Wednesday, November 29, 2006



The First Sunday in Advent

Bruce preaching:

There are two dominant theories in American Protestantism as to how to approach this time of the year. One model, which is the more liturgically correct, defers any overtly Christmas imagery, including Christmas hymns, to Christmas Eve. I’ve actually tried that model several times over the years. I appreciate the theory, but the practice leaves me cold. At this point in our lives, Nancy and I subscribe to the second model, so you’ll find the chancel decorated for the season this Sunday, with the congregation singing, “Angels We Have Heard On High” and “Christmas Isn’t Christmas ‘Till It Happens In Your Heart.” It makes us happy and I hope it has the same effect on you.
We’ve been getting calls this morning asking if we’ll be canceling events at the church tonight because of the weather forecast. Having heard all these stories, before moving north last year, about how hearty Nebraskans are in the wintertime, I’ve been a bit surprised at how skittish the natives seem to be about a little winter weather. Let me be clear: I would never want anyone to try to get here if they didn’t feel it was safe. Are we clear on that? That said, this has been my rule of thumb over the years, particularly relating to Sunday morning: If the weather is such that the Green Bay Packers would play football in it and fans would come out en mass to see the game, I’m inclined to go ahead with what we’ve got scheduled at the church.

CHRISTMAS EVE SCHEDULE. When Christmas Eve comes on a Sunday, it provides a special challenge for scheduling of worship services. We are having four services on December 24 and hope that one or more of them will fit into your family’s holiday schedule. We will have only one morning service – at 10:00 A.M. Children’s and Youth Sunday School will not meet that morning. This 10:00 service will feature Christmas carols, special music presentations and will preach a special Christmas sermon. That evening we will have three traditional Christmas Eve services – at 3:00, 5:00, and 7:00 P.M. All three services will feature a special presentation by our Drama Team in lieu of a sermon. All three services will feature special music, including children’s choirs at 5:00 and the St. Andrew’s Singers at 7:00. All three services will feature the celebration of Holy Communion and candlelight singing of “Silent Night”. So be sure to include worship on Christmas Eve in your holiday plans. Celebrate the birth of Christ with friends and family at St. Andrew’s.
From Diana F.:

Living The Questions will give you an opportunity to discuss this question and many more mysteries of faith and life. Living The Questions is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 18th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request. Contact Diana if you want to register.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Contact Diana for more information.

Common Sense Parenting – Improve Your Relationship With Your Child – classes for Older Children (6 and older), Young Children (5 and under) and ADHD Children will begin in January and run from 6 – 7 weeks, depending upon which class you take. Look for complete information regarding place, date and time, on the bulletin board near the coat room. Call for pricing and registration. These classes are sponsored by Girls and Boys Town.
Charlotte also asks: Prayers for Kathy R., preparing for surgery this coming week.
Philippians 2:11-15: Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Do all things without murmuring and arguing, so that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world.