Friday, May 30, 2008



Saturday, May 31, 5:00

Sunday, June 1, 8:30 & 10:00



It’s a Communion Sunday. You don’t have to be a member of the congregation or the United Methodist Church to receive the sacrament. This is the Lord’s table, not ours, and all are welcome. Patrick P., backed up by Pam F. and the Praise Band, will bring us a song titled MORE. That’s in all three services. The Bell Choir will grace our Sunday morning services. We’ll also hear from Tim McGraw, who won’t be wearing any shoes.


I’m pleased that the 8:30 service seems to be gaining some traction. The 8:30 numbers have been about twice what we were running about 8:00 and interest in the service would seem to be growing weekly. This is encouraging. One of the key goals of the worship scheduled launched at the end of March is to have three vital worship hours. Speaking of which. Readers have pointed out that

I sometimes plug 10:45 into This Weekend. Force of habit.


NEXT WEEKEND: June 7 & 8

All Services In The Sanctuary

Bruce preaching:


June 8 is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS SUNDAY. This is an event designed for people interested in learning more about St. Andrew’s and perhaps moving toward membership. We start at 5:00 and are out of here by 6:30. Sign up by return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda.


Nancy and I went to the John Beasley Theatre last night to catch AIN’T MISBEHAVIN’. Others in the audience included Craig Bence, Dan and Donna Trombla, Deb Richey, Mike & Janelle Baber. Our own LEON A. played stride piano, backed up by string bass and drums, in support of five singer/ performers. It was a DELIGHTFUL evening. The show continues tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 and Sunday at 3:00. The 125 seat theatre is located in a wing of the YMCA building on 30th & Q. I recommend you sit on the front row, if you can.



Faith Circle is hosting a visit to the Open Door Mission. This visit is open to everyone at St. Andrews. If you are interested in carpooling with others, please meet us at the church at 9:15 Saturday morning. The tour will begin around 10:00 and we'll complete by bringing everyone back to St. Andrews. We hope to have many of you come along. This will be a good opportunity to see what the Open Door Mission does in our community and where we might be able to plug in with some assistance. Ginny H. and Denise J. are the Co-Chairs for Faith Circle.


Mark 2:13-17, Jesus went out again beside the sea; the whole crowd gathered around him, and he taught them. As he was walking along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. And as he sat at dinner in Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were also sitting with Jesus and his disciples—for there were many who followed him. When the scribes of the Pharisees saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, they said to his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard this, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”

Note from BRD: I always feel better about taking communion after reading passages such as this one. Being less-than-entirely righteous myself, I am not worthy to eat at the table of blessing--but Jesus makes it a point to invite people like me, so how can I refuse? Likewise, we’ll hope to see you this weekend.

God bless, BRD

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Auction Date


Saturday, May 31, 5:00

Sunday, June 1, 8:30 & 10:45




Nancy tells me we have something like 110 people registered for the LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING small groups. That’s pretty amazing. If you want to plug in, e-mail either Nancy or Diana.


I was gratified by the fine turnout for worship on Memorial Weekend. If you weren’t with us, I invite you to take a look at EVERYTHING WE HAD, posted on the web site: Click on SERMONS. I’ve got a bookend message planned for June 7 & 8 titled, 1968. We read in the first chapter of Ecclesiastes: “A generation goes and a generation comes…What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.” I am fascinated at how events from forty years ago seem to be coming around again in the year of our Lord 2008.


Nancy and I are just back from lunch at Tanner’s. Wednesday is the roast beef special, perfect for an early-winter day like today.


We congratulate David F. and Stacy W. on their wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony, held in the sanctuary on Saturday, Nancy officiating.


Steve G.’ father, Ray, has passed away in Pensacola, Florida. We extend our sympathy to Steve and his family.


Our 2008 Auction Dinner Dance will be our biggest bash of the year, and we’re looking for behind-the-scenes crewmembers. The event takes place Friday, October 10th — but there’s plenty to do before then. Whether you’ve helped in the past or this is new to you, it’s a great way to get involved, make friends and have fun. You can help with decorations, check-in, checkout, auction items, promotions and more. Contact Todd and Jamie S. by Sunday, June 1st — and tell them your name and how you’d like to help (or let them plug you in where you’re needed most). Your first “Crew Meeting” will be in early June.


