Friday, July 28, 2006

North of Baltimore

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

I left our nation’s capital a little after six this morning, hoping to be north of Baltimore before rush hour. Having met my driving goal, I saw an exit with a Panera’s sign. The regular brew here is much stronger than what I regularly imbibe in Omaha, and they wanted to toast my chocolate chip bagel--though happily, I stopped them in time.


My time in D.C. was a contrast in size: The Iwo Jima Memorial and original Star-Spangled banner were both much larger than I had imagined; in contrast, I had a hard time grasping the idea that an instrument as diminutive as the derringer in the case beneath Ford’s Theatre could have taken the life of so great a man as Abraham Lincoln.


I spent the last two nights in a Motel 6 on the west edge of D.C. The plan was to park at a Metro Station and then ride the train into the city. It cost $3.50 to park, at the station, which wasn’t so bad, BUT you had to buy a card to exit the garage and the card cost $10. I figured I could ride on the other $6.50. Wrong. The card itself cost $5, leaving a scant $1.50 for actual fare. At least I could apply the $1.50 to the cost of a $6.50 day pass, right? Wrong again. Which meant I paid ten bucks for parking posted at $3.50.


Few tears will likely be shed when the Nationals leave RFK Stadium for their new ballpark, scheduled to open in 2008. According to the papers, the mayor and team owners are still fussing over financial details, but the way the mayor rips people off for parking, he ought to some money to spend. It’s always fun being in a major league ballpark, even in RFK only marginally fits that description.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Emilio, recently diagnosed with leukemia (8 year old grandson of Chris L.’s cousin). Prayers for Teresa M., undergoing tests. Prayers for an 18year-old special needs man, who has developed an infection in his system that has been life-threatening (Ron W.’s employee’s son).


This is from MADONNA S.: Dave and I ask for yours and the congregation's prayers for my sister, Mardell Andersen, who needs a suitable donor for a kidney transplant. She has been undergoing kidney dialysis 3 times/week for about 1 1/2 years and is "on the list" for a donated kidney, but we understand there are never enough. There is no immediate family member that is an option for a kidney donation.

Best get back on the road to Philadelphia. I know it’s going to be a big weekend at St. Andrew’s, celebrating Michael Patzloff’s ministry. Even if you yourself don't know Michael well, you'll surely be blessed by his message. God bless, BRD