Wednesday, January 23, 2008


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce Davis, the Praise Band & Horns of Jericho:
MANDY B. tells us about our newest members::

Kathleen S.- is a teacher at Educare of Omaha
Lisa S. and Batsi M.- Lisa is a photographer at Portrait Innovations Batsi is a Student at UNMC. Lisa and Batsi are engaged to be married in December.
Tim and Carrie A.- Tim is a claims adjuster at USAA Insurance and Kerri is a casualty claims adjuster at EMC Insurance they have a son Alec who is 10.
Michael and Julie A.- Michael is in management at Lanoha Nurseries and Julie works as a Mortgage Closer at Midwest Commercial Mortgage. They have Ethan who is 12 and Emma who is 6.
Chantell H.- is the Director of the St. Andrews CEC.
Gene and Bill W.- Gene is the Administrative Assistant at the St. Andrews CEC and Bill is in ground and maintenance at Metro Community College. They have been long time visitors (11 years!) and are members of the band.
Doug and Pat G.- Doug is a driver for Shopko and Pat is retired from OPS. They have two granddaughters Jessica and Allena.
Jodie and Peggy F.- Jodie works at Northern Natural Gas and Peggy works part-time at Northern Natural Gas. They have a son Korey, 13, and two grown daughters.
I’m writing from a bench outside St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Orlando, Florida. Nancy and I are attending a Large Church Initiative event—think of it as a “best practices fair.” Nancy is presently admiring dogs. St. Luke’s Canine Crusaders—therapy hounds--are welcoming people to worship this evening. I spent the afternoon in a seminar on generational differences in giving—and there are, in fact, significant differences.. There was an improv group here earlier in the day; Nancy wound up on stage, as part of the act, and said she was reminded of the St. Andrew’s Reckless Abandon Players. She says, according to the news, it’s been snowing in Omaha. It is not snowing in Orlando. We’ve been hearing some powerful speakers, including a pastor from Belfast in Northern Ireland, whose church sits on the “Peace Line” separating Protestants from Catholics. His congregation has been a catalyst for reconciliation; in fact, he received what I think is called the Order of the British Empire from the queen herself. Referencing Jesus’ famous teaching, “You are the salt of the earth,” this guy said the American congregations see ourselves as salt depositories, when we are supposed to be salt dispensers. I like that.

What: Hot Chili & Warm Hearts Family Social ( A Benefit for the Hueftle Family)
When: Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Where: Bethany Family Life Center and west lobby
Bethany Lutheran Church
(4200 North 204th St., Elkhorn, NE.)
Who: All St. Andrew's Families
Why: This year's event will serve as a benefit for the Rachael Hueftle family. Rachael is the 8 year-old daughter of Lori and Gil. Rachael and her family are battling a form of kidney cancer. The funds raised will go toward the medical expenses incurred for the treatment of the cancer. Lori is a Preschool teacher at Bethany and they are donating 100% to the family. Gil, Lori and Rachael have been part of the St. Andrew's family for years and we hope you can come enjoy some fun and fellowship!

In addition to chili and family activities there will be a "silent auction", if anyone is interested in donating any items or baskets towards the auction please call Stacey F. and she will gladly arrange pick up and delivery. Any items welcome and greatly appreciated!
From DIANA F.: Gallup Survey
Sunday in your bulletin you will find the Gallup Survey. Please fill out the survey in blue or black ink and place in the baskets provided. This survey is for anyone (member or regular attender) who is 18 or older. Each individual should fill out their own survey – not one per family. If you would like to take the survey home and fill it out, please return it by Sunday, Feb. 3rd as they need to be returned to Gallup that week. We have taken this survey two times previously in conjunction with the Luis Palau Festival last summer. A team from St. Andrew’s will be attending an Impact Planning Seminar at Gallup in March to learn the results, and how we can use them to plan for the future.
CRAIG B. writes: Christian music artists, Casting Crowns, will be at the Mid America Center on April 27th at 6:00. You are invited to join the BLT group and other St. Andrew’s members and friends for this Christian music concert at the “group” rate of $23 per person. If you would like to attend and sit with the St. Andrews group (we have 25 so far!), please contact Craig B. by Thursday, January 24rd as the ticket order will be placed on Friday January 25th.

Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Pat C., awaiting test results, being moved to a bigger hospital for further tests (sister of Carol S.). Prayers for Esteleen A., hospitalized. Prayers for Adam B., left for Iraq – 2nd tour (Carrie T.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Betty J., in her recent passing (Ed J.’s mother, Kathy J.’s mother-in-law). Prayers for Dee H., battling knee pain. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ed G., in his recent passing.
