Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
November 19, 2006

Bruce Davis, The Sanctifications, The Horns of Jericho and The Four Marys will offer a sermon titled, “O MARY DON’T YOU WEEP.”
Sunday’s count was 907 in worship. Add 167 children, we had 1,074 present at our weekly Sabbath morning gathering. Your presence is deeply appreciated.
We had another really good Pizza With The Pastors Sunday evening. I think we’ll take December off and plan a gala New Year’s PWP for Sunday evening, January 14.
As has been noted, we are in e-transition. The web site: www.standrewsomaha.net is under reconstruction. That said, you can access meeting dates on the site. Many thanks to Carrie T. and Steve S. who are leading the reconstruction effort.


Nancy and I made our Memorial Stadium debut at last year’s contest against Kansas State. The Huskers were coming off a losing streak; there was speculation that Coach Callahan might be fired. But in our presence, the Huskers put together a win against the Wildcats, then swept past Colorado and Michigan to finish the season triumphantly. This year, Nancy and I were given tickets for the Missouri game. The Huskers won, of course, and followed that up with Saturday’s big road victory against Texas A&M. Coincidence? Or the carry over of good Methodist vibes, emanating from St. Andrew’s? You decide.
I understand we had as many as forty people partake of communion offered in the Prayer Chapel on Sunday morning. I believe I was first in line! It may be instructive as to how this came about. The idea had been floated previously, but there are a lot of ideas floated around here, and this one had not been followed up on. But after the October Pizza With The Pastors, one of our prospects shared that she came out a congregation that shared communion each week and that she would miss the weekly experience. The conversation triggered memories of prior conversations on that very subject. That Tuesday, we discussed the Prayer Chapel communion option in staff. Pastor Charlotte said she’d follow up. Steve Smith and Dave White were brought on board. And we were up and running on Sunday. Which is to say, if you come up with a good idea that is within our overall vision and capabilities, we’re going to try it. If we don't try it, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea; more likely it didn't fit in either our overall vision or capabilities!
BOB D. writes: On November 19th the Parent Advisory Board is meeting in the Youth Room at 1:30pm to discuss upcoming changes for the Youth Ministry Program in 2007. All interested parents are welcome to attend the meeting. Pastor Nancy will also be attending the meeting.
We are still taking registrations at the price of $55.00. After Nov. 20, price goes up to $65.00. Sign up now! We will have a better idea of practice schedules after registrations are in. All parents will be contacted as soon as we can get these dates. Games will be on Saturday mornings. All kids and one parent are required to attend one of these evaluations. Kids will also get sized for uniforms (Cheerleading too) at these dates:

Monday, November 27 between 6:00-8:00

Tuesday, November 28 between 6:00-8:00

Saturday, Dec. 2 between 9:00-11:00 AM
When an emergency strikes people in our community, who will answer the cry for help? Emergencies and personal disasters happen everyday, whether it's losing a job, medical illnesses, divorce, abuse or other unexpected situations. When this happens, Together, Inc. is always ready to help and we as members of St. Andrews can give back to the community by assisting Together in providing valuable services to those in need.

Together, Inc., located at 1616 Cass Street, is a non-profit, multi-faith emergency relief service which was founded in 1975 by religious leaders in Omaha after the tornado disaster left hundreds of victims homeless, hungry and in great need. Since that time cooperative efforts have continued in the metropolitan area to provide and distribute basic supplies and services such as food, clothing, furniture, rent/utilities assistance, household items, infant supplies, prescriptions, eyeglasses and holiday items. Together's staff screens, documents and serves over 2,000 families a month and helps to put these families/individuals back in the mainstream as productive members of society.

With the holiday season fast approaching, now is the perfect time to give a little of ourselves to those less fortunate. You are currently able to select a gift tag and/or food tag from our TOGETHER INC. CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE, located in the narthex, to help supply Together's Christmas Store. During the week of Dec. 11th through the 16th, Together will let parents/guardians experience the joy of playing Santa by choosing gifts for their own children through age 18. Children will also be given the opportunity to choose small gifts for their parents/guardians. Your generous contributions to this cause will help brighten the holidays of many less fortunate individuals. Also, if you would like to volunteer your time either working at the store on Friday, December 15th or helping to set up the store the week of December 4th, please contact me.

In addition to the holiday store other Together, Inc. volunteer opportunities throughout the year include: contributing to the Easter food sack drive, volunteering your time at Together, Inc. sorting clothes and sacking food, providing monetary help and donating specified items such as school, personal or household items as the needs arise.

Please contact Starla M. for any further information.
SHEILA B. writes: There is an organization in town called Senior Health Foundation that sponsors movies for seniors (ages 50 and over) at the 20 Grand on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month (September thru May) at 1:30 in the afternoon at the discounted rate of $4.00 per person. You may attend one of three currently running movies. What a great way to go to the movies in the afternoon - especially with winter coming! You can call their number 827-6001 the week of the showings to find out which movies are being offered. Next week's movies are: Movies for Thursday, 11-16- 06: Showtime is 1:30 p.m .Santa Clause 3 Rated PG; STRANGER THAN FICTION Rated PG-13; A GOOD YEAR Rated PG-13; Movie Information Line: 827-6001
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of William E., in his recent passing (father of Marcia K.; grandfather of Greg and Jason K.). Prayers for Teri Q., preparing for surgery on November 16th. Prayers for Nancy B., preparing for surgery on November 22nd. Prayers for Eloise H., hospitalized with internal bleeding in Peoria, Illinois (cousin of Jerry E.). Prayers for Rita H., as she faces decisions concerning her cancer diagnosis; pray, also, for Brad, Megan and family (Brad H.s’ mother). Prayers for Richard N., recovering from a liver transplant and has developed an infection. (Dee H.’s brother).
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25-26