DENISE J. writes: Faith Circle is going to take a tour of the Open Door Mission on June 7th. If anyone is interested we will be meeting at the church by 9:45 a.m. and will drive down together. All are welcome to join us.


Two items from JOYCE C.:

THIS WEEKEND – IT’S HI-C WEEKEND: This is the first weekend of the month – time to bring your Hi-C drink boxes for Campfire USA to distribute in backpacks for school children. These are part of nutritious meals they might not otherwise have. Thank you for your support.

ALSO THIS WEEKEND – ATTENTION BOOMERS: This weekend will be your last chance to sign up for the BLT mystery dinner – “A Biblical Feast – BLT Style.” The dinner is Saturday, June 7th at 6:00. Come and join us for the food, fun, and fellowship. See the BLT display at church for sign-up and/or more information.


Psalm 105:1-3

O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.



Friday, May 23, 2008

Everything We Had

The CALEB ROWDEN BAND was terrific! I loved their fusion of pop/rock sounds with uplifting Christian lyrics. Many thanks to Craig B. and his terrific team of volunteers for a wonderful evening.



5:00 Saturday Evening (Family Life Center)

8:30 & 10:00 Sunday Morning (Sanctuary)

Bruce Davis, Mike Baber, Karen Belair, Craig Bence, Alex Birdwell, Bob Davis, Roger Fleury, Patrick Phelps, Darrell Rousch, Steve Smith, Mark Roberts, Dan Trombla, Greg Twist & Jim Woodland present:


Musical selections will include:

America The Beautiful (The St. Andrew’s Singers)

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Forever (The Ax Of The Apostles)

Friend Of God

Hymn To The Fallen (Jim Woodland)


Leon A. invites you to see the Fats Waller musical, "Ain't Misbehavin' " currently running at the John Beasley Theater located at 3010 Q st. The show has been running great since the beginning of the month and will continue to run until June 1st. Leon is the music director/pianist for the show. The show runs every Thursday through Saturday 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sunday 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.. Since Leon also has other music commitments with the Confidentials on certain weekends, these are the show dates that he will be the accompanist for the musical: May 25th (Sunday), May 29th (Thurs), May 30th (Fri), and June 1st (Sunday). Ticket prices are: $25 for adults, $20 for students. All Thursday shows are $15. For more information contact the John Beasley Theater at (402) 502-5767.



Thursday, May 22, 2008

Show Time!

May 22, 7:00
Chart-topping Christian Artist
Opening Act: BENJAMIN
Free Admission
Free-Will Offering

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Prince Caspian

TOMMOROW NIGHT, May 22, 7:00

Chart-Topping Christian Contemporary Singer CALEB ROWDEN will bring his band to St. Andrew’s. This is a free concert. We’ll take a free-will offering.



Saturday, 5:00

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: EVERYTHING WE HAD

A remembrance of those who served in Vietnam


FROM PAM F.: Anyone interested in singing with the St. Andrew Singers this Sunday (Memorial Day weekend), please come to rehearsal tonight at 7 p.m. Several of our regular members will be out of town and we would love to have any who have thought about joining choir sing with us tonight and Sunday. Also, those of you who do not want a weekly commitment are invited to sing. We will be singing an arrangement of, "America, the Beautiful". If you have questions, please contact Pam.

Also, for anyone who has sung with the choir in the past, please check at home for any music that may belong to the church. Please bring it to church and have it put in Pam's mailbox. Thanks!



Our 2008 Auction Dinner Dance will be our biggest bash of the year, and we’re looking for behind-the-scenes crew members. The event takes place Friday, October 10th — but there’s plenty to do before then. Whether you’ve helped in the past or this is new to you, it’s a great way to get involved, make friends and have fun. You can help with decorations, check-in, checkout, auction items, promotions and more. Contact Todd and Jamie S. by Sunday, June 1st — and tell them your name and how you’d like to help (or let them plug you in where you’re needed most). Your first “Crew Meeting” will be in early June.


PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is designed for people interested in exploring membership in the of the body of Christ at St. Andrew’s. Our next PWP is scheduled for Sunday evening, June 8, 5:00-6:30. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk.


