Sunday, October 29, 2006

Return Those Surveys

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
E-mail at St. Andrew’s was off-line, yesterday. I’m at Panera’s this morning and we seem to be back on-line. So I’ll try this.
The PASTOR CHARLOTTE CAMPAIGN begins tomorrow. This is our pledge campaign to support the 2007 budget. You’ll be receiving a letter from the church next week, telling you more about the process. What you’ll see this Sunday is the first in a series of three video clips in which Reverend Charlotte Mallott shares her passion for Gracious Generosity. I should add that the initiator has been yours truly, Bruce R. Davis. Charlotte is the teacher in this school, I’m the administrator ? I count it a blessing to have worked with Charlotte in this production. I find her outright inspiring and trust you will, too. I would add that the technical work of videotaping and editing is a gift from Craig S. and Mark Van K.
THIS SUNDAYOctober 29, 2006 The Time Change Sunday Special:Bruce Davis & The Julliards:“AT THE BALLET” Mark 10:13-16
One of the reasons I love baseball is that a 5’ 7” guy who wouldn’t look imposing in church softball can be the World Series MVP.
Switching sports, yesterday’s World-Herald “Voices From The Grandstand” featured a letter from “Texas grad” Tracy C. Tracy and his wife Karen are members of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, Class of 2006. Well said, Tracy.
Children’s Director NETTA P. tells us: HEROES UNMASKED was a great success due to all our volunteers! Thanks to all who helped set up, run booths, cook in the kitchen and all other duties. We had 150 kids participate, 20+ youth volunteer and many parents participate with their kids. I estimate we had about 450+ people here learning about the Bible Heroes through fun and games. What a great way to “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ” through this Halloween Alternative. We’ll definitely look at doing this again next year!
Writing for the Administrative Council, JOYCE C. asks: Please return your completed surveys to the church by Sunday (this weekend) so that the information from your survey can be included in the report. Thank you for your participation. We value your input. This Bruce again: There were suggestions about circulating the survey via A-Mail, but the software of this mailing program doesn’t seem to support that. So, I hope you received a copy via THE PASSAGE; if not, we’ll have them available this Sunday.
Speaking of A-Mail, I thought you might enjoy seeing this message received yesterday: "Pastor Bruce, Thank you so much for continuing to send me emails about your church. I was a visitor from Universal City United Methodist Church in San Antonio, TX. I went to visit my fiancé who just moved across the street into Torrey Pines apt. I absolutely love your church. To this day I talk wonderful things about my experience there. If my future husband continues in Omaha I will surely continue to assist the church. It is just so wonderful!!!"
I hope to see you tomorrow morning for “AT THE BALLET.” A lot of people have put a lot of work into this and we look forward to sharing it with you.
God bless, BRD