Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Year in the Life

A year ago this morning, Nancy and I woke up in a Springfield, Missouri, hotel. Our worldly possessions were on a truck bound for Omaha. Before we left, my mother called. She thought my dad had passed away in the night. I went over to their condo and sat with him until the people from the mortuary took him away. There not much being much else to do, other siblings having arrived to be with mom, Nancy and I set out for our new home in Omaha. I look back now and think, „"Did all that really happen?" Yes, it did.

The scripture tells us, God's grace will be sufficient to our needs. That's certainly been my experience over the past 365 days. Starting a new church in a new city, even as we were awash with grief and loss, was going to be a challenge. But God's been good to us. Much of that goodness has been expressed through you. I thank each and every one of you Saints of Andrew who have shown kindness to strangers. I feel like we're on our way to becoming good friends.

God bless you, BRD