Thursday, December 07, 2006

Food Challenged

December 10, 2006
A Multi-Generational Christmas Musical Celebration
8:00 & 10:45, Nancy preaching: “TWO FOR THE ROAD”
There are FOOD CHALLENGES swirling around my life. The Omaha District of The United Methodist Church has offered a challenge that has apparently been answered very well by other congregations. St. Andrew's has been a little slow to respond, only because we’ve been in the process of collecting items for the Together Inc. Christmas Giving Tree—an effort that has been hugely well supported! And, as you’ll see in Netta’s column below, we’re in the middle of our La Casa push. Now, one of our member families has made an exceedingly generous offer. This family has told us that if we can raise $2,000 for ’s Pearl Food Pantry, they will match it. For a person like myself, who is too lazy to take a tag from the Together Inc. Tree and do any actual shopping, but can write a check, this is an attractive option. If you would like to participate, write a check to St. Andrew’s, with the note FOOD CHALLENGE. As the Pearl Food Pantry is one of the agencies supported by the Omaha District, we’ll have answered that challenge as well. FOR MORE ON THIS, SEE PENNY F.’S NOTE AT THE END OF THIS MAILING.
NETTA P. writes:
Just a reminder there are still lots of gifts to be purchased for La Casa del Pueblo, a Hispanic Community we are doing a Christmas outreach with for the 2nd year. You can pick up a “Chili” gift tag in the rotunda at the Lacasa table. (Look for the palm tree.) Return the gifts with tags attached to the table by Wed., Dec. 13.

We still need more people to make a pot of Chili. Please e-mail Netta if you can do this or sign up in the rotunda. Chili needs to be brought to the St. Andrew’s Church kitchen and put in the refrigerator on Saturday, Dec. 16. Please bring it in a non-returnable container.

If you plan to join us in our travels to La Casa del Pueblo on Sunday, we need to be there at 11:30. I would allow 20-30 minutes. Take I-80 East to the 24th street
exit. Go South (right) off exit ramp to E street. Take a right (west) a couple of blocks and you will see on your right. You can meet us in the lower level in their fellowship hall and we’ll go to their Spanish service as a group. Thanks for supporting this important outreach with Grace United Methodist Church/La Casa del Pueblo!
From DIANA F.:

Living The Questions will give you an opportunity to discuss this question and many more mysteries of faith and life. Living The Questions is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 17th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request. Contact Diana if you want to register.

Experiencing the Spirit-Filled Life
You can know the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. In Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore leads an in-depth study of the fruit of the Spirit – living proof that the Spirit of God dwells in us. This 11-week study will be offered on Thursday mornings beginning January 18th at 9 a.m. Julie Taylor will be facilitating this study. She says, “I want everyone to experience the Peace and Grace you receive from this study. It is truly so up lifting and joyful!” Please contact Diana if you want to join this study as workbooks will need to be ordered. Workbooks will cost $15.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Contact Diana for more information.

COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU (in December) – CHARLOTTE’S WEB – also to Andrew’s in January; well, not the movie, of course. Stay tuned for further details.

Pastor Charlotte asks that, when submitting prayer requests for people from outside your family circle, that you get permission from that person to have it appear in the bulletin and/or be placed in the A mails. Thank you!
Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of 2 year old Zachary V., in his recent passing (friend of Heidi G.). Prayers for Helen H., hospitalized. Prayers for Logan T., who has been hospitalized (son of Pam and Greg T.). Prayers of sympathy for Linda E., in the recent and unexpected passing of her husband (high school classmate of Kathy R.). Prayers for Carlisa G., whose cancer has spread to her liver (friend of Sharon K.).

Why is a food drive relevant now, in December of 2006?

*Currently, more than 43,000 people live below the poverty line in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area.

*Over 15,000 of those below the poverty line, or more than one-third of those affected by hunger, are children - in the area alone! These children are at risk for increased rates of infection and asthma, psycho-social and behavioral issues, and poor learning and academic results. Food insufficiency has additional negative outomes for adolescents including depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies.

From the Omaha World Herald, Fall 2006 - "The higher energy prices over the past year are forcing more working families to seek emergency assistance from 's food pantries. During the first seven months of 2005, it (the food bank) distributed nearly three million pounds of food. Through July of this year, the food bank exceeded that number by more than 300,000 pounds."

The demand for food from local food pantries is always up in November and December due to the holidays. Subsequently, by the end of the year and into January, food pantries struggle to meet the day to day demands of their customers. To sum up, Cindy Grady, Executive Director of Together Inc writes, "As Ghandi once said, "God comes to the hungry in the form of food". Your donation will make a difference!
Proverbs 27:1, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”
Comment: If this day falls flat, or ever turns to disaster, in any and all circumstance, we have the promise of “Emmanuel,” which means, “God With Us. ” That’s what this season is all about. Come share it with us at St. Andrew's!