Wednesday, September 27, 2006


October 1, 2006
Bruce Davis preaching:
COLD CASE: A Sermon On Sin, Judgment and Forgiveness
I’ve been working on my box set of the 100 Greatest Songs Of All Time, to be auctioned off on November 17. The problem now is trimming the number to a mere 100. I just decided “Hang On Sloopy” is off the list, as is Scott McKenzie’s “San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair).” Pearl Jam’s “Soldier Of Love” is gone, too, and it’s looking grim for “Conquistador.” This is like telling good friends they’re not good enough.
MARGIE W. writes: Due to a concern by teachers that there is a shortage of classroom time, we will not be doing a Children's Moment in services and then dismissing the children to their respective classrooms. We are working on other options for the children to experience worship with their families; possibly once per month. More details to come. Beginning this Sunday, Oct. 1st, ALL children will report directly to their classrooms instead of going into worship with their families and being dismissed after Children's Sermon. Thanks for your patience during our transition period!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE writes: LET’S CELEBRATE – through your gracious generosity on Communion Sunday in September, we sent $1148 to Rev. Harris, of the United Methodist Church in Gretna, Louisiana, to supplement his salary while his congregation is rebuilding. IN ADDITION, during the months of July and August, we assisted a total of 8 persons in need of help with utilities, gas to get to a new job, rent, etc., for a total of $1025. What a joy to be able to share so much with others who are in need. Our Lord said, “…just as you did it to one of the least of these, who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40). This Sunday, on the Communion serving tables, there will be a basket to receive our gifts. Thank you for caring and sharing so generously.
Pasotr Nancy will be holding an information meeting for students and parents of the 2007 confirmation class (8th graders) on October 19 at 6:30. Plans for the 2007 class will be discussed. ALSO – If there are teens older than 8th grade who have not yet had confirmation training but would like to do that, please contact Nancy or Bob and let us know. A special class for these teens is being considered at this time and we really need to know who is interested.
UMW (United Methodist Women) is hosting a presentation by Pastor Alberto Silva, Grace United Methodist Church on Thursday at 7:00pm in the LL Music Rehearsal Room. Pastor Alberto is coming to tell us about the new Mama’s Program at Casa del Pueblo and how we can get involved in this community outreach. As many of you know, St Andrew’s has partnered with Casa del Pueblo and their programs in the past – at Christmas and VBS. Please join us for an opportunity to practice our mission statement, work with another church program and share some fellowship and refreshments. Childcare will also be available for anyone who needs it!
HEIDI G. tells us: Patience Circle invites all women October 4th at 9:30am to come be inspired and energized with Biblical teachings on home management! Our guest speaker is Donna Z., with Vineyards of Joy. VOJ is a missionary outreach to the family by encouraging and equipping the woman with biblical truths and practical ideas. She will discuss her base cooking system, good stewardship in the kitchen and cleaning system. Please come with questions. Donna is fun, inspiring, life changing, will not want to miss this! Childcare is available-rsvp to Heather.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Patti M., whose cancerous liver tumors have returned; she has entered a drug study; pray for positive results and minimal side effects, for continued strength; pray, also, for her 3 young girls and her husband (sister-in-law of Lynn C.). Prayers for John G., who is experiencing health concerns (father of Pastor Nancy).
1 John 4:7-12: Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.