From Bob D.: Friday May 23 movie night out 7pm at 20 Grand The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian RATED PG run time 140mins e-mail Bob by Thursday to sign up! We will all meet at the theater at 6:45pm. This is for grades 6th-12th.


From Children’s Ministries:

Thank you to all the children and parents who attended our first two “The Big Ticket” movie nights! You made them great successes. We all had a lot of fun. We will start these up again in the fall. So keep an “eye” out for the next Big Ticket. Have a great summer.


We missed a week in our examination of the Gallup ME25 Survey Results.

I think we’re at number 9: THE OTHER MEMBERS OF MY CHURCH ARE COMMITTED TO MY SPIRITUAL GROWTH. On the 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) Point Scale, St. Andrew’s came in at 3.99, as compared to the Gallup Mean (Average) score of 3.81. If you’re looking for other members of the church who are committed to your spiritual growth, try this:

Live Like You Were Dying

If you got word today that you only had 30 days to live, how would your life change? How would God want you to live your last month? How would it impact your priorities? Would you prepare for eternity? What would you do that you’ve never done before?

Live Like You Were Dying is a 30-day church-wide campaign, inspired by the Grammy award-winning song recorded by Tim McGraw. Now the song has become a journey. That journey is coming to St. Andrew’s in June. It is meant to be experienced at 3 levels: individual, group, and worship.

  • Do the daily reading and Bible study
  • Join a Small Group that will meet weekly
  • Attend the 5 weekend worship services to hear the messages based on this theme

Check out the days and times of the Small Groups on Adult tab of the St. Andrew’s webpage Contact Diana F. for more information or to sign up to be in a small group.



Prayers of Healing

Gene W. is undergoing cancer treatment.

Charlie D. is undergoing cancer treatment.

Pat W. is undergoing cancer treatment.

The nephew of Craig M., who is in serious condition after an accident.

Don C. is scheduled for surgery on 5-22-08.

Tom P. is a friend of Dee & Gale H..

Marian B. is experiencing heart failure. He is a friend of Jennifer W..

Adrian A. is recovering from shoulder surgery.

Dee H.’s brother, Bob N., is recovering from a stroke.

Tyler Go. is scheduled for surgery on 5-22-08.

Prayers of Sympathy

Pastor Tony D. at the death of his grandmother.

Tony S. at the death of his grandmother.

The family of Dale F. in his passing.

The family of Camryn D. (6 yrs) in her passing.


I Samuel 1:19-25

The lament of David: Your glory, O Israel, lies slain upon your high places! How the mighty have fallen! Tell it not in Gath, proclaim it not in the streets of Ashkelon; or the daughters of the Philistines will rejoice, the daughters of the uncircumcised will exult. You mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew or rain upon you, nor bounteous fields! For there the shield of the mighty was defiled, the shield of Saul, anointed no more. From the blood of the stain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan did not turn back, nor the sword of Saul return empty. Saul and Jonathan, beloved and lovely! In life and in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions. O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you with crimson, and in luxury, who put ornaments of gold on your apparel. How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle!



Thursday, May 15, 2008

S, G, CL

This Weekend, We Celebrate The Second Anniversary of SHARING, GROWING, CHANGING LIVES!—the St. Andrew’s Capital Campaign.

Saturday, May 17, 5:00

Sunday, May 18, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: BUYING A HOUSE!
Lots Of Special Music and other Goodies!

Scheduled to appear: The Third Horseman of The Apocalypse, John Wesley, Gerald Ford, Cab Calloway, The Blues Brothers.

FROM ROGER F.: Please join us in commemoration and celebration of the second anniversary of the Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives campaign. We will be serving cake and refreshments after each service in the hospitality area. Thanks to your loyalty and commitment to this campaign, we have some very exciting news to share with you about the positive effects it’s had on the financial strength and vitality of our church. Please help us celebrate this significant milestone in the life of our church.



Chart-Topping Christian Contemporary Singer CALEB ROWDEN will bring his band to St. Andrew’s. This is a free concert. We’ll take a free-will offering.


We were blessed, this past Sunday, to participate in the baptism of ISAAC JASON H., infant son of Jason & Deb.


PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is designed for people who are considering becoming members of the body of Christ at St. Andrew’s. Our next PWP is scheduled for Sunday evening, June 8, 5:00-6:30. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk.


Congratulations to Senator Scott Lautenbaugh on his terrific showing in yesterday’s Nebraska State Primary Election.


Our undefeated Co-Ed Softball Team won again on Monday night!


If you got word today that you only had 30 days to live, how would your life change? LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING is a 30-day church-wide campaign, inspired by the Grammy award-winning song recorded by Tim McGraw. It combines this song that touches our deepest longing for meaning, with the timeless truths of God’s Word in a learning experience for the whole church. Now the song has become a journey. That journey is coming to St. Andrew’s in June.

How can you become involved with this campaign?

  • Volunteer to serve as a Small Group Host.
  • Sign up to be part of one of the Small Groups.
  • Attend the 5 weekend worship services during June to hear the messages shared by Pastors Nancy and Bruce.
  • Do the daily reading which will connect you to God’s Word and give you something to think about throughout the day.

Contact Diana F. to sign up for a small group, or for more information


Summer Church School:

A special thanks to the following teachers/helpers who have stepped forward to help with our Summer Church School: Pastor Nancy, Lori/Nathan M., Christy A., Diane W., Karen C., Linda S., Linde W. (New Member!!). This fills 6 of the 22 people necessary positions. Please, prayerfully consider helping out with our children over the summer. You can sign up for as many times that fit your schedule. Even if only one weekend service would be great!! Contact Kris.

Vacation Bible School:

Do you want to help, but don’t have the time? You can purchase items for donation! Just stop by the donation tree next to the VBS table and pick something to donate!


From BOB D.:

I hope all the Moms had a wonderful Mother’s Day and enjoyed their roses. Thank you for supporting youth ministries by buying a rose.

Youth ministry is in need of SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS. I am looking for teachers who can teach 3 Sundays for the summer (they can be any combination of Sundays). This is a real short term commitment and you may find out that teaching our youth is something you really enjoying doing (worship + 1)! Please e-mail me the Sunday’s you would be able to teach and if it is only 1 or 2 then that is okay. We do not have Sunday school on the second Sunday of each month.


Prayers of Healing

Gene W., treatment for cancer…..Mack J., friend of Helen H.….

Charlie D., cancer treatment…..Nathan, 4 months old, with life threatening

meningitis, friend of Tony & Sue S.…..Anne-Marie T., recovering from

ankle surgery….Don S. asks prayers for his grandson, born prematurely

and struggling with pnuemonia.


Matthew 16:1-3: “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”



Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Live Like You Were Dying



Saturday, May 17, 5:00

Sunday, May 18, 8:30 & 10:00

As we celebrate the second year anniversary of the



Bruce preaching: BUYING A HOUSE!
Lots Of Special Music and other Goodies


This past Saturday evening’s service in the Family Life Center went about 500% better than our inaugural try of five week’s ago. I’m learning how to use that room. We’ll be in there again this Saturday, due to a wedding in the sanctuary. I would add that as we’re booking new weddings on Saturday now, we’re scheduling them for 3:30 and earlier, but we will of course honor the wedding commitments already on the books before we put the new service in place. .


On MEMORIAL WEEKEND, I’m going to be working from a book titled: “Everything We Had: An Oral History of The Vietnam War By Thirty-Three American Soldiers Who Fought It.” The author is Vietnam Veteran Al Santoli. I don’t know if it’s currently available in book stores, but I highly recommend it.


This wind is something, huh! It blew the SENATOR LAUTENBAUGH sign right out of my front yard!


If you got word today that you only had 30 days to live, how would your life change? LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING is a 30-day church-wide campaign, inspired by the Grammy award-winning song recorded by Tim McGraw. It combines this song that touches our deepest longing for meaning, with the timeless truths of God’s Word in a learning experience for the whole church. Now the song has become a journey. That journey is coming to St. Andrew’s in June.

How can you become involved with this campaign?

  • Volunteer to serve as a Small Group Host.
  • Sign up to be part of one of the Small Groups.
  • Attend the 5 weekend worship services during June to hear the messages shared by Pastors Nancy and Bruce.
  • Do the daily reading which will connect you to God’s Word and give you something to think about throughout the day.

