancy wanted to rent a film called THE LIVES OF OTHERS. It’s a German release with English subtitles. I was not initially enthusiastic, but then Nancy’s not always enthusiastic about some of the movies I want to see. I am happy to report THE LIVES OF OTHERS is a terrific movie! The subtitles are easy to read. The story is compelling and filled with surprises. I rate this film: SE (strongly enthuasiastic).
We would call your attention to the VIGIL OF HOPE, scheduled for Sunday, December 2. According to the literature, “Omahans are invited to stand together against the violence that has plagued our community. Be listening to STAR 104.5 for more information.
From MANDY B.:

Y-COSA (Young Couples of St. Andrews) Please join us for game night on Saturday December 15th at 6:00. Game night will be at Tyler and Molly S.’s house (15055 Burdette Street phone #932-1189). Bring a game and appetizer to share. Childcare will be available if needed. RSVP to Mandy B.

Also, save this date… On December 23rd Y-COSA will be throwing a Christmas Party for the Karen Kids (refugees from Burma). There are about 100 children so we will need lots of help! More information will be coming about this, but if you are interested in helping organize it let me know! Our children are welcome to join us for this service project.

Save the Donuts and Coffee!!! Sharon and Leroy K. who have been coordinating the donuts and coffee are stepping down so they can travel more and see their children! We thank them very much for all of their work, but we need to find a replacement. If you would be interested in making the schedule to assure the donuts are picked up each Sunday and cleaning up the coffee after the last service contact Mandy.
NETTA P. writes: A Family Devotional for the Season of Advent and The Twelve Days of Christmas is available for you and your family during the advent season. Your copy can be picked up at the Information Center or at the Sunday School Registration Desks. This is a fun devotional to prepare your family for the Christmas Season!

The classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge is a cherished symbol of Christmas. Yet, the little story of Scrooge’s transformation is also a wonderful story of redemption and hope--which makes it a perfect study for Advent. Join Mike and Sandra R. as they facilitate a discussion beginning Sunday, Dec. 2 at 10:45 in the Youth Room. Please contact Diana to register so books can be ordered. The cost of the study book is $5.50.

The selection for the December Book Club is What It Means to Be a Christian by Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI. Read how the Pope answers the question of what being Christian means for us in today’s world. These books are available at the Connection Point in the Rotunda. The cost is $10.50. Stop by and get your copy today. The Book Club will meet on Monday, December 10th at 7 p.m.
From BOB D.:
Middle School Christmas Party is Sunday December 9 (1pm to 3pm). The party will be at Thunder Ally located just north west of 204 and West Dodge Road on Cumberland Drive. The party will include: BOWLING, GO-KARTS, LASER TAG, PIZZA, AND POP. The cost will be $20 per person. Please RSVP by December 2 by e-mailing Bob. Youth are welcome to invite friends.

Senior High Christmas Party is Saturday December 8th (6pm to 9pm) at the home of Dean and Lynne J. Please bring a "White Elephant" gift to exchange. Come enjoy the games, fellowship, and some great food. Please RSVP by December 2 by e-mailing Bob.
St. Andrew's will again be assisting local needy families through Together, Inc.' Holiday Shop. Clients of Together, Inc. are able to select gifts for children/family members and take home a holiday food sack. Beginning on Sunday, November 4th, you will have the opportunity to select an item to donate from the Giving Tree located in the rotunda. All items should be returned to the church by December 2nd and placed under the tree. If you have any questions, please contact Denise M J. Also looking for a few volunteers to work in the Christmas shop, if interested please give me a call. THANK YOU!
MISSION NOTE: This Sunday, December 2nd --- Don’t forget your Hi-C drink boxes that the Missions Team is collecting for Camp Fire USA. These drink boxes are included in backpacks which contain nutritious meals provided to approximately 400 – 500 Omaha children for the weekends.
The BLT Progressive Dinner is December 8th beginning at 5:30 – We will be enjoying appetizers, Italian entrée, and desserts at three different homes… see the BLT information in the Rotunda. Please note that this Sunday, December 2nd is your last chance to sign up at church. You can also email Joyce C.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Kevin N., recovering from surgery.
Proverbs 15:9, The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves the one who pursues righteousness.