Friday, November 24, 2006

The 12 Days of Christmas

Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving. Nancy and I ate turkey and dressing at the Village Inn, then saw “The Queen” at the Douglas 20. I’ll be very surprised if Helen Mirren doesn’t receive an Oscar for her performance, and the fellow playing Tony Blair was outstanding, as well.
Let me HIGHLY recommend “The Queen.”
We had a nice, laid back worship experience, Wednesday evening. Nancy put together a wonderful homily and we had fun singing songs of Thanksgiving. There was a nice turnout, too. This Sunday, Nancy’s bringing us “THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS.” As always, your presence will be appreciated.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for John Wesley M., serving in Iraq; pray, also, for his family and that God watch over him and keep him safe (Cousin of Eleanor D.). Prayers for Larry S., recovering from chemotherapy (co-worker of Kathy R.).