Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Natalie Grant

BETH W. writes: There are still plenty of tickets available for the St. Andrew's Dinner Dance and Auction at Champions Run on November 16. Please stop by the auction table on Sunday to make your purchase or send your payment of $80 per ticket to Kelvin and Beth Whited at the church. We still need auction items and will be taking them at the auction table through November 4. We would also be glad to come and pick up items if needed. Remember, this is a fun event that raises money to help pay for the loan on the sanctuary. Any questions, contact us.
I Peter 3:18-20; Ephesians 4:8-10
Alex Birdwell is scheduled to sing “How Great Thou Art” at 9:15 & 10:45.
Our newest members are LANCE & COURTNEY F. They are the parents of twin sons, Trevor & Justin.
You’ll see a couple of notes in Pastor Charlotte’s prayer list regarding the fires in Southern California. I was the phone last night to my daughter, Laura, who graduated from Kansas University this spring and is now working in Orange County. While out of any immediate fire danger herself, she talked about how eerie it is to experience these Santa Ana winds.
Our final 2007 Pizza With The Pastors is scheduled for Sunday evening, November 11, 5:00-6:30
This is an event designed for people moving toward membership at St. Andrew’s.
Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda on Sunday morning.

Join the singles at Heidelberg’s – 3510 No. 167th Circle to watch the Nebraska vs Texas football game. Grab a seat at 1:30 for the pre-game. Kick-off is at 2:30. Come one, come all and cheer on the Huskers! Go Big Red.
The final Wed. night for the WILD WEST FALL BIBLE STUDY is this Wed. night (THAT’S TONIGHT!) from 6:00-7:00 p.m. It has been a great month with the children learning more about Jesus and the Bible along with some great songs and crafts. We will conclude the study on Friday night Oct. 26 with our Wild West Fall Festival-a Halloween alternative. Children up through 5th grade are invited to come in their Halloween costumes and be ready to have some rootin’ tootin’ down home fun while trick-or-treating for candy and some hidden treasures. There are 19 games/activities planned for the children in the Family Life Center on Friday from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Thanks to all those who have already volunteered to work a game booth for an hour- we have the 6:00-7:00 time slot all filled. However, we still are in need of 17 volunteers to fill the booths for the 7:00-8:00 p.m. slot. Please email or call Margie today and volunteer to help out with a game for an hour for the children on Friday night.
St. Andrew’s CEC is currently accepting application for a School Age Teacher and a Cook. The hours for the School Age teacher can be 7:30-4:30 or a split shift, 7:30-9:00 / 3-6. The hours for the Cook will be 6:30-1:30. Please apply in person or fax resume to 431-8637, Attn: Chantelle.
PAM F. writes: Childrens choirs and youth choir will NOT meet on Wed., Oct. 31st (Halloween). The adult choir and the Christmas Intergenerational choir will meet at their regular times.
NATALIE GRANT CONCERT INFO: Concert Date/time: 11/08/2007 (Thursday) at 7:00pm. Doors will open at 6:30pm. Concert is expected to last about 80-90 minutes total. There is not expected to be an intermission. This is a free concert, but there will be a free-will offering taken up during the concert for Natalie and her band. She also may promote her HOME foundation. Visit her website for more details:

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE NATALIE GRANT CONCERT!!! For our last concert, we used somewhere in the neighborhood of 50+ volunteers! SO…we need your help! If you would be interested in volunteering to be a “helper” for the concert, please send an email to Craig B.

Here are the areas that we will need help with:

LOAD-IN, LOAD-OUT - We need 4-6 folks that can perform heavy lifting of the band’s equipment. Basically, this involves unloading and loading the band’s equipment to and from the tour bus the day of the concert. It would be preferred that the same folks that unload the buses are available to also reload the buses after the concert.

PARKING – We generally need about 10 people to assist in Parking. Adrian A. is leading up this group. They were outstanding (literally) at the Mark Schultz concert. I had several people from other churches comment how smoothly the parking went. If you have helped with parking in the past and are available on 11/08/2007, please let Adrian know ASAP that you are available. NOTE: we have COOL flashlights and vests for you to wear!

PARKING CONES – We need a line on some construction quality parking cones. Last time we rented from TodCo. If anyone has a connection in this area, that would be great!

MERCHANDIZING – We only need one or two more experienced “sellers”. This is a fast-paced job and is done before and after the concert. At the Mark Schultz concert Deanna A. and her cast of sellers did a
FANTASTIC job and sold over 300 CD’S!!! (All proceeds go to Natalie Grant)

USHERS/CROWD CONTROL – We need very responsible and outgoing people to help get visitors into the church and quickly seated. Also, these helpers will tend to the audience needs during the concert as they arise. These helpers will also have assignments after the concert to help route folks quickly and safely out of the church. We need about 10-12 friendly people.

SECURITY – We need 2-4 people to attend to event security. This is a tough assignment, because more than likely you will not get to see much of the concert. We need these helpers to check the inside and outside of the church (and parking lot) before, during and after the concert to make sure “all is well” and report back to the event coordinator if there are troubles. If you are a police officer or have event security experience, that would be AWESOME! NOTE: We also need a group coordinator for this group as well, so if you are interested in being this coordinator, please contact Craig B.

YOUTH – Contact Bob D. if you are interested in helping with the concert. If approved, the youth will again be selling donated water. All sales will go to funding the summer mission trip.

VOLUNTEERS to distribute posters and get the word out about the concert…WE NEED EVERYONE READING THIS EMAIL TO DO THIS!!! Posters should be available at the church office for pickup no later than Friday (10/26). Also, they will be available the next two Sunday’s at the church information booth. Make sure to pick up extras and distribute them to neighbors, co-workers, grocery stores, schools, hospitals, other churches, etc.

Thanks everyone. This is going to be a GREAT event for our church!
Craig B.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Dave and Brooke B., who have been evacuated from their home in California, due to the wildfires (friends of St. Andrew’s and the Drama Team). Prayers for the firefighters in California, for all who have lost their homes and have been displaced by the wildfires. Prayers for Virginia W., who has been moved to Hospice House; pray that she be at peace.
Ephesians 4:8-10, Therefore it is said, ‘When he ascended on high he made captivity itself a captive; he gave gifts to his people. (When it says, ‘He ascended,’ what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth. He who descended is the same one who ascended far above all the heavens, so that he might fill all things.)