Thursday, November 01, 2007


November 4, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching: The SAD Church
November 11, Bruce preaching: GLAD ALL OVER!
November 18, Thanksgiving Sunday, Nancy preaching.
Live and In Person
At St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
Thursday, November 8, 7:00
This is a free concert. Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Thanks to Carrie T., we have a nice NATALIE GRANT announcement posted on the home page of our web site. Speaking of the web site, if you click on sermons, you’ll find THE HARROWING OF HELL, which drew lots of comment and that you may want to read for yourself.

The United Methodist Food Pantry (formerly Pearl Food Pantry) has asked if we would provide 50 roasting chickens for Thanksgiving dinner. These chickens would go to the elderly and small families that would not be able to use a turkey. If you are able to help our brothers and sisters in North Omaha please make your check payable to St. Andrews with UM

This Sunday, November 4th --- Don’t forget your Hi-C drink boxes that the Mission’s Team is collecting for Camp Fire USA. These drink boxes are included in backpacks which contain nutritious meals provided to approximately 400 – 500 Omaha children for the weekends.
The ST. ANDREW’S DINNER AUCTION & DANCE is just over two weeks away. We really need to have all the donation items turned in to us by this Sunday (11/4) so we can have them included in the auction book. We still are in need of auction items (restaurant gift certificates, services, event tickets, houseware items etc.) so please help out our church’s biggest fundraiser. We still have plenty of tickets available for the event so why not spend a fun evening with your church family. Please contact Beth and Kelvin W.
Tuesday December 4th 7pm to 8:30 PM
"I'm a Methodist woman, You're a Methodist woman, we're all Methodist women together" .... sound familiar? Please come and join with your fellow Methodist women at St Andrews for an evening of fun and friendship.
All women will have the opportunity to participate. There will be a cooking demonstration, then rotate to craft demonstration where you'll participate in a 'make-it and take-it' holiday card fest, and finally rotate to a 'mini-massage' for a little relaxation therapy. This is our holiday gathering for all St Andrews Methodist women. Refreshments will be served by HOPE circle. Child care will be available. Please put the date of Tuesday 12-4 on your calendar and plan to join us. It will be a fun evening for all.
NETTA P. writes:
Children’s Ministries is still in immediate need of people to man the registration desks during the 9:15 and 10:45 church services. We need two more for 9:15 and three for 10:45. This is an important volunteer opportunity for the safety of our children. The position entails being at either the upstairs or downstairs registration desk from 9:05 through dismissal for the 9:15 service and at 10:35 through dismissal for the 10:45 service every other month. You would help teachers with anything extra they might need, gather Sunday School offering and attendance sheets for the classrooms and greet/answer questions/direct parents to the classrooms. That’s it—pretty simple! You could even bring the Sunday paper along to read if you want.....We are also needing a helper to rotate every other month in our 2-year old class room at 9:15..... Please consider these opportunities and give Margie W. a call to volunteer an hour for a month of Sundays and then rotate one month off.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of joy for Megan H. and Lewis W., in their recent marriage. Prayers for Lewis W., preparing for surgery October 31st, due to an auto accident. Prayers for Betty J., who has a blood cancer and is hospitalized (Kathy J.’s mother-in-law). Prayers for Elaine D., hospitalized, recovering from a serious illness (mother of Ken D.). Prayers of joy for Mitch and Sam M., in the recent birth of a son, Major Spencer.
Proverbs 29:11, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but the wise quietly hold it back.”
I found myself yelling at an automated answering system this afternoon and it occurred to me that old Solomon, to whom the Proverbs are ascribed, never had to deal with an automated answering system. Solomon might have wanted to take a sword and cut the machine in two—not that that would have been an option for him or me.