Thursday, May 01, 2008

Wedding at Cana


Saturday, May 3, 5:00

Sunday, May 4, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: WEDDING AT CANA

Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s

It’s a Communion Weekend. All are invited to share in the sacrament.

Sunday is also a PANCAKE DAY, moved up a week from the normal second Sunday. Our hosts are the Faith Circle of the United Methodist Women.


Sabbath Night Live, 2008:

Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

    • Doors open 6:00
    • Buffet Dinner 6:15
    • Show 7:00

Some tickets are still available. Please contact Judy Helpner at the St. Andrew's Church Office, 431-8560. For those who have reserved tickets and still need to pay, you can bring your money to the night of the performance.


Sunday afternoon, 3:00



One of the interesting things happening in the United Methodist connection right now is the growth of Methodism in Africa. As United Methodism operates in the form of representative democracy, more African Methodists means more African representatives at the General Conference, currently meeting in Fort Worth. I think it’s safe to say that African Methodists tend to be more culturally conservative than American Methodists. This is having an impact on the General Conference. I don’t think the bottom line will necessarily be a more conservative church polity, but neither is the church likely to move in a more liberal direction. As one who believes the culture wars have distracted the mainline denominations from the Great Commission of making disciples for Christ, this is okay by me. The General Conference runs through this coming weekend. To follow the event, click on


As I’m sure you know, St. Andrew’s own SENATOR SCOTT LAUTENBAUGH is in a campaign to retain his District 18 seat in the Nebraska Legislature. Referring to issues in the national spotlight, I hope I never make such a spectacle of myself that Scott has to denounce me! J Even before Scott went into the Senate, Scott has served as our “chancellor” on legal matters affecting the congregation. Scott’s given us solid, pro bono counsel, and I appreciate that very much.


Congratulations to JIM M. honored by Omaha Habitat For Humanity as their Church Volunteer Of The Year!


From PAM F.: The Music Makers along with the Joyful Sounds and Mighty Doves will be singing at the 10:00 service on Mother's Day. The last rehearsal for these groups will be next Wednesday, May 7th. We will take a break for the summer and then start again in the fall. Thanks to all who have been a part of these groups by praising the Lord through song! NANCY DAVIS adds: Music Makers will be singing on Mother's Day but our last practice is today because I'll be out of town next Wednesday.


CHANTELLE H. informs us: St. Andrews Child Enrichment Center is accepting applications for an Assistant Director. This position assists the Center Director in all aspects of managing a center, including human relations, marketing, customer relations, financials, quality control, facility operations, and classroom participation. If interested, please fax resume to 431-8637 or stop by 15050 West Maple Road.


From MICHELLE P. & The Patience Circle Of The United Methodist Women: Anyone who ordered Butter Braids will be able to pick them up this week. They will be in the Rotunda Wednesday night May 30th, and after Saturday and Sundays services, May 3rd & 4th.


MANDY B. writes: In preparing for the Caleb Rowden concert on May 22nd, we are in need of 3 hotel rooms for Caleb and his Band. If anyone has any connections to get us 3 rooms or 3 discounted rooms, please contact: Mandy Barkhaus 431-8560 ext. 23


From KATHI S. and the Children’s Department: Save the Date: Our next “The Big Ticket” movie night is on Friday, May 16th, 6:30-8:30 pm. We will be showing the movie “Toy Story”. Come and find out how you can grow past jealousy and make new friends. Please remember that if your child is 5years old or younger, an adult must attend.

VBS UPDATE FROM NETTA P.: Our morning session is filling up quickly. We can only take in 250 children max. This is due to the size of the classes, they just get too large and the quality of learning is hindered AND, we just don’t fit in the space! We are already at 133. I’m telling all St. Andrew’s members this first. Get your kids signed up today. We will have the evening option available once we hit this number. There are no exceptions to this rule. Also, sign up to volunteer too! We need you!

4/5 Grade Vacation Bible School Campers: There will be informational meetings for the 4/5 graders who are either already signed up for the camp alternative, or are interested in signing up for it. The first one will be on Sat, May 17, @ 6:00, right after the service in LL4. The other meeting will be on Sunday, May 18th, @ 11:00, right after the service in LL4. Please plan on attending. This meeting is for the campers and their parents.


FROM JOYCE C.: This Saturday/Sunday is the first weekend of the month, and you know what that means!! BRING your Hi-C juice drink boxes for Campfire USA to distribute to kids needing nutritional meals here in Omaha….Thanks in advance for your support and contributions!



Prayers of Concern:

Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.) battling cancer.

Gene W., treatment for cancer.

Dick W., father of Pam M., tests.

Pam M., surgery on April 21.

Roland S., friend of Christine B.

Mark & Kris B., newborn triplets in hospital.

Randy S., friend of Christen B., back in the hospital.

Diane P., sister-in-law of Laurel P., hospitalized.

Rex P., Mike’s father, having bypass surgery on 5-6-08.

Mack J., friend of Helen H.

The Appleby family, friend of Pam H.

Connie W.’s father.

Prayers of Sympathy:

The family of Lily Leyden at her death, friends of Heather D.

The family of Lois M. at her death.


We close with a lyric from Carly Simon, to be quoted in WEDDING AT CANA:

You say we can keep our love alive
Babe. all I know is what I see:
The couples cling and claw
And drown in love's debris.
You say we'll soar like two birds through the clouds,
But soon you'll cage me on your shelf
I'll never learn to be just me first
By myself.

But you say it's time we moved in together
And raised a family of our own, you and me
Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be,
You want to marry me…