Tuesday, January 08, 2008


IN THIS MAILING: Upward Basketball, Small Group Opportunities, Bells, Books and much much more!
January 13, 2008
Nancy Davis preaching: BULLIES

NANCY WRITES: This Sunday I am preaching on the subject of bullies. Our Youth Director, Bob Davis, will be helping me with this. This is, as you all know, a very timely subject for us all, children, youth, and adults. Most adults can think of a time when they were bullied. Some can remember a time when they were bullies. In our culture today with messages of violence everywhere we cannot be surprised that the problem of bullying is increasing in our schools. I hope that you will be present, especially if you are the parents or grandparents of children and youth, or if you are a teacher or coach, or if you are a person who is interested in young people and how you can make a difference in their lives. Since this is the second Sunday, our youth will be with us during the 9:15 worship hour and if you have a youth in your family I hope you will make a special effort to have that person in worship this week. See you Sunday!

Then plan on attending
This Sunday evening, January 13, 5:00-7:00
Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or e-mail Mandy B.
Nancy and I pigged out on movies over the holidays, including theater visits and various rentals: I was pleasantly surprised at how well Johnny Depp handled the vocals in SWEENEY TODD…. ATONEMENT just blew me away. I’m a sucker for love stories set in time of war and this film is right up there with THE ENGLISH PATIENT….We saw the stars of the just-mentioned movies, Johnny Depp and Kiera Knightly, in the third and final installment of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, which was simply awful….Has there ever been a more dreadful Christmas movie than DECK THE HALLS? None come readily to mind...Nancy and I both enjoyed the Jamie Foxx action thriller, set in Saudi Arabia, THE KINGDOM. WALK HARD had some funny moments, but included scenes too gross for this Methodist.
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, which was announced for the last Sunday of this month, has been pushed back to February 17. The revised preaching schedule has the Praise Band and Horns of Jericho with me on January 27 for JOSHUA FIT.
MANDY B. writes: I wanted to let everyone know about an upcoming event at St. Andrews! About 500 Karen refugees from Omaha and surrounding states will come celebrate the Karen National New Year at St. Andrews on Saturday, January 12th. The day will include a program at 10:00 with traditional culture bamboo dance and music, reception from 12:00-1:30, and an indoor sports competition (volleyball, table tennis, etc.) following. They have invited anyone from St. Andrews to come and watch, eat or even join in the sports competition! Questions? Contact Mandy B.
FROM JOYCE M.: The bells of St. Andrews will begin ringing for 2008 on Wednesday, January 23rd. The adult handbell choir resumes rehearsals at 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. We would invite past ringers and new ringers to come and join the choir as we celebrate 2008. The handbell choir rings on the first Sunday of each month. Come check us out on Wednesday, January 23rd.

Begins January 14 @ 9:00 a.m.
Join this Beth Moore study of prophecy, and learn how to shine for Christ in our modern culture. Just as the prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures—to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats—today’s believers face many of the same trials. This study shows how individuals can live with integrity in today's self-absorbed society. The cost of the workbook is $15. Please contact Diana so enough workbooks will be available.

On January 14th at 7 p.m. the Book Club will be discussing Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible by Dietrich Bonhoffer. Learn the various types of Psalms and how they can be used to enrich your prayer life. Contact Diana for a book at a cost of $8.00.

St. Andrew’s Women’s Retreat will be March 7, 8, and 9th at Mahoney State Park. This year’s theme is “Survivor”. Contact Diana for more information and to register.

UPWARD HELP NEEDED: Have you ever wished you could be Ray Clay, the announcer for the Chicago Bulls? Here’s your chance! We need another person to join the announcing team for Upward Basketball. This is probably the HIGHLIGHT of the program as the kids race through the tunnel, smoke and lights while there name is announced. We have games from 6:00-9:00 on Fridays and 8:00-5:-00 on Saturdays. Please consider this fun opportunity and e-mail Netta above! You’ll be glad you did. We also need Referees for the above times! No need for previous experience. We’ll train! E-mail Netta!

SUNDAY MORNING DESK HELP: Want to get engaged into a ministry, but don’t know where? Here’s a place to start. Sign up to monitor a registration desk during Sunday School. We need people to assist new parents/children their classrooms, monitor halls/bathrooms, and time to read the Sunday paper over a cup of coffee and donut. E-mail Margie!
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy, and for strength, for the family of Jim E., in his recent passing (grandfather of Kelly R.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Victor B., in his recent passing (grandfather of Nathan M.).
Matthew 5:38-41, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, ‘Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you for your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile.”