Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gold Star Chili

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We begin this Wednesday morning at the airport in Baltimore . My return flight for Omaha is scheduled to board in about half an hour.

I drove in here last night after three wonderful days in Gettysburg . The highlight of this trip is easy to identify: In the early afternoon, yesterday, I walked the route of Pickett’s Charge, from the woods on Seminary Ridge to the copse of trees on the ridge opposite--about a fifteen minute walk in a very hot July sun, though, of course, I had the advantage of not being shot at along the way. Having reached Cemetery Ridge, sometimes referred to as the “high water mark” of the Confederacy, I then retraced the footsteps of the survivors, imaging R.E. Lee on his horse, at the edge of the woods where the doomed charge started, greeting those who came back with the remorseful, “It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.”



August 6, 2006

Nancy is in the pulpit

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) SUNDAY


Running second in the highlight category was Monument Park in Yankee Stadium, with the ghosts of Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris and others in the long list of pin-striped greats. I guess I can understand why George Steinbrenner wants to build a new Yankee Stadium. The concourses are cramped and new ball parks bring in big bucks via luxury boxes—as if the Yankees need more money. But Yankee Stadium is itself a genuine American monument and I hate to think that its days are numbered.


When I last wrote, I was complaining about getting ripped off by the metro system in Washington D.C. I have since utilized mass transit in New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York City and Baltimore--each an entirely safe and satisfactory experience. I'm not sure what this says about our nation's capital, but it can't be anything good.


Here are some announcements that have come in via recent e-mail:

PICTURE DIRECTORIES ARE HERE! If you had your picture taken by Olan Mills please stop by the table in the Rotunda to pick yours up today. Please note that they will not be mailed and we ask that you take only one per family. Thank you.

BLT (Boomer's Laughing Together) PROGRESSIVE PICNIC: The BLT progressive picnic has been scheduled for Saturday, August 12th, beginning at 5:00. Our hosts are Nancy and Bruce Davis, Meg and Brad H., and Susan and Craig B. Sign up sheets, as well as directions to the houses, are located on the BLT board in the narthex. Sign up to bring either an appetizer, salad or dessert - and don't forget your lawn chair!. If you're in the 40 -55 age range, or a baby boomer, please join us for fun and fellowship.

HARVEST BOUTIQUE will be having an organizational meeting on Tuesday, August 8th at 5:30. The Tenth Annual All-Church Harvest Boutique will be Saturday, October 7th. There is a lot of planning and organizing to do before the big event. If you are interested in helping with one of our committees or have any questions, please call Marsha E. We have a few crafter spaces available, if interested, please call Diane M.


It’s just past noon, now. I’m in Cincinnati , having just finished off a fine bowl of Gold Star Chili in the airport food court. If you’ve never had Gold Star Chili, it’s a concoction of chili beans over spaghetti, topped off by a large helping of shredded cheddar cheese. Um, um, um. I suppose the most memorable meal of this trip was a plate of cabbage rolls on the road to Gettysburg. This was a Pennsylvania Dutch—as in Deutchland/German—establishment. I’m not generally a cabbage eater, but it was the cheapest thing on the menu and turned out to be quite tasty, particularly when the cheese spread is factored in.


In New York City , I was delighted to procure a balcony ticket to “Sweeny Todd.” I’m not sure how I first became aware of “Sweeny.” Back in vinyl days, I had the original cast album featuring Len Cariou and Angela Lansbury; I upgraded to CD some years ago—but had never actually seen the show. The current revival stars Patty LuPone (the original “Evita”) and Michael Cerveris. Ms. LuPone was on vacation last week, but Ceveris turned in the most memorable stage performance I can remember seeing. If you’re not familiar with “Sweeny Todd,” it’s about the darkest musical imaginable (at the end of the show, seven of the ten cast members have met violent ends, while another is in a straightjacket), which is why I didn’t feel too bad seeing it without Nancy. The production was very interesting. As noted, there were ten people, including the stars, in the cast. There was no orchestra, as such; each of the ten cast members played a variety of instruments, ranging from cello to triangle, making all the music. It was a cool effect, but the orchestra union probably wasn’t real happy. To get a sense of the production, you might look at the official Sweeney Todd web site and watch the video.


I’m wrapping this up, back in Omaha, on a Thursday morning. It’s good to be home. Just received are the following:

Eric Holstein writes: Based upon a strong interest this spring, St. Andrew's is forming a fall Men's Softball team. If interested in playing, please contact Eric Holstein. ( or 493-6494) The entry deadline is Aug. 11, with games scheduled Aug. 27th to Oct. 27th (7 week season) All games are at Kelley (124th and Fort). Games could be on Sunday afternoon or week nights.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Mary Ann M., who is actively dying (friend of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers for Zach G., who is taking another very high risk treatment; pray for healing of the ITP; counts have not improved. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Inez Pellerin, in her recent passing (Joanne Croft’s mother). Prayers of joy for Julie Bennett and Andrew Sebastian, united in marriage on August 5th.


Finally, Nancy reports that Michael Patzloff’s last Sunday was an appropriately celebratory occasion for the congregation. Transitioning is always a challenge and I give Michael an A+ for the way he handled the St. Andrew’s end of things.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Remember, Bring Your Own Bible!

P.S. Nancy's BYOB Theme reminds me that we start a four-week Guys Bible Study of Mark, this Monday evening, August 7, 6:30-7:45, in the Prayer Chapel. I'll lead the group and would love to share the experience with any males of the species who would like to join us! BRD