Contact Diana to sign up for a small group, or for more information


From Bob D., Director of Youth ministries:

Attention Parents of graduating seniors!

This weekend is Senior Recognition at all three services. We will be asking seniors to come up and be recognized at whatever service they want to attend. We will have the youth announce their name and what their post graduation plans are. Here is a list of seniors that I have received from parents. Nick Britton, Erin Brown, Lindsey Bryan, Erin Coleman, Gracie Culler, Chris Keim, Devon Klinger, Peter Langwith, Kenneth Parkison, Trevor Taylor, Lauren Terveen, James Vair. Please review the list. If you do not see your son or daughter on the list please e-mail Bob by Tuesday morning.


Joyce M. writes:

The St. Andrew’s Handbell choir will ring in June and July. We would invite any member of the church family to come and join us on Wednesday night at 5:30. We rehearse in LL1 for one hour. If ringing bells is something you have thought about, this is the perfect time to come try us out.



The St. Andrew’s Men’s Teams squared off against each other last night. Team Barkhaus edged out Team Ramm in a well-played game. Our undefeated Co-Ed Team takes the field in an 8:30 game tonight on Kelly Field #6 (120th & Fort).

Next Sunday, St. Andrew’s Barkhaus has a 7:00 game, followed by Team Ramm at 8:00, both on Kelly Field #1.



Don’t Forget - Our next “The Big Ticket” movie night is on this Friday, May 16th, 6:30-8:30 pm. We will be showing the movie “Toy Story”. Come and find out how you can grow past jealousy and make new friends. Please remember that if your child is 5years old or younger, an adult must attend. Please turn in your registration forms in @ the office, or email Kathi S. by this Thursday, May 15th, 12:00 noon.

4/5 grade VBS Campers.

There will be informational meetings for the 4/5 graders who are either already signed up for the camp alternative, or are interested in signing up for it. The first one will be on Sat, May 17, @ 6:00, right after the service in LL4. The other meeting will be on Sunday, May 18th, @ 11:00, right after the service in LL4. Please plan on attending. This meeting is for the campers and their parents.

2008 VBS – This is the last week for early-bird signups. After Sun, May 18th, the price goes up $5 to $27. The morning session is full. Please sign up for the evening session.


Matthew 6:25-33

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to the span of your life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”



Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mother's Day


Saturday, May 10, 5:00 in the Family Life Center

Sunday, May 11, 8:30 & 10:00 in the Sanctuary

Nancy preaching: MOTHER-IN-LAW

Mother’s Day Roses will be available for purchase after all three services. Come buy a rose at the youth table located in the Rotunda (all proceeds will go towards this year’s senior high mission trip).


The band was in the Family Life Center last night, getting the sound right for this week’s Saturday evening service. Our first try in there, four weeks ago, didn’t go so well. We’ve made numerous adjustments—no more big screen—and I think you’ll be pleased with the results.


The numbers of dead and missing in Myanmar are staggering. Of course, Myanmar used to be Burma, and many of you know of the relationship St. Andrew’s has developed with a community of Burmese refugees here in Omaha. Mandy Barkhaus, who spearheads this ministry, tells me there is considerable anxiety among the Burmese here in Omaha about family and friends in Burma.


NETTA P. writes: Plug in to Volunteer!

I know we have been advertising a lot lately that we are in need of teachers for Summer Church School. We have not gotten a single response. Church School on Saturday and Sunday cannot happen if volunteers don’t step up to help. I know this sounds desperate, but folks, the time is now to help in your child’s classroom. We are trying to make it as simple as can be. You can sign up to do every other month or every other week. We will e-mail you the curriculum the week before you teach. Currently we are THREE SUNDAYS away from starting our summer program. I ask that you prayerfully consider this opportunity to teach our children.



ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: We are offering two classes of Safe Sanctuary Training. Pastor Nancy will be providing the training free of charge.

