Monday, February 19, 2007


FRED & JUDY H.: Fred is retired from 3-M and now drives a delivery truck for Nebraska Sports. Judy is an Associate Trainer and Shift Supervisor at Panera’s
PAULA C.: Paula is an Administrative Officer with the FBI
JEFF & RUTH C.: Jeff is a meteorologist with the US Air Force. Ruth is a homemaker and Pre-School Teacher at the Gingerbread House. Their children are Caroline and Grant.
GARY & SARAH G.: Gary is in pharmaceutical sales with Boehringer Ingelheim. Sarah is an OB/GYN with Methodist Health System. Their children are Teddy and Olivia
ROB & JENNIFER L.: Rob is an attorney with Stinson, Morrison, Hecker. Jennifer is General Manager with Central States Petroleum
BRIAN & STEPHANIE S.: Brian is a Mechanical Engineer with HDR. Stephanie is a project analyst with General Services Administration.
DALLAS & BETH S.: Dallas is in sales and management with Weldon Industries. Beth is an interior designer with Interiors Joan and Associates
ELAINE B.: Elaine is a part-time nanny and works at Leopard, Inc. part-time.
JERRY & DEBORAH P.: Jerry is a wholesale distributor for Westrim and Michaels. Deborah is a consultant with Arbonne. We were blessed to baptized Jerry.
MEGAN R.: Megan is a supervisor with Ford Motor Credit Co. Her daughter is Gracia. Megan herself is the daughter of St. Andrew’s members Larry and Ann Willis.
MARLENE S.: Marlene is retired from Metro Community College
Also baptized on Sunday were RYLAN and HAILEY R., children of Robert and Kathleen R.

ASH WEDNESDAY is February 21. We begin our day of confession and repentance with a 7:00 AM service led by Nancy. At 6:00, the Faith Circle will offer an Ash Wednesday Soup Supper, then we’ll go into the sanctuary for a 7:00 service, also led by Nancy. Holy Communion will be offered at both the morning and evening services.
THIS SUNDAY, February 25, Nancy preaching: THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN: “Beating People Up, Passing People Up, Helping People Up”
March 4, Bruce preaching: THE PARABLE OF THE MANAGER
March 11, Bruce preaching: THE PARABLE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE
March 18, Nancy preaching: THE PARABLE OF THE PRODICAL SUN
March 25, Bruce preaching: THE PARABLE OF THE LOST SHEEP
March 25, 7:00 P.M: Worship Celebration of ST. ANDREW’S NICARAGUA.
April 1, Palm Sunday, Nancy preaching: THE PARABLE OF THE TEN BRIDESMAID
April 5, MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship Service, 7:00, The St. Andrew’s Drama Team
April 6, GOOD FRIDAY, 12:00
April 8, EASTER SUNDAY, Nancy and Bruce preaching: THE PARABLE OF JESUS
I sensed yesterday was going to be a very good day when I looked out my office window and saw a beautiful sunrise through the little clump of trees east of the church. I never knew 40 degrees could feel so good. Spring is out there somewhere!
Worship attendance on Presidents Weekend was 831. The Children’s Department reports 144 in attendance.
I spent about five hours over the weekend on Iwo Jima. As a Valentines gift, Nancy gave me a DVD copy of “Flags Of Our Fathers.” The book had been so memorable, I wasn’t certain I wanted to see the film—but watching it Saturday evening, from the comfort of our living room, I decided I needed to see the companion film, “Letters From Iwo Jima,” post haste. So while Nancy was teaching Bible study last night, I was in a theatre, witnessing the battle from the Japanese perspective. It was fascinating to see scenes from “Flags” expanded upon in “Letters.” Put the two films together and you one of the most powerful screen experiences I’ve ever seen. And I would add this: Unless you have a really big television set, the way “Letters” is subtitled may make it difficult to follow on DVD/video—another good reason for seeing this in theatres. I should quickly add that the combat footage is graphic.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Bea J., going through additional testing (sister-in-law of Sharon K.); pray, also, for her husband, Lyon. Prayers for a friend of Sharon K., preparing for further blood work. Prayers for Sandy H., preparing for very serious heart surgery on March 1st (niece of Sharon & Leroy K.). Prayers for Orv S., having surgery February 19th. Prayers for Chris K., recovering from a cerebral hemorrhage (friend of Corey and Shauna R. and family). Prayers for Bonnie D., recently diagnosed with breast cancer (friend of Becky L.). Prayers for Shirley & Bill C., rebuilding in The Villages, FL, after the tornado.
Matthew 20:29-34
As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed Jesus. There were two blind men sitting by the roadside. When they heard that Jesus was passing by, they shouted, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” The crowd sternly ordered them to be quiet; but they shouted even more loudly, “Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!” Jesus stood still and called them, saying, “What do you want me to do for you?” They said to him, “Lord, let our eyes be opened.” Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him.