Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Marie Antoinette

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome a BUNCH of new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
November 5, 2006
Nancy Davis preaching:
Also this Sunday evening, at 6:00, we‚re holding a TOWN HALL MEETING to share dreams and visions for our MATTHEW MINISTRIES˜-the general heading for our congregation‚s ministry to the people Jesus was so concerned about in Matthew 25, including the poor, the hungry, the homeless. Your presence and input would be valued.
After several weeks of watching a lot of baseball, when Nancy and I went to the movies Saturday, it seemed right and good to defer to her choice of films, which is how we wound up at MARIE ANTOINETTE. From the first musical notes of the opening credits, I realized this was not going to be a traditional take on the French queen. I suppose it falls into the "artsy" category. That said, the photography and sets were amazing and Kirsten Dunst is a wonderful actress.

There is a great moment in the film when young Marie is stepping across Austrian soil into French territory. She is to leave all things Austrian behind. Looking ahead to this weekend's football game, be assured I have left any Missouri University allegiances behind me and will be pulling for the home team. Tough loss on Saturday, huh!
We're currently transitioning between web and e-mail providers. As I understand it, the web site will be receiving a total overhaul. Until the transition is complete, we won't know day to day just where we are with e-mail. If you've e-mailed me something and I haven't responded, it may be lost in cyberspace. We'll thank you for your patience.
It's personally important to me that I know peoples‚ names. I may butcher yours and whenever I get it wrong, please correct me. If I am NOT calling you by name, do me a favor, would you? Grab me by the sleeve and either introduce yourself or refresh my memory. Chances are I'll pull our my digital camera and take your picture. I appreciate your patience.
Karen B. is looking for an after school babysitter for her six year-old son. This person would need to pick him up at Cottonwood Elementary and watch him at her residence just two blocks away. Hours would be M T TH F from 3:30 to 5:30 and on Wed. from 2:00 to 5:30. Pay is negotiable. Please call Karen if you are interested.
As people share their e-addresses on Sunday morning, we add them to the list. We get some very positive feedback, including letters from out of town visitors like this one:

"I would just like to say what a growing, active, wonderful church you have... I love to visit when I come to visit my sister... The speakers and the music, and such great community involvement are so inspirational... I know this church means a great deal to my sister... We were saved when we were teenagers in West Virginia, but with the life we had at home, it is amazing how we ended up with anything positive. God was always there for me. I will never feel deserving enough for the times he has stood by me. I live in a small town and since my husband and I divorced and I am remarried...well let's just say it was not pretty. I have been to church 4 or 5 times since my divorce 4-5 years ago. After being (at St. Andrew‚s) a few weeks ago and hearing the song "Imagine Me" by Kirk Franklin, I was very moved. I went out and bought the CD, and last week swallowed my fear and attended a new church (in my hometown). I pray probably daily, but you cannot replace the support of a great Christian family. I just wanted you to know what a wonderful thing you have going, and that it means the world to some of your parishioners and their distant relatives ˆthanks.‰"
REVEREND CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Pearl O., receiving radiation treatments for comfort (Pastor Charlotte's friend). Prayers for Mallory D., preparing for surgery on November 6th (daughter of Bob and Tammy D.). Prayers for Rev. Bill M., recovering from surgery (former member of St. Andrew's; friend of Sheridan M.). Prayers for Denise J.'s Aunt Carol, whose cancer has appeared in five places; chemotherapy has been discontinued.
Psalm103:1-5, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits˜who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."