Friday, March 28, 2008

Ready To Go

March 29 & 30
Saturday, 5:00
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00
Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT:
Why Jesus Jumped into the Volcano
We’ve been aiming toward this weekend for months now, dating back to the survey process of last autumn, when we heard strong interest in a Saturday evening service. I think we’re as ready as we can be. The Saturday evening music component has shaped up very nicely; I am excited about the debut of The Ax Of The Apostles. The core lineup at this point is Leon A. on keyboard, Tyler S. and Liam T. on guitar, Bill & Gene W. on drums, Steve G. on bass, with a vocal section of Craig B., Pam F., Lynne J., Trevor J., Patrick P. and Daryl R. Not all the above will be there every week, and we’ll plug others in as we go, but the group has a tight sound and this is going to be a lot of fun. The St. Andrew’s Singers, Praise Band and Horns Of Jericho will grace the Sunday morning services.
In the wake of an amazing Easter Sunday, I found myself thinking a lot about how far our music ministry has come the past couple of years. The program took a big hit in transition issues of 2005, but we’ve built the ministry back up into one of the congregation’s strongest strengths. The leadership team of Leon A., Pam F. and Adam W. are to be mega-congratulated, along with each and every volunteer. With the new services, we need more and more people plugging in. The St. Andrew’s Singers practice on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:00. Just show up and introduce yourself. The Ax Of The Apostles practice in the 6:00-7:00 slot. Talk with Leon or Pam and they’ll steer you in the right direction.
The Music and Children’s Ministries are the key departments in making the new schedule work. Netta Pollock and her team have done a wonderful job in getting ready for this big adventure. We’ll have fully-staff Sunday Schools in all three hours of our weekend worship schedule. I just stood up from my desk and applauded the Children’s Ministry team in absentia.
April 5 & 6
Bruce preaching (see next paragraph)
Nancy’s wrist surgery was a little more daunting than she originally anticipated, at least as far as recovery. She’ll be in a cast through next Friday, and then in a splint for a while. That means she won’t be able to work a keyboard for a while, while will put a crimp in endeavors such as e-mails and working on sermon manuscripts. I’ll be doing the preaching for the next several Sundays.
Regarding yesterday’s KICKS FOR A CURE (April 18/19) article from John Luddy, BRENDA B. writes: The Millard North Girls Varsity Soccer Team ranked #l, thus far, will be participating. Two St. Andrew’s youth, as far as I know, are on that team..Jada R. and Megan B. The Kicks For a Cure event is not only supporting a great cause, but fun, too.
RONDI M. asks: Would you please ask for prayers for baby Tommy M. son of Sally and Todd M. who was born on Easter Sunday with the CMV virus and is in critical condition in the NICU unit at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
Mark 16:14-15, “Later Jesus appeared to the eleven themselves as they were sitting at the table; and he upbraided them for their lack of faith and stubbornness, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. And he said to them, “God into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”
Finally, Saturday is going to be weird for me, personally. I’m not talking about the service itself, but rather the pacing of the hours beforehand, reminding myself that I need to go to church and lead a worship service. I am a creature of habit, an old horse trying to learn a new trick, so if I seem a little befuddled on Saturday evening, just say a short prayer, Help him, Lord. Happily, I seem to have a pretty quick learning curve. We’ll appreciate your prayers as we going into the weekend.