Friday, April 04, 2008

The Royals

THIS WEEKEND, April 5 & 6

Saturday, 5:00 (Family Life Center, due to a wedding in sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:


And in weeks to come…

April 12 & 13

Bruce preaching: PANDEMONIUM: The Von Maur Sermon

April 19 & 20

Saturday evening, 5:00


comes to St. Andrew’s.

Bruce preaching: THE ANGEL OF LOS FIEROS

Reception at 6:00

Sunday morning, 8:30 & 10:00



April 26 & 27



This is going to be a big weekend around St. Andrew’s. Nancy hopes to get the cast removed this morning, replaced by less-clumsy splint. This evening and tomorrow, she’ll be leading a Lay Speakers training class at the church. Matt J. and Sarah W. are getting married in the sanctuary tomorrow (Saturday) at 4:00. At 5:00, we worship in the Family Life Center. To repeat, the congregation met in there for ten years before the new sanctuary was built, so we can surely manage on these Saturday evenings when there are weddings in the sanctuary. We’re going to try to spruce the space up some, and I’m actually looking forward to the experience. The Saturday Night band, THE AX OF THE APOSTLES, will be with us on Sunday morning, as well, offering a song called Grace Like Rain. I think you’ll like the taste of SOLID FOOD, our sermon entrée for the weekend. It has been lovingly prepared by my own hands.


The Kansas City Royals are off to an impressive start! Sweeping the Tigers in Detroit is no small achievement. It would be great the see the team just down I-29 put together a competitive season, particularly with the NU grad, Alex Gordon, in the middle of the lineup. I predict the St. Louis Cardinals are going to surprise the baseball world by winning the Central Division, then beating the Mets in the NL Championship game, and taking the Tigers to Game 7 in the World Series, emerging triumphant, the winning run driven in by Rick Ankiel. Remember, come October, you heard it first, right here in St. A-Mail.


BOB D. writes: Dear Parents, Please share this info with your youth grades 6-12.. We have an awesome service activity on Saturday April 26 8:30am to 3:30pm! The activity is called Global Youth Service Day. We will be working on various garden plots located around the metro-Omaha area. These garden plots help provide fresh produce to different communities that they otherwise would not be able to afford. I often think about the kids and think that these garden plots can help provide healthy vegetables for them which are so important in regards to their nutritional needs. The Registration fee is $15 per youth this includes lunch and a commemorative t-shirt. The deadline for Registration is Thursday April 10. Please encourage your youth to be a part of this activity…….I was a part of this activity last year and I really enjoyed it and the kids did too. E-mail me to sign up and make your checks out to St. Andrew's UMC.

Parents please check out the St. Andrew’s website for upcoming youth activities for April and review with your youth even your older youth. Just go to website click on the “Youth” button and then click on “Link to Youth Calendar”. Any questions just give me a call or e-mail me.


The St. Andrew's Reckless Abandon Players present....SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2008!

Sabbath Night Live is a dinner/theater production written, directed, acted, and produced by church members. The drama team performs a comedy of skits which offer a fun perspective on St. Andrew's happenings, and focuses on messages by sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be the 7th annual performance, which has been Sold Out each year since 2004!

This years performances will be fantastic, and some of the skits will include:

  • The Blues Brothers featuring the St. Andrew's Blues Brothers Band and the Blues Sisters
  • Smarter than an Idol (spin-off of Smarter than a 5th grader)
  • Holy-wood (Movie quotes that help tell stories of the Bible)
  • Worship + 1 video (Members get lots of choices to get involved)
  • Special Performance by the St. Andrew's Pastors and Staff (see what really goes on inside the staff meetings!)
  • Special Transition skits with Greeters Gone Wild and Coffee Shop stories

Dates: Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

Times: 6:00 Doors open

6:15 Buffet Dinner

7:00 Show

Dinner/Theater Prices: $18 per adult; $14 per child with adult meal; $11 per child with Kid's Meal….Childcare is available: $7 per child with a $13 max per family. $4 kids meals available per child…..Reserve your Tickets today. Purchase them during Saturday and Sunday Services in the Round Room, or by contacting the St. Andrew's Church office 431-8560.


1 Corinthians 12:4-7, Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