This class is specially designed for our adult and youth volunteers,that work with kids, to certify safe surroundings for our young children and our youth, as they grow in the knowledge of Christ at St. Andrew’s events and classes. A Safe Sanctuary training class is required for insurance purposes every two years as well as a background check for St. Andrew’s. Even if you have had a background check or training elsewhere, you are required to have the check and training through us also. Only one class is required, they are being offered on Wednesday, May 28th 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. in room LL2 and Tuesday, June 3rd 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. in room LL2. Youth volunteers, 18 and younger, do not have to fill out a background check. If you are not sure if a background or training class is needed, please call Kris S.



Lead Me To The Cross Tour

Comes to St. Andrews on Thursday evening, May 22

Show starts at 7:00

Free Admission



The Mission or Purpose of my church makes me feel my participation is important. On the scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), Saints of Andrew ranked at 4.11, as compared to the Gallup Mean (Average) Score of 3.70. One would think we’d score well here, for we have an excellent mission: TO SHARE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! There are a wide variety of ways to participate in that mission, and we encourage each of our members to identify and use their own gifts and graces, but we are clear about the end, literally etched in stone above our worship space: The Mission of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church is To Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The St. Andrew’s Softball Teams are started their seasons. The Co-Ed Team has won its first three games. Outstanding! Their next game is Monday, May 12 at 8:30. We have two Men’s teams. Neither is undefeated, but one is bound to chalk up a victory this Sunday evening as they play each other at 8:00. All games are played at the Kelly Fields, 120th & Fort. The Co-ed Team plays on Field #6. The Men’s Teams are on Field #1. .



Prayers of Healing

Gene W., treatment for cancer.

Roland S., friend of Christine B.

Mark & Kris B., newborn triplets.

Randy S., friend of Christen B.

Rex P., Mike’s father.

Mack J., friend of Helen H.

Connie W.’s father.

Charlie D., cancer treatment.

Bill M., Nebraska Medical Center.

Prayers of Sympathy

The family of Chris G., sister of Sandi D., at her death,

The family of Stephen J., friend of Becky L., at his passing.


Psalm 67: May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.



Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Straight Way


Saturday, May 10, 5:00 in the Family Life Center

Sunday, May 11, 8:30 & 10:00 in the Sanctuary

Nancy preaching: MOTHER-IN-LAW



Lead Me To The Cross Tour

Comes to St. Andrews on Thursday evening, May 22

Show starts at 7:00

Free Admission


On Sunday morning, May, 4, the St. Andrew’s Prayer Chapel was rededicated as the PASTOR CHARLOTTE MALLOTT PRAYER CHAPEL!


Mega-Congratulations to The Reckless Abandon Players for a terrific SABBATH NIGHT LIVE! This group puts the LAUGH into Live, Laugh, Love God!


There was a whole lot going on at St. Andrew’s this past weekend. SNL drew 500 people to the building. A thousand more were here on Saturday morning for the Nebraska Methodist Nursing College graduation exercises. Sunday afternoon, The Ambassador Bell Choir had a delightful event in the Rotunda, while an Eagle Scout Honor Ceremony was going on in the sanctuary, celebrating the achievement of Reid R. And, oh yes, we had a wonderful weekend of worship.


FROM CLARK S.: Wanted Saturday and Special Event Custodian

Weekly work a minimum of 5 hours every Saturday evening plus be available to work evenings during/after other Church Special Events. If you are interested in being part of the St. Andrew’s custodial team please contact Clark.



A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place will begin Wednesday, June 4th at 9:30. Taken primarily from the book of Exodus, explore the construction of the Old Testament tabernacle, its role in God’s eternal plan, and how it applies to the lives of women today.

Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent will begin on June 4th, at 7 p.m. This study focuses on Psalms 120-134 which were spoken by God’s people in the Old Testament during specific events. These Psalms hold great significance in revealing more about God and a personal relationship with Him. This study will be held at Deb Richey’s home. Call her at 650-5851 for directions.

Register for either of these classes by contacting Diana.


If, like me, you’re feeling kind of shaken by recent economic news, I invite you to find confidence in the scripture. The Bible does not presume prosperity; what the Bible presumes is grace sufficient to our needs. Take this passage, for instance:

Psalm 107:1-9: O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, those he redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. Some wandered in desert wastes, finding no way to an inhabited town; hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted within them. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress; he led them by a straight way, until they reached an inhabited town. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind. For he satisfies the thirsty, and the hungry he fills with good things.



