Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mother's Day


Saturday, May 10, 5:00 in the Family Life Center

Sunday, May 11, 8:30 & 10:00 in the Sanctuary

Nancy preaching: MOTHER-IN-LAW

Mother’s Day Roses will be available for purchase after all three services. Come buy a rose at the youth table located in the Rotunda (all proceeds will go towards this year’s senior high mission trip).


The band was in the Family Life Center last night, getting the sound right for this week’s Saturday evening service. Our first try in there, four weeks ago, didn’t go so well. We’ve made numerous adjustments—no more big screen—and I think you’ll be pleased with the results.


The numbers of dead and missing in Myanmar are staggering. Of course, Myanmar used to be Burma, and many of you know of the relationship St. Andrew’s has developed with a community of Burmese refugees here in Omaha. Mandy Barkhaus, who spearheads this ministry, tells me there is considerable anxiety among the Burmese here in Omaha about family and friends in Burma.


NETTA P. writes: Plug in to Volunteer!

I know we have been advertising a lot lately that we are in need of teachers for Summer Church School. We have not gotten a single response. Church School on Saturday and Sunday cannot happen if volunteers don’t step up to help. I know this sounds desperate, but folks, the time is now to help in your child’s classroom. We are trying to make it as simple as can be. You can sign up to do every other month or every other week. We will e-mail you the curriculum the week before you teach. Currently we are THREE SUNDAYS away from starting our summer program. I ask that you prayerfully consider this opportunity to teach our children.



ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: We are offering two classes of Safe Sanctuary Training. Pastor Nancy will be providing the training free of charge.

This class is specially designed for our adult and youth volunteers,that work with kids, to certify safe surroundings for our young children and our youth, as they grow in the knowledge of Christ at St. Andrew’s events and classes. A Safe Sanctuary training class is required for insurance purposes every two years as well as a background check for St. Andrew’s. Even if you have had a background check or training elsewhere, you are required to have the check and training through us also. Only one class is required, they are being offered on Wednesday, May 28th 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. in room LL2 and Tuesday, June 3rd 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. in room LL2. Youth volunteers, 18 and younger, do not have to fill out a background check. If you are not sure if a background or training class is needed, please call Kris S.



Lead Me To The Cross Tour

Comes to St. Andrews on Thursday evening, May 22

Show starts at 7:00

Free Admission



The Mission or Purpose of my church makes me feel my participation is important. On the scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), Saints of Andrew ranked at 4.11, as compared to the Gallup Mean (Average) Score of 3.70. One would think we’d score well here, for we have an excellent mission: TO SHARE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! There are a wide variety of ways to participate in that mission, and we encourage each of our members to identify and use their own gifts and graces, but we are clear about the end, literally etched in stone above our worship space: The Mission of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church is To Share The Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The St. Andrew’s Softball Teams are started their seasons. The Co-Ed Team has won its first three games. Outstanding! Their next game is Monday, May 12 at 8:30. We have two Men’s teams. Neither is undefeated, but one is bound to chalk up a victory this Sunday evening as they play each other at 8:00. All games are played at the Kelly Fields, 120th & Fort. The Co-ed Team plays on Field #6. The Men’s Teams are on Field #1. .



Prayers of Healing

Gene W., treatment for cancer.

Roland S., friend of Christine B.

Mark & Kris B., newborn triplets.

Randy S., friend of Christen B.

Rex P., Mike’s father.

Mack J., friend of Helen H.

Connie W.’s father.

Charlie D., cancer treatment.

Bill M., Nebraska Medical Center.

Prayers of Sympathy

The family of Chris G., sister of Sandi D., at her death,

The family of Stephen J., friend of Becky L., at his passing.


Psalm 67: May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.
