Friday, September 15, 2006


We'll be in the deep end of the pool, this Sunday, studying Mark's apocalyptic 13th chapter and its historical context. You and I are living in violent, often fearful times. Working on "THE JEWISH WAR" has helped me appreciate the fearful times in which Jesus was preaching his message of hope and love. I look forward to sharing this with you on Sunday.
FYI: Nancy and I will be in Texas from Tuesday through Friday of next week. We're going down to visit my mother.
The BREAKFAST CLUB, which normally meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, was pushed back a week in September due to Steppin‚ Up Sunday. Regarding this Sunday's breakfast, Greg T. writes:

Would you mind reminding the congregation that the pancake feed proceeds will go toward underwriting opportunities for the dinner auction? Also, the auction table will be manned to sell tickets for the event and also distribute and collect donation forms for the event. Ticket holders by the end of September will be eligible for a very special drawing as well, go get your tickets today.
Nancy and I saw "Hollywoodland" yesterday. I thought it was quite a good film and was very surprised that Ben Affleck did a more than passable job as George Reeves. There's a sermon here: George Reeves despaired because he had such a crummy career, when in fact there are all these kiddies of fifty years ago, like me, who remember television's original Superman with great affection. Friends, let us be thankful for what we have in life. Chances are, it's more than we realize.

Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of joy for Nicole and Brian D., in the birth of a son, Bennett John, on July 22nd greeted by his big brother, Bryson.
I always enjoy hearing stories like this one, passed along by one of our members:

"Trivia night was great! I have a good friend that was stricken with a virus that essentially put her in a coma which included a respirator from Memorial Day until mid July. She has been getting her strength back with intensive therapy since then, just returning home with nursing care earlier this month. While she is still in a wheel chair, we girl friends are keeping her busy with bridge and domino games. Trivia night was a perfect outing for her and her husband. As she said...."the evening was like getting her life back". So glad your night was such as hit with my dear friend. Thank you!!!"
Mark 13:24-27: "But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see Œthe Son of Man coming in clouds‚ with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven."
P.S. I'm getting interesting phone calls about my sermon title. So far as I can tell, the callers are not members of the congregation, but people who have driven by, seen the sign, and made some assumptions that would have never occurred to me. In case any of you are concerned, or get asked about it, "The Jewish War" is the title of a classic book by Flavious Josephus, written over 1900 years ago.