Tuesday, October 30, 2007


November 4, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching: The SAD Church
On Sunday October 21st, we were blessed to baptize RILEE MICHAEL H., son of Jerry & Stephanie.
The ST. ANDREW’S DINNER AUCTION & DANCE is just over two weeks away. We really need to have all the donation items turned in to us by this Sunday (11/4) so we can have them included in the auction book. We still are in need of auction items (restaurant gift certificates, services, event tickets, houseware items etc.) so please help out our church’s biggest fundraiser. We still have plenty of tickets available for the event so why not spend a fun evening with your church family. Please contact Beth and Kelvin Whited 496-1350 or [ mailto:whitedfamily@hotmail.com ]whitedfamily@hotmail.com.

Natalie Grant will be with us for a free concert on Thursday evening, November 8, starting at 7:00. If you’re not familiar with this very accomplished artist, please visit her web site and listen to some of her music.

FROM MANDY B.: We are in need of 4 hotel rooms for Natalie Grant and her band for Thursday November 8th. If you have any connections to the Hilton, Marriot, or like hotel please contact me no later than Thursday, November 1st. Thanks! Mandy B.

CRAIG B. writes: Natalie and her tour management have agreed to have a “Meet and Greet.”

There will be 10 meet and greets sold ONLY to St. Andrews members.

Each Meet and greet will cost $40 and will include the following three things:

1 professionally taken picture with the Artist (up to 3 people + Artist in picture)
NOTE: This picture will be available the next Sunday in church.
1 personally signed poster by Artist
Since this meet and greet happens 30 minutes before the doors open, all meet and greet participants will be guaranteed a seat.

If anyone is interested, please have them email me to reserve their slot today! It is critical that we receive the money prior to the start of the concert.


LOAD-IN / LOAD-OUT – I have had no volunteers yet. We will need 4. This is a tough volunteer position, because they will need to be there early (LOAD-IN) and stay late (LOAD-OUT), so it makes for a long day (of course they can leave in-between if they wish). Each load will take an hour or two. We could have two different crews, but is better to have the same folks help with both. (familiarity).

CROWD CONTROL –We need 5 more volunteers (we have 5 already, but need 10). With a ticketless concert, this will be an important position too, because we will have to use hand-held “counters” to keep track of the crowd coming in. We will have to know when we are full (assuming we get there).
Thanks to all of you who helped run booths, hand out candy, give hay rack rides, worked behind the scene, decorated, donated and anything else I forgot! This event could not happen without good people to get involved and help out!! Thanks again! It was difficult to count how may people attended, but best guess is 250+ kids, their parents, and helpers, I would think we had well over 500+ people come through. Special thanks to Wendy L. for all her decorations, Steve G. for his special effects with smoke and lights, and Clark S. for driving the tractor. Very cool! We’ll do it again next year!
Together, Inc.'s Christmas Giving Tree
St. Andrew's will again be assisting local needy families through Together, Inc.'s Holiday Shop. Clients of Together, Inc. are able to select gifts for children/family members and take home a holiday food sack. Beginning on Sunday, November 4th, you will have the opportunity to select an item to donate from the Giving Tree located in the rotunda. All items should be returned to the church by December 2nd and placed under the tree. If you have any questions, please contact Denise J. Also looking for a few volunteers to work in the Christmas shop, if interested please give me a call. Thank you.
A Halloween Enthusiast and Together Inc. Supporter wanted me to invite you to go through his Haunted House, in support of Together Inc.’s Food Pantry. The supporter’s name is Chris Wilcox, and the information about his haunted driveway display is below:
When: Halloween night, October 31st
Time: Dark to 9:00 – 9:30pm
Where: 3 ? blocks South of Center Street on 106th Street.
Entry fee into the haunted house will be one can of food per person. All food will be donated to Together Inc. for their pantry. Come out & join in the fun!
KIM R. writes: With the re-opening of the day shelter Siena/Francis has asked for donations of stick deodorant, toilet paper and 50 gal. trash bags. If you can provide any of these, please place them in the Siena/Francis box in the Rotunda. Questions - call Kim Roth @ 496-7181.
CHARLOTTE M. asks: Prayers for Ellen S., recovering from surgery (mother of Ken S.). Prayers for Tammy R., whose cancer has returned after many years in remission -- preparing for surgery and chemotherapy (sister-in-law of Mike & Sandra R.). Please continue to pray for Suzie, who possibly has kidney failure – her condition is worsening (friend of Denise J.). Also, please pray for Betty J., who has a blood cancer and is not doing very well, is currently hospitalized, undergoing many tests (mother-in-law of Kathy J.).
Psalm 57:1-3, “Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, until the destroying storms pass by. I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. He will send from heaven and save me, he will put to shame those who trample on me. God will send forth his steadfast love and his faithfulness."