Thursday, April 03, 2008


April 5 & 6
Saturday, 5:00 (Family Life Center)
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00
Bruce preaching: SOLID FOOD
April 12 & 13
Bruce preaching yet again:
Pandemonium: The Von Maur Sermon
It’s been a part of most conversation I’ve had this week: “Well, of course, it’s Spring Break, so we won’t be here this weekend,” Is EVERYBODY going to Fort Lauderdale? Surely not! We have what I think will be a heart-warming weekend of worship planned for each of our three services, and we will particularly appreciate your presence and any who you bring with you.
One of my favorite American cities is Memphis, Tennessee. Of course, everyone knows about Graceland, a monument to Elvis and bad taste. Sun Studios and Beale Street are other must-sees. But to my mind the most poignant place in Memphis—indeed, one of the most poignant places in the USA--is the Lorraine Motel, situated a couple of miles south of downtown. As lodging goes, the Lorraine a full flight of stairs down from Memphis’ ornate Peabody Hotel, but in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. and other persons of color couldn’t stay in the Peabody. The Lorraine, roughly comparable to a vintage Holiday Inn, was the best accommodation available for a black traveler in segregated Memphis. 40 years ago this week, Dr. King was assassinated coming out of his room on the second floor of the Lorraine Motel.
You would have had to be alive in 1968 to appreciate the chaos of that year: assassinations, riots, violence at the political conventions, all played out in the shadow of the deepening nightmare that was Vietnam. I’ll be doing a sermon later this year, simply titled 1968. It was a heck of a time to come of age in America, that’s for sure. .
Gallup Membership Survey Report: Part 2 of 23
On a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), St. Andrew’s had an average score of 4.08, which ranks favorably to the Gallup Mean Score of 3.83.
Bringing us to something already in the works for this fall. We’re hoping to put together a series of listening sessions to talk about ME #2. What ARE the spiritual needs of our Saints of Andrew? What are we not doing that we could be doing to meet these needs? This is an area of particular interest and concern to your pastors, staff and others in congregational leadership. If we’re meeting your spiritual needs, a lot of other things are going to fall into place..
From BOB D.: We need kids who are at least 13 years old to help provide child care for Sabbath Night Live on May 2 and 3. I need at least 5 kids to help each night. Please e-mail me if your youth can help out. Thanks!
Dear Parents, Please share this info. with your youth, grades 6th -12th. I am trying to get a group of youth together to join me at the Mid America Center in Council Bluffs Sunday April 27 for the Casting Crowns concert. This is an awesome Christian Band with an awesome message. Tickets will be around $23 to $28. I will need some help with transportation and chaperoning. Please let me know by Wednesday April 9 if you want to go. We would meet at the church at 4:30pm. The concert starts at 6pm.
From CINDY S.: The Prayer Shawl Ministry would like to invite you to let them know of anyone who would benefit from receiving a shawl. Please call Nancy D. with the name of someone you would like to have a shawl delivered to. The group would also like to thank those who continue to donate yarn! It truly is a wonderful way to be involved in this ministry!
  • Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.: undergoing tests.
  • Lyle H. (cousin of Diane B.): cancer surgery.
  • Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.): battling cancer.
  • Larry P. (brother of Bruce P.): having open heart surgery.
  • Dick P. (father of Diane W.).
  • Brooke W. (daughter of Jeff & Judy W.): tonsils removed.
  • Tommy M. son of Sally & Tom M.: born with CMV virus
  • Gene W.
  • Ann P.: grandmother of Pam F., going into assisted living.
  • Renae & Steve G. at the passing of Renae’s father.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26, “For I received from the Lord what I handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said: ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”