Thursday, May 15, 2008

S, G, CL

This Weekend, We Celebrate The Second Anniversary of SHARING, GROWING, CHANGING LIVES!—the St. Andrew’s Capital Campaign.

Saturday, May 17, 5:00

Sunday, May 18, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: BUYING A HOUSE!
Lots Of Special Music and other Goodies!

Scheduled to appear: The Third Horseman of The Apocalypse, John Wesley, Gerald Ford, Cab Calloway, The Blues Brothers.

FROM ROGER F.: Please join us in commemoration and celebration of the second anniversary of the Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives campaign. We will be serving cake and refreshments after each service in the hospitality area. Thanks to your loyalty and commitment to this campaign, we have some very exciting news to share with you about the positive effects it’s had on the financial strength and vitality of our church. Please help us celebrate this significant milestone in the life of our church.



Chart-Topping Christian Contemporary Singer CALEB ROWDEN will bring his band to St. Andrew’s. This is a free concert. We’ll take a free-will offering.


We were blessed, this past Sunday, to participate in the baptism of ISAAC JASON H., infant son of Jason & Deb.


PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is designed for people who are considering becoming members of the body of Christ at St. Andrew’s. Our next PWP is scheduled for Sunday evening, June 8, 5:00-6:30. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk.


Congratulations to Senator Scott Lautenbaugh on his terrific showing in yesterday’s Nebraska State Primary Election.


Our undefeated Co-Ed Softball Team won again on Monday night!


If you got word today that you only had 30 days to live, how would your life change? LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING is a 30-day church-wide campaign, inspired by the Grammy award-winning song recorded by Tim McGraw. It combines this song that touches our deepest longing for meaning, with the timeless truths of God’s Word in a learning experience for the whole church. Now the song has become a journey. That journey is coming to St. Andrew’s in June.

How can you become involved with this campaign?

  • Volunteer to serve as a Small Group Host.
  • Sign up to be part of one of the Small Groups.
  • Attend the 5 weekend worship services during June to hear the messages shared by Pastors Nancy and Bruce.
  • Do the daily reading which will connect you to God’s Word and give you something to think about throughout the day.

Contact Diana F. to sign up for a small group, or for more information


Summer Church School:

A special thanks to the following teachers/helpers who have stepped forward to help with our Summer Church School: Pastor Nancy, Lori/Nathan M., Christy A., Diane W., Karen C., Linda S., Linde W. (New Member!!). This fills 6 of the 22 people necessary positions. Please, prayerfully consider helping out with our children over the summer. You can sign up for as many times that fit your schedule. Even if only one weekend service would be great!! Contact Kris.

Vacation Bible School:

Do you want to help, but don’t have the time? You can purchase items for donation! Just stop by the donation tree next to the VBS table and pick something to donate!


From BOB D.:

I hope all the Moms had a wonderful Mother’s Day and enjoyed their roses. Thank you for supporting youth ministries by buying a rose.

Youth ministry is in need of SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS. I am looking for teachers who can teach 3 Sundays for the summer (they can be any combination of Sundays). This is a real short term commitment and you may find out that teaching our youth is something you really enjoying doing (worship + 1)! Please e-mail me the Sunday’s you would be able to teach and if it is only 1 or 2 then that is okay. We do not have Sunday school on the second Sunday of each month.


Prayers of Healing

Gene W., treatment for cancer…..Mack J., friend of Helen H.….

Charlie D., cancer treatment…..Nathan, 4 months old, with life threatening

meningitis, friend of Tony & Sue S.…..Anne-Marie T., recovering from

ankle surgery….Don S. asks prayers for his grandson, born prematurely

and struggling with pnuemonia.


Matthew 16:1-3: “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”
