Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Auction Date


Saturday, May 31, 5:00

Sunday, June 1, 8:30 & 10:45




Nancy tells me we have something like 110 people registered for the LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING small groups. That’s pretty amazing. If you want to plug in, e-mail either Nancy or Diana.


I was gratified by the fine turnout for worship on Memorial Weekend. If you weren’t with us, I invite you to take a look at EVERYTHING WE HAD, posted on the web site: Click on SERMONS. I’ve got a bookend message planned for June 7 & 8 titled, 1968. We read in the first chapter of Ecclesiastes: “A generation goes and a generation comes…What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.” I am fascinated at how events from forty years ago seem to be coming around again in the year of our Lord 2008.


Nancy and I are just back from lunch at Tanner’s. Wednesday is the roast beef special, perfect for an early-winter day like today.


We congratulate David F. and Stacy W. on their wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony, held in the sanctuary on Saturday, Nancy officiating.


Steve G.’ father, Ray, has passed away in Pensacola, Florida. We extend our sympathy to Steve and his family.


Our 2008 Auction Dinner Dance will be our biggest bash of the year, and we’re looking for behind-the-scenes crewmembers. The event takes place Friday, October 10th — but there’s plenty to do before then. Whether you’ve helped in the past or this is new to you, it’s a great way to get involved, make friends and have fun. You can help with decorations, check-in, checkout, auction items, promotions and more. Contact Todd and Jamie S. by Sunday, June 1st — and tell them your name and how you’d like to help (or let them plug you in where you’re needed most). Your first “Crew Meeting” will be in early June.


DENISE J. writes: Faith Circle is going to take a tour of the Open Door Mission on June 7th. If anyone is interested we will be meeting at the church by 9:45 a.m. and will drive down together. All are welcome to join us.


Two items from JOYCE C.:

THIS WEEKEND – IT’S HI-C WEEKEND: This is the first weekend of the month – time to bring your Hi-C drink boxes for Campfire USA to distribute in backpacks for school children. These are part of nutritious meals they might not otherwise have. Thank you for your support.

ALSO THIS WEEKEND – ATTENTION BOOMERS: This weekend will be your last chance to sign up for the BLT mystery dinner – “A Biblical Feast – BLT Style.” The dinner is Saturday, June 7th at 6:00. Come and join us for the food, fun, and fellowship. See the BLT display at church for sign-up and/or more information.


Psalm 105:1-3

O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