Thursday, May 01, 2008


This is going to be a big weekend. We've been using the tag line: Live, Laugh, Love God. There will be a lot of laughter around St. Andrew’s on Friday and Saturday evenings, as the Reckless Abandon Players present the annual SABBATH NIGHT LIVE DINNER THEATRE. Otherwise known as The Drama Team, the Players are a delightful group of creative people, who support the congregation throughout the year. Talk about versatility! The same people who will be leading the laughter this weekend gave us The Living Last Supper during Holy Week! Dozens of people have put in countless cumulative hours preparing for Sabbath Night Live. I get to be in three skits, myself, including one featuring the church staff, written by Nancy. The doors open at 6:00; dinner is served at 6:15; the show starts at 7:00. Ticket sales have been terrific. I understand a few additional tables have been added for Saturday and seats are available for Friday. For more information, call Judy Hephner at the church office, 431-8560.

Some of our readers may want to worship with us in the sanctuary at 5:00 on Saturday and then go straight into the Family Life Center for SNL. Whether you’re worshiping on Saturday, or in the 8:30 or 10:00 hours on Sunday, I’ll be excited to share WEDDING AT CANA: Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s. I’ve had a lot of fun with this one. It’s a communion Sunday at St. Andrew’s. You don’t have to be a United Methodist or member of this congregation to share the sacrament; this is the Lord’s table.

We have some interesting musical pieces lined up for the weekend. I was up here last night with The Ax Of The Apostles and had fun working on a Jars of Clay song for Saturday. The St. Andrew’s Singers will be with us on Sunday, of course, along with the Bell Choir. The Bells will have a busy day. After playing during the morning communion services, at 3:00, they’ll be presenting an event called BELLS, BROWNIES & BROADWAY. I know your presence would be appreciated. I think that’s happening in the Rotunda. At the same hour, there will be an Eagle Scout Court of Honor, as REID R. receives scouting’s highest award. That’s happening in the sanctuary with a reception following in the Family Life Center. You know the church is a busy place when you have multiple events at mid-afternoon Sunday!

Each week, we’re looking at one of the 23 items in the Gallup Membership Engagement Survey. We’re up to #7: As a member of my church, my opinions seem to count. On the scale of 1-5 (1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree), the Gallup Mean/Average score is 3.41. St. Andrew’s beat that, coming in at 3.73. With the United Methodist General Conference currently meeting in Fort Worth, I find myself giving thanks for the “conference” St. Andrew’s held last year, via our worship survey. Congregational input was the critical factor in what’s clearly turning out to be a great decision regarding revamping our worship schedule. Not a week goes by without someone passing along a new idea, “Have you thought about…?” And these are often terrific ideas. Your opinions count at St. Andrew’s, so don’t be bashful about sharing them.

John 2:1-11

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.” So they took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom and said to him: “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.” Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.


Wedding at Cana


Saturday, May 3, 5:00

Sunday, May 4, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: WEDDING AT CANA

Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s

It’s a Communion Weekend. All are invited to share in the sacrament.

Sunday is also a PANCAKE DAY, moved up a week from the normal second Sunday. Our hosts are the Faith Circle of the United Methodist Women.


Sabbath Night Live, 2008:

Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

    • Doors open 6:00
    • Buffet Dinner 6:15
    • Show 7:00

Some tickets are still available. Please contact Judy Helpner at the St. Andrew's Church Office, 431-8560. For those who have reserved tickets and still need to pay, you can bring your money to the night of the performance.


Sunday afternoon, 3:00



One of the interesting things happening in the United Methodist connection right now is the growth of Methodism in Africa. As United Methodism operates in the form of representative democracy, more African Methodists means more African representatives at the General Conference, currently meeting in Fort Worth. I think it’s safe to say that African Methodists tend to be more culturally conservative than American Methodists. This is having an impact on the General Conference. I don’t think the bottom line will necessarily be a more conservative church polity, but neither is the church likely to move in a more liberal direction. As one who believes the culture wars have distracted the mainline denominations from the Great Commission of making disciples for Christ, this is okay by me. The General Conference runs through this coming weekend. To follow the event, click on


As I’m sure you know, St. Andrew’s own SENATOR SCOTT LAUTENBAUGH is in a campaign to retain his District 18 seat in the Nebraska Legislature. Referring to issues in the national spotlight, I hope I never make such a spectacle of myself that Scott has to denounce me! J Even before Scott went into the Senate, Scott has served as our “chancellor” on legal matters affecting the congregation. Scott’s given us solid, pro bono counsel, and I appreciate that very much.


