Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Times They Are A Changing



Saturday, 5:00

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT:

Why Jesus Jumped into the Volcano

Children’s Sunday School will be offered concurrent with all three services.

Saturday evening is designed as very informal, “come as you are.”

The Youth Hour is Sunday at 10:00.


From NETTA P.: Welcome to the new services! As a reminder, children at all service times can attend Bible Studies in their classrooms. Teachers will be waiting your arrival 10 minutes prior to start time. To eliminate any confusion, here is the list again:

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery, Lower Level 3

Heather Romine-Furr/_______________

Pre-School-PreKind, Lower Level 5

Teacher: Gwen W.

Helpers: Marilyn C., Deb H.

Kindergarten-1st Grade, Lower Level 1

Teachers: Angie W./Ellen T.

Helpers: Morgan/Sydney T.

2nd-3rd Grades, Lower Level 2

Teachers: Gail W./Sheryl O.

Helpers: Chris W./Kim W.

4th/5th GRAPPLE, Lower Level 4

Teachers: Michele A.

Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery, Lower Level 3

Heather R.

Pre-School-PreKind, Lower Level 5

Teachers: Pam H.

Kindergarten-1st Grade, Lower Level 1

Teachers: Lori P.

Helpers: Ken/Steve P.

2nd-3rd Grades, Lower Level 2

Teachers: Kathy J.

Helpers: Sarah J.

4th/5th GRAPPLE, Lower Level 4

Teacher: Bob R.

Helpers: Susan W.

SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery, Rooms: 110-111

Gina J./Heather F./Melissa N./Chelsea

Pre-School A (Born 10/16/04-10/15/05), Room: 112

Teachers: Anne J./Hillary C.

Helpers: ___________/___________

Pre-School B (Born 10/16/03-10/15/04), Room: 113

Teachers: Bailey H./Caitlin W.

Helpers: Julie H./Chris S.

Pre-Kindergarten, Room: 120-121

Teachers: Pam T./Carol M.

Helpers: Vicki J./Mark M./______________

Kindergarten, Lower Level 5

Teachers: Sheila C./Karen C.

Helpers: Lindsey B./Betty M.

1st Grade, Lower Level 1

Teachers: Tracy L.

Helpers: Kim P./Stacey F.

2nd Grade, Lower Level 2

Teachers: Lawrence F./Anne Marie T.

Helpers: Brittany N./Lynn M.

3rd Grade, Lower Level 3

Teachers: John & Kathy L./Nancy & Katherine T.

Helpers: Joeni P.

4th/5th GRAPPLE, Lower Level 4

Teachers: Janelle B./Jeff & Deb H.

Helpers: Karen H./Jennifer W.


Nancy came through her surgery just fine. She’ll have her arm in a sling for the next ten days. Tracy & Sarah S. came by last night, representing our Breaking Bread Ministry, bringing us some terrific tortellini soup among other dinner accompaniments. I think BB is feeding us again tonight! What a wonderful ministry.


JOYCE M. writes: The St. Andrews Handbell Ringers wish to thank everyone who, during the year, have told us how much they enjoy our music the first Sunday of each month. We have had a wonderful year ringing over eight times since September with April and May still to come. The choir is also ringing for our first wedding in April so that is very exciting. We plan to continue rehearsals this summer and offer music at the summer services. If you are thinking of joining the handbell choir, this would be a great time to start. We will be losing two ringers due to high school graduation so do have some open positions. Come join us this June!



Due to a change in plans, one ticket to the Women of Faith Conference has become available. The Conference is Friday, March 28th - 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 29 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Diana if you are interested.


JOHN L. tells us about:

Kicks for a Cure 2008 – April 18, 19 –

The primary purpose of the weekend is to raise awareness for women’s cancer education and prevention. It is also an opportunity to generate a broader interest in women’s collegiate athletics, and to showcase Omaha as a compassionate, vibrant community where health care, education, commerce and recreation intertwine. The event was envisioned in 2004 by Dave Karnes and Steve and Amy Lindsay. 2006 marked the first year of the event and in just two short years more than $250,000 has been raised benefiting cancer research. Funds are raised through sponsorships, in-kind donations, and sale of banquet and game tickets to the general public. Grants totaling $242,000 have been awarded by Kicks for a Cure, A Benefit for Liz’s Legacy, to fund cancer research initiatives at UNMC Eppley Cancer Center and Creighton University Hereditary Cancer Center. The research targets cancers affecting women, but is more global in its impact. Additionally, a $5,000 grant was awarded in 2007 to Creighton Women’s Soccer for an endowed scholarship. Check out the website for details, game schedule and a printable coupon. Hope to see you on April 19th to support a great cause.


Prayers of Healing

  • Steve J. (friend of Becky L.) surgery for cancer.
  • Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.) having tests.
  • Dale F. (cousin of Diane B.) health issues from double lung transplant.
  • Ginnie (friend of Sheila C.) test.
  • Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.) battling cancer.
  • Donna B. (friend of Shirley C.) cancer surgery.
  • Larry P. (brother of Bruce P.) having open heart surgery.

Prayer of Celebration

· Birth of Isaac, son of Jason & Deb H.


Romans 5:6-9. For while were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteousness person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. Much more surely then, now that we have been justified by his blood, will be saved through him from the wrath of God.
