Thursday, August 24, 2006

Teacher Recruitment

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

August 27, 2006
Music will include a Leon Adams arrangement of Superman Over The Decades and Greg W. singing “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
It was fun being up here last night. We had a great group out for the first choir practice of the new season, and the Bob Davis Open House was very well attended. Our new youth director even has his own e-address now. Since bdavis was already taken, he is On a related note, Nancy tells us: YOUTH PARENTS ADVISORY BOARD AND YOUTH COUNCIL ARE WELL STAFFED NOW. THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE VOLUNTEERED.
Nancy and I look forward to inaugurating TRIVIA NIGHT at St. Andrew’s, Friday evening, Sept. 8. We’ll start at 7:00. Five bucks at the door will cover refreshments and other stuff. We’ll be dividing into teams. Some are recruiting teams, but if you show up by yourself, we’ll assign you to a team and it will be a great way to get to know some new people. There will ten categories, ranging from history to movies to music, with a Bible category as well. After each question is asked, team members confer, write a single answer on a sheet of paper. After each category, the answer sheets are collected. It will be helpful to know how many to plan for, so please sign up this Sunday or reply via return e-mail.
Sunday School Leadership Opportunities! We are ready to begin on Steppin’ Up Sunday! Please prayerfully consider getting involved by leading our children/youth in their spiritual development! We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Bob D., Director of Youth Ministries
Netta P., Director of Children’s Ministries and Margie W., Children’s Ministry Assistant

Sunday School Teachers/Helpers: (36 still needed)
(rotate every other month)
____Preschool: 1 helper
____Kindergarten: 1 helper
____2nd Grade: 1 teacher
____4th Grade: 1 teacher/1 helper
____5th Grade: 1 teacher/2 helpers
____6th,-7th Grades: 1 teacher/1 helper
____8-12th Grades: 2 Facilitators for
small group discussions after youth worship
____Registration Desk/Security: 4 adults

____Preschool: 2 teachers/2 helpers
____Pre-Kind: 2 helpers
____Kind.-1st Grades: 1 teacher/2 helpers
____2nd/3rd Grades: 1 teacher/2 helpers
____4th/5th Grades: 2 teachers/2 helpers
____Registration Desk/Security: 4 adults

Steppin’ Up Sunday
(1 hour commitments)
____Ticket Takers: 18 adults or youth
____Paint Facing Person: 3 adults/youth
____Ticket Sales: 3 adults
____Snow Cone Maker: 3 adults


Please e-mail or call Netta, Margie or Bob.

St Andrew's Presents the 7th Annual Dinner Auction:
"A Night at the Oscars"
November 17th, 2006, Champions Run Country Club
Buy tickets now through September & be eligible for a special drawing!
We are looking for donations, including: sporting events/memorabilia, entertainment, house wares, holiday, children's items, jewelry
We would greatly welcome frequent flier miles & Hotel points!
Please call if you want to volunteer & can help with any above items.
Kevin & Stacey F.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for Nancy D. and her family, in the recent passing of her Aunt Wilma. Prayers for Matt K., who has returned to the hospital due to a drop in his sodium level – medications are working against each other (Gregg G.’s son-in-law). Prayers of joy for Marsha and Lance L., on the recent birth of a daughter, Melissa (friends of Shelly and Scott L.). Prayers for Bill E., ill with cellulitis (Marcia K.’s father).
I’m not a golfer, but I was watching some of the PGA action on Sunday afternoon. As Tiger Woods finished the front nine in fine fashion, a commentator said something to this effect: “He has accepted each shot and prepared himself for the next.” Wherever your latest shot at life has landed you--be in on the green, in a bunker, in the fairway, or way off in the trees--that shot has already been made. The important shot is the next one. At St. Andrew’s, we’d love to help you prepare for that next shot. Won’t you join us for worship and fellowship? This Sunday, the 27th, I’m in the pulpit with “SUPERMAN!” The sermon won’t be faster than a speeding bullet, but I like it will be powerful. Between now and then, try to shoot at least par, don’t be afraid to go for a birdie, and even should you get a triple-bogie, remember, the Lord loves you and so do we.
God bless