Congratulations to JIM M. honored by Omaha Habitat For Humanity as their Church Volunteer Of The Year!


From PAM F.: The Music Makers along with the Joyful Sounds and Mighty Doves will be singing at the 10:00 service on Mother's Day. The last rehearsal for these groups will be next Wednesday, May 7th. We will take a break for the summer and then start again in the fall. Thanks to all who have been a part of these groups by praising the Lord through song! NANCY DAVIS adds: Music Makers will be singing on Mother's Day but our last practice is today because I'll be out of town next Wednesday.


CHANTELLE H. informs us: St. Andrews Child Enrichment Center is accepting applications for an Assistant Director. This position assists the Center Director in all aspects of managing a center, including human relations, marketing, customer relations, financials, quality control, facility operations, and classroom participation. If interested, please fax resume to 431-8637 or stop by 15050 West Maple Road.


From MICHELLE P. & The Patience Circle Of The United Methodist Women: Anyone who ordered Butter Braids will be able to pick them up this week. They will be in the Rotunda Wednesday night May 30th, and after Saturday and Sundays services, May 3rd & 4th.


MANDY B. writes: In preparing for the Caleb Rowden concert on May 22nd, we are in need of 3 hotel rooms for Caleb and his Band. If anyone has any connections to get us 3 rooms or 3 discounted rooms, please contact: Mandy Barkhaus 431-8560 ext. 23


From KATHI S. and the Children’s Department: Save the Date: Our next “The Big Ticket” movie night is on Friday, May 16th, 6:30-8:30 pm. We will be showing the movie “Toy Story”. Come and find out how you can grow past jealousy and make new friends. Please remember that if your child is 5years old or younger, an adult must attend.

VBS UPDATE FROM NETTA P.: Our morning session is filling up quickly. We can only take in 250 children max. This is due to the size of the classes, they just get too large and the quality of learning is hindered AND, we just don’t fit in the space! We are already at 133. I’m telling all St. Andrew’s members this first. Get your kids signed up today. We will have the evening option available once we hit this number. There are no exceptions to this rule. Also, sign up to volunteer too! We need you!

4/5 Grade Vacation Bible School Campers: There will be informational meetings for the 4/5 graders who are either already signed up for the camp alternative, or are interested in signing up for it. The first one will be on Sat, May 17, @ 6:00, right after the service in LL4. The other meeting will be on Sunday, May 18th, @ 11:00, right after the service in LL4. Please plan on attending. This meeting is for the campers and their parents.


FROM JOYCE C.: This Saturday/Sunday is the first weekend of the month, and you know what that means!! BRING your Hi-C juice drink boxes for Campfire USA to distribute to kids needing nutritional meals here in Omaha….Thanks in advance for your support and contributions!



Prayers of Concern:

Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.) battling cancer.

Gene W., treatment for cancer.

Dick W., father of Pam M., tests.

Pam M., surgery on April 21.

Roland S., friend of Christine B.

Mark & Kris B., newborn triplets in hospital.

Randy S., friend of Christen B., back in the hospital.

Diane P., sister-in-law of Laurel P., hospitalized.

Rex P., Mike’s father, having bypass surgery on 5-6-08.

Mack J., friend of Helen H.

The Appleby family, friend of Pam H.

Connie W.’s father.

Prayers of Sympathy:

The family of Lily Leyden at her death, friends of Heather D.

The family of Lois M. at her death.


We close with a lyric from Carly Simon, to be quoted in WEDDING AT CANA:

You say we can keep our love alive
Babe. all I know is what I see:
The couples cling and claw
And drown in love's debris.
You say we'll soar like two birds through the clouds,
But soon you'll cage me on your shelf
I'll never learn to be just me first
By myself.

But you say it's time we moved in together
And raised a family of our own, you and me
Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be,
You want to marry me…