Monday, September 25, 2006


JOINED TO THE CHURCH on September 24:

MILT & ANN G. He's a distributor with Sky Shades USA; she's a sales VP with Data Support Systems. They have a soon-to-be five year old son, Jackson.

SCOTT & RACHEL P. Scott and Rachel have two sons, Wyatt, age 5, and Lance, who turns 3 in December. Rachel is a pediatric nurse; Scott‚s with AGP in facility maintenance.

TARA S. Tara is singing in our choir. She is a catering manager with Embassy Suites.

SHAWN & KIM W. They have two children: Morgan, a girl, is three years old; their newborn son Logan was baptized on Sunday. Kim is a teacher with the Omaha Public Schools. Shawn is a supervisor with Hormel Foods.

BAPTIZED ON SUNDAY were the aforementioned LOGAN THOMAS W., and JOSEPH CHARLES J., son of James and Christine.
October 1, 2006
Bruce Davis preaching:
"COLD CASE: The Carlo Rizzi Sermon"
Saturday's BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS was a neat experience for all involved. You'll find a picture of the event and some pastoral reflections on the web site home page:
This note is to St. Louis Cardinal baseball fans: Are you beginning to get nervous?
DINNER/AUCTION CO-CHAIR GREG T. WRITES: Ticket sales are going well... We currently are at 193 sold and would love to be pushing 250 by this weekend! Anyone who is a dinner auction ticket holder by next Sunday will be eligible for a drawing for a dinner for two at Mahogany's, so please buy your tickets asap. Also there is an opportunity for businesses to advertise in this year's dinner auction booklet and that information will be available at the dinner auction table as well.
Contact DIANA F. to register for any of the following:

Do you know what your strengths are? Do you know how they impact your daily life? That is just what you will learn in the Every Calling Has Origin (E.C.H.O.) class. Using Gallup‚s StrengthsFinder® Profile, learn your top five strengths, then discover how to use them everyday in all that you do. It will fascinate you. You will also learn how to couple them with your skills and knowledge to feel fulfilled in all that you do. E.C.H.O. will be offered two times starting in October ˆ Sunday mornings from 10:30 ˆ 12 noon starting Oct. 8th, and Monday evenings from 7:00 ˆ 8:30 starting Oct. 9th.

This spring, Dan and Cindy H. visited the homeland of John Wesley on a tour of the United Kingdom, including stops in England, Wales, and Scotland. They visited many of the historic houses, chapels and open air sites where the founder of Methodism took his message to "all the world as my parish." The tour included discussions on the historical and theological background of key Wesleyan sites, as well as insight into the lives of John and Charles Wesley. Fun and fellowship were also part of the package! Dan and Cindy would like to share their experience through pictures and conversation. Please join them on October 4 at 6 p.m. in Lower Level 4.

Join the Women's Study on Monday mornings beginning Oct. 9th at 9:00 to study Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, the most original Christian writer of our century. This book is for all people, even those who question the Christian faith. C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, introduces the Christian faith through intellect, rationality and reason.

MOMS is an eight week journey that creates an awareness of the inner sacred self while at the same time teaching women new ways to inspire, encourage, and affirm each other. Through the process of personal and spiritual growth, women have the opportunity to clarify their values, claim their own giftedness, and bring these strengths to their family relationships and to the Christian community. This class helps women of all ages connect with others and God.
This class is starting soon on Tuesday mornings. Please contact Diana F. for more details and if you are interested in joining this group.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Trudy M., in her last semester of the accelerated nurses‚ training; an important test on Tuesday. Prayers for Hazel, experiencing complications from surgery (Tom L.'s mother). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ken W., in his recent passing (maternal grandfather of Lauren, Nathan and Kathryn M.). Prayers for Michelle, facing major life decisions (sister of Teresa W.). Prayers of joy for Jill and Steve E., in the birth of a son, Bennett Michael, on August 30th. John L. reports that his mother, Rita S., is proof that "prayer CAN make a difference." His mother has had 3 chemo treatments an MRI indicates the complete disappearance of the lung tumor the other tumors remain, but with no new growth. John thanks everyone for their support and prayers. Prayers for Barbara S., ill at home with pneumonia. Prayers of sympathy for Ted and Teri Q., in the recent passing of Ted's mother. Prayers for Ellen K., recovering from open heart surgery (sister of Dale Turner).
1 John 1:5-10
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what it true; but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.