Monday, March 17, 2008

Holy Monday

We welcome new readers to St.A-Mail. If you ever want off the list, for whatever reason, just let us know.



The newest members of the St. Andrews Family are:

MIKE & MELISSA N.: Mike is a Landscape Foreman at SunCo Grounds Management and Melissa is an Xray tech at Methodist Hospital. They have two boys Logan and Jake.

BRIAN & ANGIE W.: Brian is a Turf Care Manager at SunCo Grounds Management and Angie is a Home daycare provider. They have two girls Delaney and Olivia.

JASON & SARA L.: Jason is employed with Heritage Management and Sara is a homemaker. They have three children Peyton, Parker and Paili.

BRIAN K.: Brian is a Lumber Trader at Roberts and Dybdahl. His wife, Janet, is a member and they have two boys Tyler and Elliot.

JOHN & BARBARA E.: John is a civil engineer with HDR and Barbara is a homemaker. They have two girls Kaitlyn and Emily.


We celebrated two baptisms on Sunday.

ALEXANDER JACKSON A. is the son of Phillip & Jaclyn A.

BENNETT THOMAS K. is the son of Jeff & Jamie K.



Tuesday, March 18 is our DAY OF PRAYER FOR SAN ANDRES. This is our namesake community in rural Nicaragua. When several of us were down there last month, we learned they had set aside the Tuesday of Holy Week as a Day of Prayer for St. Andrew’s, so it seems right and good that we should remember them. A contingent of Nicaraguans will be guests in our service on Saturday evening, April 19, with a reception to follow.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 20, 7:00,

The Reckless Abandon Players present:

GOOD FRIDAY OBSERVANCE, Noon, featuring readings from the Gospel of Matthew, with appropriate hymns and prayers.

ST. ANDREW’S EASTER EGG HUNT, Saturday, 10:00 am.

Please bring 12 filled plastic eggs to share in the hunt.


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Bruce & Nancy: JESUS ROSE

You don’t want to miss the opening musical number, so don’t be late!

From BOB DAVIS: The youth grades 6th -12th grade will not have Sunday school this Easter Sunday so they may enjoy sitting with their families. Confirmation class will not meet this Easter Sunday. There will also be no youth group activities this Sunday.

March 29 & 30


5:00 Saturday

8:30 & 10:00 Sunday

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT: Why Jesus Jumped Into The Volcano


John 12:27-28, words of Jesus: “Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say—‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.”
