Thursday, October 26, 2006

Auction Addendum

As you enter the Rotunda Sunday morning you will no doubt notice the beautiful new hot tub, one of the many cool oral auction items for the St Andrews Dinner Auction, November 17, 2006 to be held at Champions Run Country Club. This year’s theme is “A Night at the Oscars” and as the name suggests it is sure to be a gala event. While we certainly have glitzy items for the auction such as the hot tub, I have been even more impressed with the type of donations that have arrived this week. I asked each of you in the service this past Sunday to ask where the Lord is leading you, maybe it is to help with the dinner auction or maybe it’s to lend your talents in other areas of St Andrews. People are donating items that are truly giving of themselves, heartfelt donations that may not be as glamorous as our Hollywood theme but add so much value to the auction. THANK YOU!

If you are still considering what you can do, we have 10 days left to receive donations, so please bring your donations and donation write ups with you this Sunday.

This Sunday is the last day to turn in items for the Sunday school baskets. Please have your child bring an item of $5 to $10 that fits their theme or you can donate cash and we will do the shopping.

Have you bought your tickets for the auction, have you invited any friends? Tickets will be on sale in the Rotunda. We can have the largest dinner auction crowd ever but not with out your help.


Greg T.