Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cantata Sunday

WE’RE ON A MISSION: This is kind of embarrassing. After making a big deal about how blank pledge cards could be found at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda on Sunday morning, I’m told they weren’t there. I clearly failed to communicate with the office. Anyway. We keep receiving new pledges daily, mostly on-line. I think we’ll wait until next week now to do any follow up, There will indeed be blank cards at the Hospitality Desk this Sunday. I promise. And if they’re NOT there, for any reason, grab me and demand to know: WHERE ARE THOSE PLEDGE CARDS? We want you to have a pledge card! Of course, the on-line option is still running:
THIS SUNDAY December 9
8:00, Steve Smith preaching: MY JOURNEY
Steve is an active member of our congregation and is currently in the process of candidacy for ministry in the United Methodist Church.
9:15 & 10:45:
This is one of the highlights of any year, sure to be a Heart Warming Worship experience for you and those you bring with you.
December 16
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
The Praise Band will be offering “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24” and the Chancel Choir will be debuting a new song.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at the 5:00 service. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Our special guest will be Sgt. Tracy Cogdill, talking about the experience of being a soldier far from home at Christmas.
SHARON D. writes regarding the MEMORIAL TREE: St. Andrew’s has a Christmas Tree that is decorated with ornaments by members who wanted to remember their loved ones. The tree will be decorated beginning this Sunday from past contributors. If you would like to add to the Memorial Tree please drop your ornament off at the Welcome Table and it will be placed on the tree. If you have any questions please contact Sharon.
I’m still trying to process the auction numbers Beth and Kelvin W. announced on Sunday. Last year, we were thrilled to report a net of $90,000. If I have my math correct, $120,000 represents a 33% increase. Goodness gracious.
If you’re giving books this Christmas, let me highly recommend the late David Halberstam’s just-released book on the Korean War: THE COLDEST WINTER. It’s a wonderful written, powerful narrative.
From YOUTH LEADER BOB D.: I just wanted to share with everyone that we as a youth group are off to a great start this Advent season. We had 83 youth and adult leaders in attendance this last Sunday. The youth praise band played “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “Joy to the World”. Pastor Charlotte led us in communion. Talia H. and Jaeda R. read scripture and lit the candle of hope in the Advent Wreath. We started watching the movie “The Nativity Story”. We ended the service in prayer. I am so thankful for St. Andrew’s youth and for all of the adult leaders that help make our youth group successful! I find myself quietly saying many, many times a day “Thank you” to God for all that he is doing in my life and in the lives of our youth.
DIANA F. writes: In past years, the Christmas holiday season may have been a time of great anticipation and excitement …but this year, the prospect of facing the holidays without your mate may cause anxiety and dread. You are not alone in these feelings. DivorceCare has compiled practical ideas and words of encouragement and comfort to help you face the holiday season. Please check out the articles at They will be of help you cope this holiday season. Articles for single parents are included.

And PASTOR CHARLOTTE advises: Surviving the holidays without a loved one – see for ideas on how to cope.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Jose N., in his recent passing (friend of Adrian A.). Prayers for Betty B., recovering from a broken ankle, due to a fall. Prayers for Mike (54 years old), diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the brain; spreading to other parts of his body (friend of Mary & Jerry E.). Our CEC (Childhood Enrichment Center) Director, CHANTELLE H., asks prayers for her mother, Robin S., as she will be having surgery on Friday… We extend our sympathy to FRANCIS L. at the death of his sister.
Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
from tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage come
as those of old have sung
True man yet very God
From sin and death now save us
and share our every load.
“O, How A Rose A Blooming.
15th century German lyric translated by Theodore Baker, 1894